Indiana Code
Chapter 3. Adjudicative Proceedings
4-21.5-3-20. Hearing; Time and Place; Notice

Sec. 20. (a) The administrative law judge for the hearing shall set the time and place of the hearing and give reasonable written notice to all parties and to all persons who have filed written petitions to intervene in the matter. Unless a shorter notice is required to comply with any law or is stipulated by all parties and persons filing written requests for intervention, an agency shall give at least five (5) days notice of the hearing.
(b) The notice must include a copy of any prehearing order rendered in the matter.
(c) To the extent not included in a prehearing order accompanying it the initial hearing notice in a proceeding must include the following:
(1) The names and mailing addresses of all parties and other persons to whom notice is being given by the administrative law judge.
(2) The name, official title, and mailing address of any counsel or employee who has been designated to appear for the agency and a telephone number through which the counsel or employee can be reached.
(3) The official file or other reference number, the name of the proceeding, and a general description of the subject matter.
(4) A statement of the time, place, and nature of the hearing.
(5) A statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held.
(6) The name, official title, and mailing address of the administrative law judge and a telephone number through which information concerning hearing schedules and procedures may be obtained.
(7) A statement of the issues involved and, to the extent known to the administrative law judge, of the matters asserted by the parties.
(8) A statement that a party who fails to attend or participate in a prehearing conference, hearing, or other later stage of the proceeding may be held in default or have a proceeding dismissed under section 24 of this chapter.
(d) Subsequent hearing notices in the proceeding may omit the information described in subsections (c)(1), (c)(2), (c)(5), and (c)(8).
(e) Any notice under this section may include any other matters the administrative law judge considers desirable to expedite the proceedings.
(f) The administrative law judge shall give notice to persons other than parties and petitioners for intervention who are entitled to notice under any law. Notice under this subsection may include all types of information provided in subsections (a) through (e) or may consist of a brief statement indicating:
(1) the subject matter, parties, time, place, and nature of the hearing;
(2) the manner in which copies of the notice to the parties may be inspected and copied;
(3) the name of the administrative law judge; and
(4) a telephone number through which information concerning proceeding hearing schedules and procedures may be obtained.
As added by P.L.18-1986, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.35-1987, SEC.11.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 4. State Offices and Administration

Article 21.5. Administrative Orders and Procedures

Chapter 3. Adjudicative Proceedings

4-21.5-3-1. Service of Process; Notice by Publication

4-21.5-3-2. Time Computation

4-21.5-3-3. Notice of Orders; Additional Proceedings; Effectiveness; Stays

4-21.5-3-4. Notice Required; Licenses and Personnel Decisions; Persons Who Must Be Notified; Contents

4-21.5-3-5. Notice Required; Certain Licensing and Other Decisions; Persons Who Must Be Notified; Contents; Effectiveness of Order; Stays

4-21.5-3-6. Notice Required; Persons Who Must Receive Notice; Contents; Effective Date; Stay, Preliminary Hearing, and Resulting Order

4-21.5-3-7. Review; Petition; Denial of Petition; Preliminary Hearing

4-21.5-3-8. Sanctions; Temporary Orders

4-21.5-3-8.5. Sharing Administrative Law Judges Among Agencies; Information Concerning Administrative Law Judges

4-21.5-3-9. Ultimate Authority of Agency; Acting as or Designating an Administrative Judge; Disqualification; Procedures

4-21.5-3-10. Disqualification of Administrative Law Judge

4-21.5-3-11. Ex Parte Communications; Violations

4-21.5-3-12. Administrative Law Judge; Prohibited Acts; Disqualification

4-21.5-3-13. Disqualification; Involvement in Preadjudicative Stage

4-21.5-3-14. Record; Hearing on Motion; Burden of Proof; Standard of Review

4-21.5-3-15. Participation in Proceeding

4-21.5-3-16. Interpreters

4-21.5-3-17. Opportunity to File Documents; Copies

4-21.5-3-18. Prehearing Conference; Notice

4-21.5-3-19. Prehearing Conference; Electronic Means; Matters Considered; Prehearing Order on Pleadings

4-21.5-3-20. Hearing; Time and Place; Notice

4-21.5-3-21. Petition for Intervention

4-21.5-3-22. Administrative Orders; Enforcement

4-21.5-3-23. Summary Judgment

4-21.5-3-24. Default or Dismissal

4-21.5-3-25. Conduct of Hearing; Procedure

4-21.5-3-26. Conduct of Hearing; Evidence

4-21.5-3-27. Final Orders; Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

4-21.5-3-27.5. Attorney's Fees

4-21.5-3-28. Final Order; Authority to Issue; Proceedings

4-21.5-3-29. Orders From Other Than Ultimate Authority; Review by Ultimate Authority; Objections

4-21.5-3-30. Review by Another Agency

4-21.5-3-31. Modification of Final Order

4-21.5-3-32. Final Orders; Public Inspection; Indexing; Deletions; Precedent

4-21.5-3-33. Records

4-21.5-3-34. Informal Procedures; Rules; Final Orders

4-21.5-3-35. Additional Procedural Rights; Rules

4-21.5-3-36. Persons Presiding in Proceedings; Violations

4-21.5-3-37. Aiding in Violation