Indiana Code
Chapter 3.5. Police and Fire Merit Systems
36-8-3.5-14. Promotions; Competitive Examinations; Procedures

Sec. 14. (a) Before a written competitive examination may be held to fill a current or expected vacancy in the ranks, the members eligible to take the examination must be notified of the written materials from which the questions will be taken. The commission may employ instructors, purchase materials, and make other expenditures to provide information for applicants for promotion examinations.
(b) The identity of a member taking the written examination shall be withheld from the person or persons grading the examination, and all written examinations are confidential. The commission shall notify each member in writing of the score that the member received on the examination. The score received by a member on the written examination becomes a part of the permanent file of the member, and the member is entitled to access to this file for examination at any time.
(c) The examination papers shall be kept under the commission's supervision. A member who is aggrieved with the score received on the written examination may appeal to the commission for review of the score. The appeal must be filed within ten (10) days after notice of the score has been sent to the member. The member may review the questions incorrectly answered by the member and challenge the answer considered correct by the examiner. The commission shall either affirm the score or correct the score according to the findings of a review. The examination papers shall be retired after the two (2) year period during which the eligibility list is valid. The retired papers shall be kept for five (5) years and then destroyed.
[Local Government Recodification Citation: New.]
As added by Acts 1981, P.L.316, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.127-2017, SEC.231.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 8. Public Safety

Chapter 3.5. Police and Fire Merit Systems

36-8-3.5-1. Application of Chapter; Retention of Existing Systems; Establishment of New System

36-8-3.5-2. Definitions

36-8-3.5-3. Establishment; Separate Systems

36-8-3.5-4. Approval or Rejection of System by Members; Notice; Voting; Subsequent Proposals

36-8-3.5-5. Request to Establish System; Referendum; Legislative Action

36-8-3.5-6. Merit Commission; Establishment; Appointment of Members; Qualifications; Oath

36-8-3.5-7. Commissioners; Terms; Tenure

36-8-3.5-8. Elections; Meeting; Notice

36-8-3.5-9. Rules Governing Commission; Transaction of Business; Selection of Officers; Records; Budget

36-8-3.5-10. Rules; Adoption; Notice and Hearing

36-8-3.5-11. Department Members; Tenure; Chief; Appointment and Qualifications

36-8-3.5-12. Department Members; Appointment; Qualifications; Application; General Aptitude Test; Ratings; Eligibility List; Vacancies; Physical Agility Test; Probation

36-8-3.5-13. Promotions; Rules; Requisites; Eligibility List

36-8-3.5-14. Promotions; Competitive Examinations; Procedures

36-8-3.5-15. Performance Ratings; Rules; Appeal

36-8-3.5-16. Promotions; Certification of Eligible Members; Probation; Procedures

36-8-3.5-17. Disciplinary Actions; Grounds; Hearing; Notice; Requisites; Procedures; Appeal

36-8-3.5-18. Appeal to Court; Suspension or Dismissal; Precedence

36-8-3.5-19. Summary Disciplinary Actions; Reprimand or Suspension

36-8-3.5-19.3. Suspension or Termination of Ems Personnel; Right to Hearing and Appeal

36-8-3.5-20. Retirement Age

36-8-3.5-21. Temporary Leave of Absence; Seniority; Reinstatement

36-8-3.5-22. Rules; Printing; Copies to Department Members; Effective Date

36-8-3.5-23. Offense; Furnishing Information to Applicants