Sec. 17.5. A political subdivision must report, in the manner specified by the state board of accounts, information and data on its retiree benefits and expenditures by March 1 of each year.
As added by P.L.205-2013, SEC.345. Amended by P.L.183-2014, SEC.24; P.L.159-2020, SEC.70.
Structure Indiana Code
Chapter 8. Miscellaneous Fiscal and Administrative Provisions
36-1-8-1. Application of Chapter
36-1-8-2. Cash Change Fund; Establishment; Use
36-1-8-3. Petty Cash Fund; Establishment; Use; Reimbursement
36-1-8-5.1. Rainy Day Funds Established by Political Subdivisions; Transfers by Schools
36-1-8-6. Reversion of Unused Appropriation; Funds Received From State or the United States
36-1-8-7. Bank Deposit or Cash on Hand Constituting Pledge or Guaranty
36-1-8-8.5. Establishing Fraud Hotline
36-1-8-9. Riverboat Fund Establishment; Administration and Investment of Funds
36-1-8-9.2. Separate Fund for Deposit of County Slot Machine Wagering Fee Revenue
36-1-8-9.5. "Development Agreement"
36-1-8-10. Board; Political Affiliation of Board Appointees
36-1-8-10.5. Employee of Political Subdivision as Candidate for or Appointed to Office
36-1-8-11. Methods of Payments to Political Subdivisions or Utilities; Transaction and Other Fees
36-1-8-11.5. Payment of Claims; Electronic Funds Transfer
36-1-8-12. Special Fund for State Grant Money and Local Matching Money; Reversion of Unused Money
36-1-8-13. Referral of Dishonored Checks to Prosecuting Attorney
36-1-8-14. Three-Fourths Vote Rounded to Nearest Whole Number
36-1-8-15. Shortened Term of County Office Under Constitution; Benefits
36-1-8-16. Property Taxes Collected for Property Disposed by County Executive
36-1-8-17. Combination or Reorganization; Budgets, Rates, and Levies
36-1-8-17.5. Reporting of Information and Data on Retiree Benefits and Expenditures
36-1-8-18. Certain Tax Exempt Property; Limitation on Charges