Indiana Code
Chapter 11. Food: Eggs Offered for Sale and State Egg Board
16-42-11-5. Powers and Duties

Sec. 5. (a) The state egg board shall administer, enforce, and carry out this chapter.
(b) The state egg board shall do the following:
(1) Formulate and determine standards of quality and weights of eggs sold or offered for sale.
(2) Regulate the sale of and commerce in eggs sold or offered for sale at retail or wholesale and regulate the sale of eggs by wholesalers and retailers.
(3) Formulate and publish definitions, names, and grades of eggs and specifications for the care and handling of eggs that may be offered for sale at retail and wholesale under the terms of this chapter and for the care and handling of eggs that may be offered for sale by wholesalers and retailers as eggs fit for human consumption.
(4) Provide for and issue permits to wholesalers or retailers of eggs and provide for the registration of wholesalers and retailers of eggs.
(5) Adopt rules necessary for or incident to carrying out this chapter.
(6) Investigate and report violations of this chapter and violations of the rules of the state egg board to the proper authorities for prosecution.
(7) Revoke any registration or permit for a violation of this chapter or of the rules adopted by the state egg board.
(8) Hold four (4) regular meetings at quarterly intervals at the time and place the state egg board designates. The president of the state egg board may call special meetings of the state egg board whenever in the president's judgment it becomes necessary. The president shall call a special meeting of the state egg board upon written request of a majority of the members of the state egg board.
(9) The state egg board shall publish or cause to be published an annual report of the board's work. In addition, the state egg board may periodically publish or cause to be published and distributed other information concerning eggs.
[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 16-6-1-2(b).]
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.25. Amended by P.L.28-2009, SEC.6.