Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Licensure of Hospitals
16-21-2-17. "Born Alive"; Hospital Duties; Determination of Perinatal Level of Care; Penalties; Discipline

Sec. 17. (a) As used in this section, "born alive" means the complete expulsion or extraction from the infant's mother, at any stage of development or gestational age, of an infant who after the expulsion or extraction:
(1) breathes;
(2) has a beating heart or pulsation of the umbilical cord; or
(3) has a definite movement of voluntary muscles;
regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been cut or whether the expulsion or extraction occurs as a result of natural or induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion.
(b) If a woman who is in premature labor presents to a hospital, the hospital must inform the woman of the hospital's capabilities of treating the born alive infant and managing a high risk pregnancy. If the hospital does not have the capability to treat the premature born alive infant or the ability to manage a high risk pregnancy, the hospital must provide the woman options to get to a hospital with the appropriate level of care under the perinatal level of care designation established under IC 16-21-13.
(c) A hospital must provide:
(1) a medical screening examination; and
(2) any needed stabilizing treatment;
to an infant who is born alive, including born prematurely or with a disability, or a woman who is in premature labor.
(d) After a hospital has provided a medical screening examination under subsection (c)(1), the hospital must inform:
(1) a parent of the born alive infant of the:
(A) infant's treatment options; and
(B) hospital's determination of the appropriate level of care under the perinatal level of care designation established under IC 16-21-13; and
(2) the woman who is in premature labor of the:
(A) woman's treatment options; and
(B) hospital's determination of the appropriate level of care under the perinatal level of care designation established under IC 16-21-13.
(e) Subject to the requirements under the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, a hospital shall determine what perinatal level of care under IC 16-21-13 is appropriate for the born alive infant and mother and arrange for transport consistent with requirements adopted under IC 16-21-13-5.
(f) A hospital that violates this section is subject to the penalties under IC 16-21-3-1.
(g) A health care provider who is:
(1) licensed or certified under IC 25;
(2) employed or under contract with a hospital; and
(3) responsible for providing treatment or an examination to a born alive infant or woman with a high risk pregnancy under this chapter;
is subject to the standards of practice under IC 25-1-9. A health care provider who violates the standards of practice is subject to disciplinary sanctions under IC 25-1-9-9.
As added by P.L.198-2021, SEC.11.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 16. Health

Article 21. Hospitals

Chapter 2. Licensure of Hospitals

16-21-2-1. Application of Chapter

16-21-2-1-b. Application of Chapter

16-21-2-2. Duty to License and Regulate Hospitals, Ambulatory Outpatient Surgical Centers, Birthing Centers, and Abortion Clinics

16-21-2-2-b. Licensure of Hospitals, Ambulatory Outpatient Surgical Centers, and Birthing Centers

16-21-2-2.3. Adoption of Rules Concerning Food and Dietetic Services

16-21-2-2.5. Adoption of Rules Concerning Birthing Centers and Abortion Clinics; Penalty for Operating or Advertising the Operation of an Unlicensed Birthing Center or Abortion Clinic

16-21-2-2.5-b. Adoption of Rules Concerning Birthing Centers; Penalties

16-21-2-2.6. Inspection of Abortion Clinics

16-21-2-2.6-b. Repealed

16-21-2-3. Determination of Coverage of Chapter; Review

16-21-2-4. Repealed

16-21-2-5. Hospital Governing Board; Responsibilities

16-21-2-6. Hospital Governing Board; Disciplinary Actions; Reports; Immunity

16-21-2-7. Medical Staff; Responsibilities

16-21-2-8. Retrospective Medical Review; Medical Staff Committee Members; Immunity

16-21-2-9. Practice of Medicine Not Authorized by Chapter; Performance of Health Care Services Not Prohibited

16-21-2-10. Necessity of License

16-21-2-10-b. Necessity of License

16-21-2-11. License; Application; Form; Tax Warrant List; Disclosures

16-21-2-11-b. License Form and Information; Tax Warrant List

16-21-2-11.5. Construction Projects; Prior Notice and Hearing

16-21-2-12. License; Application; Fee

16-21-2-13. Licensure Issuance; Recognized Accrediting Organization; Investigation; Survey; Effect

16-21-2-13.5. Common Accrediting and Licensure Standards; Notification to Recognized Accrediting Organization of Changes in State Law

16-21-2-14. License; Duration; Transferability; Posting; Renewal

16-21-2-14-b. License; Duration; Transferability; Posting; Renewal

16-21-2-15. Physician to Be on Duty at All Times at Hospital With at Least 100 Beds

16-21-2-15.4. Hospital Procedures to Aid in the Identification of Newborns and Reduction of Newborn and Infant Abductions; Prerequisites to Licensure

16-21-2-15.7. Visitation; Requirements; Limitation on Number of Visitors; Immunity

16-21-2-16. Third Party Billing Notice

16-21-2-16-b. Third Party Billing Notice

16-21-2-17. "Born Alive"; Hospital Duties; Determination of Perinatal Level of Care; Penalties; Discipline