Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Licensure of Hospitals
16-21-2-15. Physician to Be on Duty at All Times at Hospital With at Least 100 Beds

Sec. 15. A hospital with at least one hundred (100) beds shall have on duty at all times at least one (1) physician licensed under IC 25-22.5. Implementation of this section shall be subject to rules promulgated by the state department of health to ensure continuous coverage by physicians licensed under IC 25-22.5 for inpatient emergencies.
As added by P.L.96-1994, SEC.1.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 16. Health

Article 21. Hospitals

Chapter 2. Licensure of Hospitals

16-21-2-1. Application of Chapter

16-21-2-1-b. Application of Chapter

16-21-2-2. Duty to License and Regulate Hospitals, Ambulatory Outpatient Surgical Centers, Birthing Centers, and Abortion Clinics

16-21-2-2-b. Licensure of Hospitals, Ambulatory Outpatient Surgical Centers, and Birthing Centers

16-21-2-2.3. Adoption of Rules Concerning Food and Dietetic Services

16-21-2-2.5. Adoption of Rules Concerning Birthing Centers and Abortion Clinics; Penalty for Operating or Advertising the Operation of an Unlicensed Birthing Center or Abortion Clinic

16-21-2-2.5-b. Adoption of Rules Concerning Birthing Centers; Penalties

16-21-2-2.6. Inspection of Abortion Clinics

16-21-2-2.6-b. Repealed

16-21-2-3. Determination of Coverage of Chapter; Review

16-21-2-4. Repealed

16-21-2-5. Hospital Governing Board; Responsibilities

16-21-2-6. Hospital Governing Board; Disciplinary Actions; Reports; Immunity

16-21-2-7. Medical Staff; Responsibilities

16-21-2-8. Retrospective Medical Review; Medical Staff Committee Members; Immunity

16-21-2-9. Practice of Medicine Not Authorized by Chapter; Performance of Health Care Services Not Prohibited

16-21-2-10. Necessity of License

16-21-2-10-b. Necessity of License

16-21-2-11. License; Application; Form; Tax Warrant List; Disclosures

16-21-2-11-b. License Form and Information; Tax Warrant List

16-21-2-11.5. Construction Projects; Prior Notice and Hearing

16-21-2-12. License; Application; Fee

16-21-2-13. Licensure Issuance; Recognized Accrediting Organization; Investigation; Survey; Effect

16-21-2-13.5. Common Accrediting and Licensure Standards; Notification to Recognized Accrediting Organization of Changes in State Law

16-21-2-14. License; Duration; Transferability; Posting; Renewal

16-21-2-14-b. License; Duration; Transferability; Posting; Renewal

16-21-2-15. Physician to Be on Duty at All Times at Hospital With at Least 100 Beds

16-21-2-15.4. Hospital Procedures to Aid in the Identification of Newborns and Reduction of Newborn and Infant Abductions; Prerequisites to Licensure

16-21-2-15.7. Visitation; Requirements; Limitation on Number of Visitors; Immunity

16-21-2-16. Third Party Billing Notice

16-21-2-16-b. Third Party Billing Notice

16-21-2-17. "Born Alive"; Hospital Duties; Determination of Perinatal Level of Care; Penalties; Discipline