Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Licensure of Hospitals
16-21-2-11.5. Construction Projects; Prior Notice and Hearing

Sec. 11.5. (a) As used in this section, "construction project" means the erection, installation, alteration, repair, or remodeling of a building or structure that, when completed, will be subject to licensure as a hospital or an ambulatory outpatient surgical center under this article. The term does not include the acquisition or installation of medical equipment or the purchase of the services of an architect, engineer, or consultant to prepare plans or studies related to a construction project.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (c), this section applies to a hospital or an ambulatory outpatient surgical center for which licensure is required under this article.
(c) This section does not apply to:
(1) a hospital or an ambulatory outpatient surgical center that is operated by the federal government or an agency of the federal government; or
(2) a construction project begun before July 1, 2005.
For purposes of this subsection, a construction project is considered to have begun on the day that the physical erection, installation, alteration, repair, or remodeling of the building or structure commences.
(d) Before the owner of:
(1) a hospital or proposed hospital may begin a construction project that is estimated by the owner to cost at least ten million dollars ($10,000,000); or
(2) an ambulatory outpatient surgical center or a proposed ambulatory outpatient surgical center may begin a construction project that is estimated by the owner to cost at least three million dollars ($3,000,000);
the owner shall hold at least two (2) public hearings concerning the construction project and publish notice of each hearing at least ten (10) days before the hearing is held.
(e) A notice published under subsection (d) must meet the standards specified for public notices in IC 5-3-1.
(f) A hearing held under subsection (d):
(1) must:
(A) be held at a location not more than ten (10) miles from the site of the construction project;
(B) be held exclusively by the owner or the owner's representative; and
(C) include an announcement from the owner or the owner's representative that provides to the public:
(i) a description of;
(ii) an estimate of the cost of; and
(iii) a statement regarding the owner's reason for;
the construction project, including a description of the health care services that will be provided by the hospital or ambulatory outpatient surgical center as a result of the construction project; and
(2) may be held:
(A) on any day of the week other than Saturday or Sunday; and
(B) at any time not earlier than 3 p.m. or later than 9 p.m.;
as determined by the owner.
(g) A hearing held as required under this section does not cause any information or materials possessed or held by the owner or the owner's employee, contractor, agent, or representative to be discoverable or considered public information or public materials.
(h) A statement or question concerning a construction project, or an objection to a construction project, that arises during a hearing held under this section may not cause a delay in or denial of the issuance of a license under this article.
(i) Compliance with this section may be enforced only by the state department.
As added by P.L.67-2005, SEC.2.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 16. Health

Article 21. Hospitals

Chapter 2. Licensure of Hospitals

16-21-2-1. Application of Chapter

16-21-2-1-b. Application of Chapter

16-21-2-2. Duty to License and Regulate Hospitals, Ambulatory Outpatient Surgical Centers, Birthing Centers, and Abortion Clinics

16-21-2-2-b. Licensure of Hospitals, Ambulatory Outpatient Surgical Centers, and Birthing Centers

16-21-2-2.3. Adoption of Rules Concerning Food and Dietetic Services

16-21-2-2.5. Adoption of Rules Concerning Birthing Centers and Abortion Clinics; Penalty for Operating or Advertising the Operation of an Unlicensed Birthing Center or Abortion Clinic

16-21-2-2.5-b. Adoption of Rules Concerning Birthing Centers; Penalties

16-21-2-2.6. Inspection of Abortion Clinics

16-21-2-2.6-b. Repealed

16-21-2-3. Determination of Coverage of Chapter; Review

16-21-2-4. Repealed

16-21-2-5. Hospital Governing Board; Responsibilities

16-21-2-6. Hospital Governing Board; Disciplinary Actions; Reports; Immunity

16-21-2-7. Medical Staff; Responsibilities

16-21-2-8. Retrospective Medical Review; Medical Staff Committee Members; Immunity

16-21-2-9. Practice of Medicine Not Authorized by Chapter; Performance of Health Care Services Not Prohibited

16-21-2-10. Necessity of License

16-21-2-10-b. Necessity of License

16-21-2-11. License; Application; Form; Tax Warrant List; Disclosures

16-21-2-11-b. License Form and Information; Tax Warrant List

16-21-2-11.5. Construction Projects; Prior Notice and Hearing

16-21-2-12. License; Application; Fee

16-21-2-13. Licensure Issuance; Recognized Accrediting Organization; Investigation; Survey; Effect

16-21-2-13.5. Common Accrediting and Licensure Standards; Notification to Recognized Accrediting Organization of Changes in State Law

16-21-2-14. License; Duration; Transferability; Posting; Renewal

16-21-2-14-b. License; Duration; Transferability; Posting; Renewal

16-21-2-15. Physician to Be on Duty at All Times at Hospital With at Least 100 Beds

16-21-2-15.4. Hospital Procedures to Aid in the Identification of Newborns and Reduction of Newborn and Infant Abductions; Prerequisites to Licensure

16-21-2-15.7. Visitation; Requirements; Limitation on Number of Visitors; Immunity

16-21-2-16. Third Party Billing Notice

16-21-2-16-b. Third Party Billing Notice

16-21-2-17. "Born Alive"; Hospital Duties; Determination of Perinatal Level of Care; Penalties; Discipline