(50 ILCS 615/1)
Sec. 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Local Government Facility Lease Act.
(Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06.)
(50 ILCS 615/5)
Sec. 5. Definitions. As used in this Act:
"Facility property" means property owned by a municipality with a population of over
inhabitants, or a unit of local government whose jurisdiction includes
territory located in
whole or in part within a municipality with a population of over 500,000
that is used by the municipality or other unit of local government for the purpose of an airport, parking, or waste disposal or processing. "Airport", however, does not include any airport property, as defined under Section 10 of the O'Hare Modernization Act.
"Leased facility property" means facility property that is leased to a private entity for continued use for the same airport, parking, or waste disposal or processing purpose.
(Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06.)
(50 ILCS 615/10)
Sec. 10. Compliance with applicable ordinances. Each party to whom facility property is leased shall comply with all applicable ordinances of the municipality in which the property is located governing contracting with minority-owned and women-owned businesses and prohibiting discrimination and requiring appropriate affirmative action, to the extent permitted by law and federal funding restrictions, as if the party to whom the property is leased were that municipality.
(Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06.)
(50 ILCS 615/15)
Sec. 15. Limitation on the expansion of airport property. Chicago Midway International Airport is facility property used for airport purposes under this Act. No runway of Chicago Midway International Airport shall be expanded beyond the territory bounded by 55th Street on the north, Cicero Avenue on the east, 63rd Street on the south, and Central Avenue on the west, as those avenues and streets are situated on the effective date of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06.)
(50 ILCS 615/20)
Sec. 20. Use of lease proceeds by lessor.
(a) With respect to any leased facility property used for airport purposes, at least 90% of the net proceeds of the lease shall be expended or obligated by the lessor municipality for:
(b) The amount of net proceeds expended or obligated for item (ii) in subsection (a) may not exceed the amount of net proceeds expended or obligated for item (i) in subsection (a). As used in this Section, "net proceeds" means the gross proceeds less any debt service payments on, and payments to retire, debt that is specifically associated with the leased facility property or otherwise required to be paid out of lease proceeds.
(Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06.)
(50 ILCS 615/25)
Sec. 25. Project labor agreements for projects funded by airport lease proceeds. With respect to the construction of public works funded by the proceeds described in Section 20, where the project has an estimated contract value of $500,000 or more, where there has been a written determination that the public interest in cost, timely and orderly construction, labor stability, and advancement of minority-owned and women-owned businesses and minority and female employment would be served by a project labor agreement, and where not otherwise prohibited by applicable law, the municipality or municipal corporation responsible for implementing the project shall in good faith negotiate a project labor agreement with labor organizations engaged in the construction industry. Any project labor agreement shall:
(Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06.)
(50 ILCS 615/30)
Sec. 30. Labor neutrality and card check procedure agreement at the leased property. With respect to employees assigned to work on the premises of leased facility property used for airport purposes and who are not otherwise members of an existing bargaining unit cognizable under the National Labor Relations Act, and where not otherwise prohibited by applicable law, the lessee shall negotiate in good faith, with any union that seeks to represent its employees, for a labor neutrality and card check procedure agreement. The agreement shall apply only to employees actually assigned to work on the premises of the leased facility property used for airport purposes and shall have no applicability to employees not so assigned. The agreement shall contain provisions accomplishing the following objectives: resolution by a third party neutral of disagreements regarding bargaining unit scope, inclusions, and exclusions; determination of the existence of majority support for a bargaining agent by means of a card check procedure; employer neutrality; prohibition of coercion or intimidation of employees by either the employer or the union; and a prohibition on strikes, work stoppages, or picketing for the duration of the agreement.
(Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06.)
(50 ILCS 615/35)
Sec. 35. Wage requirements. In order to protect the wages, working conditions, and job opportunities of employees employed by the lessee of leased facility property used for airport purposes to perform work on the site of the leased premises previously performed by employees of the lessor on the site of the leased premises and who were in recognized bargaining units at the time of the lease, the lessee, and any subcontractor retained by the lessee to perform such work on the site of the leased premises, shall be required to pay to those employees an amount not less than the economic equivalent of the standard of wages and benefits enjoyed by the lessor's employees who previously performed that work. The lessor shall certify to the lessee the amount of wages and benefits (or their equivalent) as of the time of the lease, and any changes to those amounts as they may occur during the term of the lease. All projects at the leased facility property used for airport purposes shall be considered public works for purposes of the Prevailing Wage Act.
(Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06.)
(50 ILCS 615/40)
Sec. 40. Required offers of employment. As part of any transaction to lease facility property that is used for airport purposes:
(Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06.)
(50 ILCS 615/45)
Sec. 45. Judicial enforcement. The provisions of this Act are judicially enforceable by injunctive relief and an award of actual damages.
(Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06.)
(50 ILCS 615/50)
Sec. 50. Home rule preemption; exemption from State Mandates Act.
(a) A home rule unit may not exercise its home rule powers and functions in a manner that is inconsistent with this Act. This subsection is a limitation under subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the concurrent exercise by home rule units of powers and functions exercised by the State.
(b) Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8 of the State Mandates Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for the implementation of any mandate created by this Act.
(Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06.)
(50 ILCS 615/900)
Sec. 900. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06; text omitted.)
(50 ILCS 615/905)
Sec. 905. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06; text omitted.)
(50 ILCS 615/910)
Sec. 910. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06; text omitted.)
(50 ILCS 615/915)
Sec. 915. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06; text omitted.)
(50 ILCS 615/999)
Sec. 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming law.
(Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06.)
Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes
50 ILCS 5/ - Emergency Government Relocation Act.
50 ILCS 10/ - Regional Council Act.
50 ILCS 15/ - Regional Planning Commission Act.
50 ILCS 20/ - Public Building Commission Act.
50 ILCS 25/ - Local Government Air Rights Act.
50 ILCS 30/ - Exhibition Council Act.
50 ILCS 35/ - Local Government Antitrust Exemption Act.
50 ILCS 40/ - Foreign Trade Zones Act.
50 ILCS 45/ - Local Government Taxpayers' Bill of Rights Act.
50 ILCS 50/ - Property Assessed Clean Energy Act
50 ILCS 55/ - Local Government Electronic Notification Act.
50 ILCS 60/ - Local Volunteer Board Member Removal Act.
50 ILCS 65/ - Community Energy, Climate, and Jobs Planning Act.
50 ILCS 70/ - Decennial Committees on Local Government Efficiency Act.
50 ILCS 105/ - Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act.
50 ILCS 110/ - Public Officer Simultaneous Tenure Act.
50 ILCS 115/ - Time Off for Official Meetings Act.
50 ILCS 122/ - Local Government Disaster Service Volunteer Act.
50 ILCS 125/ - Government Salary Withholding Act.
50 ILCS 130/ - Local Historian Act.
50 ILCS 135/ - Local Governmental Employees Political Rights Act.
50 ILCS 145/ - Local Government Officer Compensation Act.
50 ILCS 150/ - Local Government Travel Expense Control Act.
50 ILCS 155/ - Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act.
50 ILCS 205/ - Local Records Act.
50 ILCS 220/ - Municipal Adoption of Codes and Records Act.
50 ILCS 305/ - Local Government Financial Statement Act.
50 ILCS 310/ - Governmental Account Audit Act.
50 ILCS 315/ - Fee Deposit Act.
50 ILCS 320/ - Local Government Financial Planning and Supervision Act.
50 ILCS 325/ - Relief Tax Authorization Act.
50 ILCS 330/ - Illinois Municipal Budget Law.
50 ILCS 335/ - Municipality and Sanitary District Mutual Expenditure Act.
50 ILCS 340/ - Investment of Municipal Funds Act.
50 ILCS 345/ - Local Governmental Acceptance of Credit Cards Act.
50 ILCS 350/ - Community Self-Revitalization Act.
50 ILCS 355/ - Local Government Revenue Recapture Act.
50 ILCS 405/ - Local Government Debt Limitation Act.
50 ILCS 410/ - Local Government Credit Enhancement Act.
50 ILCS 415/ - Local Government Defeasance of Debt Law.
50 ILCS 420/ - Tax Anticipation Note Act.
50 ILCS 425/ - Revenue Anticipation Act.
50 ILCS 430/ - Warrants and Jurors Certificates Act.
50 ILCS 440/ - Local Government Bond Validity Act.
50 ILCS 445/ - Industrial Building Revenue Bond Act.
50 ILCS 450/ - Medical Service Facility Act.
50 ILCS 455/ - Medical Service Facility Revenue Bond Act.
50 ILCS 460/ - Special Assessment Supplemental Bond and Procedures Act.
50 ILCS 465/ - Local Government Housing Finance Act.
50 ILCS 470/ - Innovation Development and Economy Act.
50 ILCS 505/ - Local Government Prompt Payment Act.
50 ILCS 510/ - Local Government Professional Services Selection Act.
50 ILCS 515/ - Local Government Energy Conservation Act.
50 ILCS 520/ - Soybean Ink Act.
50 ILCS 525/ - Public Works Contract Change Order Act.
50 ILCS 530/ - Local Government Electronic Reverse Auction Act (enacted by P.A. 96-588).
50 ILCS 531/ - Local Government Electronic Reverse Auction Act (enacted by P.A. 96-795).
50 ILCS 605/ - Local Government Property Transfer Act.
50 ILCS 610/ - Public Graveyards Act.
50 ILCS 615/ - Local Government Facility Lease Act.
50 ILCS 705/ - Illinois Police Training Act.
50 ILCS 706/ - Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body Camera Act.
50 ILCS 707/ - Law Enforcement Camera Grant Act.
50 ILCS 708/ - Law Enforcement Intern Training Act.
50 ILCS 709/ - Uniform Crime Reporting Act.
50 ILCS 710/ - Peace Officer and Probation Officer Firearm Training Act.
50 ILCS 712/ - Law Enforcement Officer Bulletproof Vest Act.
50 ILCS 715/ - Law Enforcement Salary Grant Act.
50 ILCS 720/ - Intergovernmental Law Enforcement Officer's In-Service Training Act.
50 ILCS 722/ - Missing Persons Identification Act.
50 ILCS 725/ - Uniform Peace Officers' Disciplinary Act.
50 ILCS 727/ - Police and Community Relations Improvement Act.
50 ILCS 730/ - Parade Police Protection Charge Waiver Act.
50 ILCS 740/ - Illinois Fire Protection Training Act.
50 ILCS 741/ - Regional Fire Protection Agency Act.
50 ILCS 742/ - Fire Department Promotion Act.
50 ILCS 745/ - Firemen's Disciplinary Act.
50 ILCS 748/ - Volunteer Emergency Worker Job Protection Act.
50 ILCS 750/ - Emergency Telephone System Act.
50 ILCS 752/ - Illinois Public Safety Agency Network Act.
50 ILCS 753/ - Prepaid Wireless 9-1-1 Surcharge Act.
50 ILCS 754/ - Community Emergency Services and Support Act.
50 ILCS 755/ - Water Rescue Act.
50 ILCS 805/ - Local Land Resource Management Planning Act.
50 ILCS 810/ - Building Code Violation Notice Posting Act.
50 ILCS 815/ - Flood Damage Prevention Act.
50 ILCS 820/ - Bed and Breakfast Act.
50 ILCS 825/ - Rent Control Preemption Act.
50 ILCS 830/ - Contractor Unified License and Permit Bond Act.