(50 ILCS 470/1)
Sec. 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Innovation Development and Economy Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
(50 ILCS 470/5)
Sec. 5. Purpose. It is hereby found and declared that the purpose of this Act is to promote, stimulate, and develop the general and economic welfare of the State of Illinois and its communities and to assist in the development and redevelopment of major tourism, entertainment, retail, and related destination projects within eligible areas of the State, thereby creating new jobs, stimulating significant capital investment, and promoting the general welfare of the citizens of this State, by authorizing municipalities and counties to issue sales tax and revenue (STAR) bonds for the financing of STAR bond projects as defined in Section 10, and to otherwise exercise the powers and authorities granted to municipalities. It is further found and declared to be the policy of the State, in the interest of promoting the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of all the people of the State, to provide incentives to create new job opportunities and to promote major tourism, entertainment, retail, and related destination projects within the State. It is further found and declared:
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
(50 ILCS 470/10)
Sec. 10. Definitions. As used in this Act, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:
"Base year" means the calendar year immediately prior to the calendar year in which the STAR bond district is established.
"Commence work" means the manifest commencement of actual operations on the development site, such as, erecting a building, general on-site and off-site grading and utility installations, commencing design and construction documentation, ordering lead-time materials, excavating the ground to lay a foundation or a basement, or work of like description which a reasonable person would recognize as being done with the intention and purpose to continue work until the project is completed.
"County" means the county in which a proposed STAR bond district is located.
"De minimis" means an amount less than 15% of the land area within a STAR bond district.
"Department of Revenue" means the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois.
"Destination user" means an owner, operator, licensee, co-developer, subdeveloper, or tenant (i) that operates a business within a STAR bond district that is a retail store having at least 150,000 square feet of sales floor area; (ii) that at the time of opening does not have another Illinois location within a 70 mile radius; (iii) that has an annual average of not less than 30% of customers who travel from at least 75 miles away or from out-of-state, as demonstrated by data from a comparable existing store or stores, or, if there is no comparable existing store, as demonstrated by an economic analysis that shows that the proposed retailer will have an annual average of not less than 30% of customers who travel from at least 75 miles away or from out-of-state; and (iv) that makes an initial capital investment, including project costs and other direct costs, of not less than $30,000,000 for such retail store.
"Destination hotel" means a hotel (as that term is defined in Section 2 of the Hotel Operators' Occupation Tax Act) complex having at least 150 guest rooms and which also includes a venue for entertainment attractions, rides, or other activities oriented toward the entertainment and amusement of its guests and other patrons.
"Developer" means any individual, corporation, trust, estate, partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, or other entity. The term does not include a not-for-profit entity, political subdivision, or other agency or instrumentality of the State.
"Director" means the Director of Revenue, who shall consult with the Director of Commerce and Economic Opportunity in any approvals or decisions required by the Director under this Act.
"Economic impact study" means a study conducted by an independent economist to project the financial benefit of the proposed STAR bond project to the local, regional, and State economies, consider the proposed adverse impacts on similar projects and businesses, as well as municipalities within the projected market area, and draw conclusions about the net effect of the proposed STAR bond project on the local, regional, and State economies. A copy of the economic impact study shall be provided to the Director for review.
"Eligible area" means any improved or vacant area that (i) is contiguous and is not, in the aggregate, less than 250 acres nor more than 500 acres which must include only parcels of real property directly and substantially benefited by the proposed STAR bond district plan, (ii) is adjacent to a federal interstate highway, (iii) is within one mile of 2 State highways, (iv) is within one mile of an entertainment user, or a major or minor league sports stadium or other similar entertainment venue that had an initial capital investment of at least $20,000,000, and (v) includes land that was previously surface or strip mined. The area may be bisected by streets, highways, roads, alleys, railways, bike paths, streams, rivers, and other waterways and still be deemed contiguous. In addition, in order to constitute an eligible area one of the following requirements must be satisfied and all of which are subject to the review and approval of the Director as provided in subsection (d) of Section 15:
"Entertainment user" means an owner, operator, licensee, co-developer, subdeveloper, or tenant that operates a business within a STAR bond district that has a primary use of providing a venue for entertainment attractions, rides, or other activities oriented toward the entertainment and amusement of its patrons, occupies at least 20 acres of land in the STAR bond district, and makes an initial capital investment, including project costs and other direct and indirect costs, of not less than $25,000,000 for that venue.
"Feasibility study" means a feasibility study as defined in subsection (b) of Section 20.
"Infrastructure" means the public improvements and private improvements that serve the public purposes set forth in Section 5 of this Act and that benefit the STAR bond district or any STAR bond projects, including, but not limited to, streets, drives and driveways, traffic and directional signs and signals, parking lots and parking facilities, interchanges, highways, sidewalks, bridges, underpasses and overpasses, bike and walking trails, sanitary storm sewers and lift stations, drainage conduits, channels, levees, canals, storm water detention and retention facilities, utilities and utility connections, water mains and extensions, and street and parking lot lighting and connections.
"Local sales taxes" means any locally-imposed taxes received by a municipality, county, or other local governmental entity arising from sales by retailers and servicemen within a STAR bond district, including business district sales taxes and STAR bond occupation taxes, and that portion of the net revenue realized under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, and the Service Occupation Tax Act from transactions at places of business located within a STAR bond district, including that portion of the net revenue that would have been realized but for the reduction of the rate to 0% under this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly, that is deposited or, under this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly, transferred into the Local Government Tax Fund and the County and Mass Transit District Fund. For the purpose of this Act, "local sales taxes" does not include (i) any taxes authorized pursuant to the Local Mass Transit District Act or the Metro-East Park and Recreation District Act for so long as the applicable taxing district does not impose a tax on real property, (ii) county school facility and resources occupation taxes imposed pursuant to Section 5-1006.7 of the Counties Code, or (iii) any taxes authorized under the Flood Prevention District Act.
"Local sales tax increment" means, except as otherwise provided in this Section, with respect to local sales taxes administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, (i) all of the local sales tax paid (plus all of the local sales tax that would have been paid but for the reduction of the rate to 0% under this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly) by destination users, destination hotels, and entertainment users that is in excess of the local sales tax paid (plus all of the local sales tax that would have been paid but for the reduction of the rate to 0% under this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly) by destination users, destination hotels, and entertainment users for the same month in the base year, as determined by the Illinois Department of Revenue, (ii) in the case of a municipality forming a STAR bond district that is wholly within the corporate boundaries of the municipality and in the case of a municipality and county forming a STAR bond district that is only partially within such municipality, that portion of the local sales tax paid (plus the local sales tax that would have been paid but for the reduction of the rate to 0% under this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly) by taxpayers that are not destination users, destination hotels, or entertainment users that is in excess of the local sales tax paid (plus the local sales tax that would have been paid but for the reduction of the rate to 0% under this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly) by taxpayers that are not destination users, destination hotels, or entertainment users for the same month in the base year, as determined by the Illinois Department of Revenue, and (iii) in the case of a county in which a STAR bond district is formed that is wholly within a municipality, that portion of the local sales tax paid by taxpayers that are not destination users, destination hotels, or entertainment users that is in excess of the local sales tax paid by taxpayers that are not destination users, destination hotels, or entertainment users for the same month in the base year, as determined by the Illinois Department of Revenue, but only if the corporate authorities of the county adopts an ordinance, and files a copy with the Department within the same time frames as required for STAR bond occupation taxes under Section 31, that designates the taxes referenced in this clause (iii) as part of the local sales tax increment under this Act. "Local sales tax increment" means, with respect to local sales taxes administered by a municipality, county, or other unit of local government, that portion of the local sales tax that is in excess of the local sales tax for the same month in the base year, as determined by the respective municipality, county, or other unit of local government. If any portion of local sales taxes are, at the time of formation of a STAR bond district, already subject to tax increment financing under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, then the local sales tax increment for such portion shall be frozen at the base year established in accordance with this Act, and all future incremental increases shall be included in the "local sales tax increment" under this Act. Any party otherwise entitled to receipt of incremental local sales tax revenues through an existing tax increment financing district shall be entitled to continue to receive such revenues up to the amount frozen in the base year. Nothing in this Act shall affect the prior qualification of existing redevelopment project costs incurred that are eligible for reimbursement under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act. In such event, prior to approving a STAR bond district, the political subdivision forming the STAR bond district shall take such action as is necessary, including amending the existing tax increment financing district redevelopment plan, to carry out the provisions of this Act. The Illinois Department of Revenue shall allocate the local sales tax increment only if the local sales tax is administered by the Department. "Local sales tax increment" does not include taxes and penalties collected on aviation fuel, as defined in Section 3 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax, sold on or after December 1, 2019 and through December 31, 2020.
"Market study" means a study to determine the ability of the proposed STAR bond project to gain market share locally and regionally and to remain profitable past the term of repayment of STAR bonds.
"Master developer" means a developer cooperating with a political subdivision to plan, develop, and implement a STAR bond project plan for a STAR bond district. Subject to the limitations of Section 25, the master developer may work with and transfer certain development rights to other developers for the purpose of implementing STAR bond project plans and achieving the purposes of this Act. A master developer for a STAR bond district shall be appointed by a political subdivision in the resolution establishing the STAR bond district, and the master developer must, at the time of appointment, own or have control of, through purchase agreements, option contracts, or other means, not less than 50% of the acreage within the STAR bond district and the master developer or its affiliate must have ownership or control on June 1, 2010.
"Master development agreement" means an agreement between the master developer and the political subdivision to govern a STAR bond district and any STAR bond projects.
"Municipality" means the city, village, or incorporated town in which a proposed STAR bond district is located.
"Pledged STAR revenues" means those sales tax and revenues and other sources of funds pledged to pay debt service on STAR bonds or to pay project costs pursuant to Section 30. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the following revenues shall not constitute pledged STAR revenues or be available to pay principal and interest on STAR bonds: any State sales tax increment or local sales tax increment from a retail entity initiating operations in a STAR bond district while terminating operations at another Illinois location within 25 miles of the STAR bond district. For purposes of this paragraph, "terminating operations" means a closing of a retail operation that is directly related to the opening of the same operation or like retail entity owned or operated by more than 50% of the original ownership in a STAR bond district within one year before or after initiating operations in the STAR bond district, but it does not mean closing an operation for reasons beyond the control of the retail entity, as documented by the retail entity, subject to a reasonable finding by the municipality (or county if such retail operation is not located within a municipality) in which the terminated operations were located that the closed location contained inadequate space, had become economically obsolete, or was no longer a viable location for the retailer or serviceman.
"Political subdivision" means a municipality or county which undertakes to establish a STAR bond district pursuant to the provisions of this Act.
"Project costs" means and includes the sum total of all costs incurred or estimated to be incurred on or following the date of establishment of a STAR bond district that are reasonable or necessary to implement a STAR bond district plan or any STAR bond project plans, or both, including costs incurred for public improvements and private improvements that serve the public purposes set forth in Section 5 of this Act. Such costs include without limitation the following:
Except as specified in items (a) through (m), "project costs" shall not include:
"Project development agreement" means any one or more agreements, including any amendments thereto, between a master developer and any co-developer or subdeveloper in connection with a STAR bond project, which project development agreement may include the political subdivision as a party.
"Projected market area" means any area within the State in which a STAR bond district or STAR bond project is projected to have a significant fiscal or market impact as determined by the Director.
"Resolution" means a resolution, order, ordinance, or other appropriate form of legislative action of a political subdivision or other applicable public entity approved by a vote of a majority of a quorum at a meeting of the governing body of the political subdivision or applicable public entity.
"STAR bond" means a sales tax and revenue bond, note, or other obligation payable from pledged STAR revenues and issued by a political subdivision, the proceeds of which shall be used only to pay project costs as defined in this Act.
"STAR bond district" means the specific area declared to be an eligible area as determined by the political subdivision, and approved by the Director, in which the political subdivision may develop one or more STAR bond projects.
"STAR bond district plan" means the preliminary or conceptual plan that generally identifies the proposed STAR bond project areas and identifies in a general manner the buildings, facilities, and improvements to be constructed or improved in each STAR bond project area.
"STAR bond project" means a project within a STAR bond district which is approved pursuant to Section 20.
"STAR bond project area" means the geographic area within a STAR bond district in which there may be one or more STAR bond projects.
"STAR bond project plan" means the written plan adopted by a political subdivision for the development of a STAR bond project in a STAR bond district; the plan may include, but is not limited to, (i) project costs incurred prior to the date of the STAR bond project plan and estimated future STAR bond project costs, (ii) proposed sources of funds to pay those costs, (iii) the nature and estimated term of any obligations to be issued by the political subdivision to pay those costs, (iv) the most recent equalized assessed valuation of the STAR bond project area, (v) an estimate of the equalized assessed valuation of the STAR bond district or applicable project area after completion of a STAR bond project, (vi) a general description of the types of any known or proposed developers, users, or tenants of the STAR bond project or projects included in the plan, (vii) a general description of the type, structure, and character of the property or facilities to be developed or improved, (viii) a description of the general land uses to apply to the STAR bond project, and (ix) a general description or an estimate of the type, class, and number of employees to be employed in the operation of the STAR bond project.
"State sales tax" means all of the net revenue realized under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, and the Service Occupation Tax Act from transactions at places of business located within a STAR bond district, excluding that portion of the net revenue realized under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, and the Service Occupation Tax Act from transactions at places of business located within a STAR bond district that is deposited into the Local Government Tax Fund and the County and Mass Transit District Fund.
"State sales tax increment" means (i) 100% of that portion of the State sales tax that is in excess of the State sales tax for the same month in the base year, as determined by the Department of Revenue, from transactions at up to 2 destination users, one destination hotel, and one entertainment user located within a STAR bond district, which destination users, destination hotel, and entertainment user shall be designated by the master developer and approved by the political subdivision and the Director in conjunction with the applicable STAR bond project approval, and (ii) 25% of that portion of the State sales tax that is in excess of the State sales tax for the same month in the base year, as determined by the Department of Revenue, from all other transactions within a STAR bond district. If any portion of State sales taxes are, at the time of formation of a STAR bond district, already subject to tax increment financing under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, then the State sales tax increment for such portion shall be frozen at the base year established in accordance with this Act, and all future incremental increases shall be included in the State sales tax increment under this Act. Any party otherwise entitled to receipt of incremental State sales tax revenues through an existing tax increment financing district shall be entitled to continue to receive such revenues up to the amount frozen in the base year. Nothing in this Act shall affect the prior qualification of existing redevelopment project costs incurred that are eligible for reimbursement under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act. In such event, prior to approving a STAR bond district, the political subdivision forming the STAR bond district shall take such action as is necessary, including amending the existing tax increment financing district redevelopment plan, to carry out the provisions of this Act.
"Substantial change" means a change wherein the proposed STAR bond project plan differs substantially in size, scope, or use from the approved STAR bond district plan or STAR bond project plan.
"Taxpayer" means an individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, trust, estate, or other entity that is subject to the Illinois Income Tax Act.
"Total development costs" means the aggregate public and private investment in a STAR bond district, including project costs and other direct and indirect costs related to the development of the STAR bond district.
"Traditional retail use" means the operation of a business that derives at least 90% of its annual gross revenue from sales at retail, as that phrase is defined by Section 1 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, but does not include the operations of destination users, entertainment users, restaurants, hotels, retail uses within hotels, or any other non-retail uses.
"Vacant" means that portion of the land in a proposed STAR bond district that is not occupied by a building, facility, or other vertical improvement.
(Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-455, eff. 8-23-19; 101-604, eff. 12-13-19; 102-700, eff. 4-19-22.)
(50 ILCS 470/15)
Sec. 15. Establishment of STAR bond district. The governing body of a municipality may establish a STAR bond district within an eligible area within the municipality or partially outside the boundaries of the municipality in an unincorporated area of the county. A STAR bond district which is partially outside the boundaries of the municipality must also be approved by the governing body of the county by the passage of a resolution. The governing body of a county may establish a STAR bond district in an eligible area in any unincorporated area of the county.
(a) When a political subdivision proposes to establish a STAR bond district, the political subdivision shall adopt a resolution stating that the political subdivision is considering the establishment of a STAR bond district. The resolution shall:
(b) Upon the conclusion of the public hearing the governing body of the political subdivision may consider a resolution to establish the STAR bond district.
(c) Upon the establishment of a STAR bond district, the STAR bond district and any STAR bond projects shall be governed by a master development agreement between the political subdivision and the master developer. A STAR bond district that is partially outside the boundaries of a municipality shall only require one master development agreement; the agreement shall be between the municipality and the master developer. In no event shall there be more than one master development agreement governing the terms and conditions of a STAR bond district.
The master development agreement shall require the master developer to ensure compliance with the following requirements to reduce the ecological impact of the STAR bond district development: (i) inclusion of pollution prevention, erosion, and sedimentation control plans during construction; (ii) protection of endangered species' habitat and wetlands mitigation; (iii) preservation of at least 20% of the STAR bond district as green space, including lawns, parks, landscaped areas, paths, lakes, ponds, and other water features; (iv) promotion of the use of renewable energy to the extent commercially feasible; (v) promotion of access to mass transit and bicycle transportation; (vi) implementation of recycling programs during construction and at completed STAR bond projects; (vii) preservation of water quality and promotion of water conservation through the use of techniques such as reusing storm water and landscaping with native and low-maintenance vegetation to reduce the need for irrigation and fertilization; (viii) inclusion of comprehensive lighting programs that reduce light pollution within the STAR bond district; and (ix) promotion of shared parking between different users to reduce the impact on project sites.
(d) Upon adoption of the resolution to establish a STAR
bond district, the political subdivision shall submit the proposed
STAR bond district to the Director for consideration. The Director
may only approve a STAR bond district if the Director finds that: (i)
the proposed STAR bond district is an eligible area, (ii) the STAR
bond district plan includes a projected capital investment of at least $100,000,000, (iii) the STAR bond district plan is reasonably
projected to produce at least $100,000,000 of annual gross sales
revenues and 500 new jobs, (iv) the STAR bond district plan
includes potential destination users and a potential entertainment
user, (v) the creation of the STAR bond district and STAR bond
district plan are in accordance with the purpose of this Act and the
public interest, and (vi) the STAR bond district and STAR bond
district plan meet any other requirement that the Director deems
appropriate. If a proposed STAR bond district meets all of the
foregoing criteria, the Director shall not unreasonably withhold its
approval of the proposed STAR bond district. The Director may
only approve one STAR bond district within any projected market
area. However, the Director may approve additional STAR bond
districts in a single projected market area provided that the Director
finds that the additional STAR bond district will not thwart the
purposes of this Act. The Director shall promptly send a copy of its
written findings and approval or denial of a STAR bond district to
the requesting political subdivision.
(e) Starting on the fifth anniversary of the first date of distribution of State sales tax revenues from the first STAR bond project in the STAR bond district and continuing each anniversary thereafter, the Director shall, in consultation with the political subdivision and the master developer, determine the total number of new jobs created within the STAR bond district, the total development cost to date, and the master developer's compliance with its obligations under any written agreements with the State. If, on the fifth anniversary of the first date of distribution of State sales tax revenues from the first STAR bond project in the STAR bond district, the Director determines that the total development cost to date is not equal to or greater than $100,000,000, or that the master developer is in breach of any written agreement with the State, then no new STAR bonds may be issued in the STAR bond district until the total development cost exceeds $100,000,000 or the breach of agreement is cured, or both. If, on the fifth anniversary of the first date of distribution of State sales tax revenues from the first STAR bond project in the STAR bond district, there are not at least 500 jobs existing in the STAR bond district, the State may require the master developer to pay the State a penalty of $1,500 per job under 500 each year until the earlier of (i) the twenty-third anniversary of the first date of distribution of State sales tax revenues from the first STAR bond project in the STAR bond district, (ii) the date that all STAR bonds issued in the STAR bond district have been paid off, or (iii) the date that at least 500 jobs have been created in the STAR bond district. Upon creation of 500 jobs in the STAR bond district, there shall not be an ongoing obligation to maintain those jobs after the fifth anniversary of the first date of distribution of State sales tax revenues from the first STAR bond project in the STAR bond district, and the master developer shall be relieved of any liability with respect to job creation under this subsection. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this subsection, the master developer shall not be liable for the penalties set forth under this subsection if the breach of agreement, failure to reach at least $100,000,000 in total development costs, or failure to create 500 jobs is due to delays caused by force majeure, as that term shall be defined in the master development agreement.
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
(50 ILCS 470/20)
Sec. 20. Approval of STAR bond projects. The governing body of a political subdivision may establish one or more STAR bond projects in any STAR bond district. A STAR bond project which is partially outside the boundaries of a municipality must also be approved by the governing body of the county by resolution.
(a) After the establishment of a STAR bond district, the master developer may propose one or more STAR bond projects to a political subdivision and the master developer shall, in cooperation with the political subdivision, prepare a STAR bond project plan in consultation with the planning commission of the political subdivision, if any. The STAR bond project plan may be implemented in separate development stages.
(b) Any political subdivision considering a STAR bond project within a STAR bond district shall notify the Department, which shall cause to be prepared an independent feasibility study by a feasibility consultant with certified copies provided to the political subdivision, the Director, and the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. The feasibility study shall include the following:
The feasibility consultant, along with the independent economist and any other consultants commissioned to perform the studies and other analysis required by the feasibility study, shall be selected by the Director with the approval of the political subdivision. The consultants shall be retained by the
Director and the Department shall be reimbursed by the master
developer for the costs to retain the consultants.
The failure to include all information enumerated in this subsection in the feasibility study for a STAR bond project shall not affect the validity of STAR bonds issued pursuant to this Act.
(c) If the political subdivision determines the STAR bond project is feasible, the STAR bond project plan shall include:
(d) Before a political subdivision may hold a public
hearing to consider a STAR bond project plan, the political subdivision must apply to the Department for approval of the STAR
bond project plan. An application for approval of a STAR bond
project plan must not be approved unless all of the components of
the feasibility study set forth in items (1) through (11) of subsection
(b) have been completed and submitted to the Department for
review. In addition to reviewing all of the other elements of the
STAR bond project plan required under subsection (c), which must
be included in the application (which plan must include a letter or
letters of intent as required under subdivision (c)(5) in order to
receive Director approval), the Director must review the feasibility
study and consider all of the components of the feasibility study set
forth in items (1) through (11) of subsection (b) of Section 20,
including without limitation the economic impact study and the
financial benefit of the proposed STAR bond project to the local,
regional, and State economies, the proposed adverse impacts on
similar businesses and projects as well as municipalities within the
market area, and the net effect of the proposed STAR bond project
on the local, regional, and State economies. In addition to the
economic impact study, the political subdivision must also submit to
the Department, as part of its application, the financial and other
information that substantiates the basis for the conclusion of the
economic impact study, in the form and manner as required by the
Department, so that the Department can verify the results of the
study. In addition to any other criteria in this subsection, to approve
the STAR bond project plan, the Director must be satisfied that the
proposed destination user is in fact a true destination user and also
find that the STAR bond project plan is in accordance with the
purpose of this Act and the public interest. The Director shall either
approve or deny the STAR bond project plan based on the criteria in
this subsection.
(e) Upon a finding by the planning and zoning commission of the political subdivision that the STAR bond project plan is consistent with the intent of the comprehensive plan for the development of the political subdivision and upon issuance of written approval of the STAR bond project plan from the Director pursuant to subsection (d) of Section 20, the governing body of the political subdivision shall adopt a resolution stating that the political subdivision is considering the adoption of the STAR bond project plan. The resolution shall:
(f) A public hearing shall be conducted to consider the adoption of any STAR bond project plan.
(g) Upon conclusion of the public hearing, the governing body of the political subdivision may adopt the STAR bond project plan by a resolution approving the STAR bond project plan.
(h) After the adoption by the corporate authorities of the political subdivision of a STAR bond project plan, the political subdivision may enter into a project development agreement if the master developer has requested the political subdivision to be a party to the project development agreement pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 25.
(i) Within 30 days after the adoption by the political subdivision of a STAR bond project plan, the clerk of the political subdivision shall transmit a copy of the legal description of the land and a list of all new and existing mailing addresses within the STAR bond district, a copy of the resolution adopting the STAR bond project plan, and a map or plat indicating the boundaries of the STAR bond project area to the clerk, treasurer, and governing body of the county and to the Department of Revenue. Within 30 days of creation of any new mailing addresses within a STAR bond district, the clerk of the political subdivision shall provide written notice of such new addresses to the Department of Revenue.
If a certified copy of the resolution adopting the STAR bond project plan is filed with the Department on or before the first day of April, the Department, if all other requirements of this subsection are met, shall proceed to collect and allocate any local sales tax increment and any State sales tax increment in accordance with the provisions of this Act as of the first day of July next following the adoption and filing. If a certified copy of the resolution adopting the STAR bond project plan is filed with the Department after April 1 but on or before the first day of October, the Department, if all other requirements of this subsection are met, shall proceed to collect and allocate any local sales tax increment and any State sales tax increment in accordance with the provisions of this Act as of the first day of January next following the adoption and filing.
Any substantial changes to a STAR bond project plan as adopted shall be subject to a public hearing following publication of notice thereof in a newspaper of general circulation in the political subdivision and approval by resolution of the governing body of the political subdivision.
The Department of Revenue shall not collect or allocate any local sales tax increment or State sales tax increment until the political subdivision also provides, in the manner prescribed by the Department, the boundaries of the STAR bond project area and each address in the STAR bond project area in such a way that the Department can determine by its address whether a business is located in the STAR bond project area. The political subdivision must provide this boundary and address information to the Department on or before April 1 for administration and enforcement under this Act by the Department beginning on the following July 1 and on or before October 1 for administration and enforcement under this Act by the Department beginning on the following January 1. The Department of Revenue shall not administer or enforce any change made to the boundaries of a STAR bond project or any address change, addition, or deletion until the political subdivision reports the boundary change or address change, addition, or deletion to the Department in the manner prescribed by the Department. The political subdivision must provide this boundary change or address change, addition, or deletion information to the Department on or before April 1 for administration and enforcement by the Department of the change, addition, or deletion beginning on the following July 1 and on or before October 1 for administration and enforcement by the Department of the change, addition, or deletion beginning on the following January 1. If a retailer is incorrectly included or excluded from the list of those located in the STAR bond project, the Department of Revenue shall be held harmless if it reasonably relied on information provided by the political subdivision.
(j) Any STAR bond project must be approved by the political subdivision prior to that date which is 23 years from the date of the approval of the STAR bond district, provided however that any amendments to such STAR bond project may occur following such date.
(k) Any developer of a STAR bond project shall commence work on the STAR bond project within 3 years from the date of adoption of the STAR bond project plan. If the developer fails to commence work on the STAR bond project within the 3-year period, funding for the project shall cease and the developer of the project or complex shall have one year to appeal to the political subdivision for reapproval of the project and funding. If the project is reapproved, the 3-year period for commencement shall begin again on the date of the reapproval.
(l) After the adoption by the corporate authorities of the political subdivision of a STAR bond project plan and approval of the Director pursuant to subsection (d) of Section 20, the political subdivision may authorize the issuance of the STAR bonds in one or more series to finance the STAR bond project in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
(m) The maximum maturity of STAR bonds issued to finance a STAR bond project shall not exceed 23 years from the first date of distribution of State sales tax revenues from such STAR bond project to the political subdivision unless the political subdivision extends such maturity by resolution up to a maximum of 35 years from such first distribution date. Any such extension shall require the approval of the Director. In no event shall the maximum maturity date for any STAR bonds exceed that date which is 35 years from the first distribution date of the first STAR bonds issued in a STAR bond district.
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
(50 ILCS 470/25)
Sec. 25. Co-developers and subdevelopers. Upon approval of a STAR bond project by the political subdivision, the master developer may, subject to the approval of the Director and the political subdivision, develop the STAR bond project on its own or it may develop the STAR bond project with another developer, which may include an assignment or transfer of development rights.
(a) A master developer may sell, lease, or otherwise convey its property interest in the STAR bond project area to a co-developer or subdeveloper.
(b) A master developer may enter into one or more agreements with a co-developer or subdeveloper in connection with a STAR bond project, and the master developer may request that the political subdivision become a party to the project development agreement, or the master developer may request that the political subdivision amend its master development agreement to provide for certain terms and conditions that may be related to the co-developer or subdeveloper and the STAR bond project. For any project development agreement which the political subdivision would be a party or for any amendments to the master development agreement, the terms and conditions must be acceptable to both the master developer and the political subdivision.
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
(50 ILCS 470/30)
Sec. 30. STAR bonds; source of payment. Any political subdivision shall have the power to issue STAR bonds in one or more series to finance the undertaking of any STAR bond project in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the Omnibus Bond Acts. STAR bonds may be issued as revenue bonds, alternate bonds, or general obligation bonds as defined in and subject to the procedures provided in the Local Government Debt Reform Act.
(a) STAR bonds may be made payable, both as to principal and interest, from the following revenues, which to the extent pledged by each respective political subdivision or other public entity for such purpose shall constitute pledged STAR revenues:
(b) The political subdivision may pledge the pledged STAR revenues to the repayment of STAR bonds prior to, simultaneously with, or subsequent to the issuance of the STAR bonds.
(c) Bonds issued as revenue bonds shall not be general obligations of the political subdivision, nor in any event shall they give rise to a charge against its general credit or taxing powers, or be payable out of any funds or properties other than those set forth in subsection (a) and the bonds shall so state on their face.
(d) For each STAR bond project financed with STAR bonds payable from the pledged STAR revenues, the political subdivision shall prepare and submit to the Department of Revenue by June 1 of each year a report describing the status of the STAR bond project, any expenditures of the proceeds of STAR bonds that have occurred for the preceding calendar year, and any expenditures of the proceeds of the bonds expected to occur in the future, including the amount of pledged STAR revenue, the amount of revenue that has been spent, the projected amount of the revenue, and the anticipated use of the revenue.
Each annual report shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the master developer certifying the contents of the report as true to the best of the master developer's knowledge. The Department of Revenue shall have the right, but not the obligation, to request the Illinois Auditor General to review the annual report and the political subdivision's records containing the source information for the report for the purpose of verifying the report's contents. If the Illinois Auditor General declines the request for review, the Department of Revenue shall have the right to select an independent third-party auditor to conduct an audit of the annual report and the political subdivision's records containing the source information for the report. The reasonable cost of the audit shall be paid by the master developer. The master development agreement shall grant the Department of Revenue and the Illinois Auditor General the right to review the records of the political subdivision containing the source information for the report.
(e) There is created in the State treasury a special fund to be known as the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund. As soon as possible after the first day of each month, beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the Treasurer shall transfer, from the General Revenue Fund to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the State sales tax increment for the second preceding month, less 3% of that amount, which shall be transferred into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund and shall be used by the Department, subject to appropriation, to cover the costs of the Department in administering the Innovation Development and Economy Act. As soon as possible after the first day of each month, beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the Treasurer shall transfer, from the Local Government Tax Fund to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the local sales tax increment for the second preceding month, as provided in Section 6z-18 of the State Finance Act and from the County and Mass Transit District Fund to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the local sales tax increment for the second preceding month, as provided in Section 6z-20 of the State Finance Act.
On or before the 25th day of each calendar month, beginning on January 1, 2011, the Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the disbursement of stated sums of money out of the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund to named municipalities and counties, the municipalities and counties to be those entitled to distribution of taxes or penalties paid to the Department during the second preceding calendar month. The amount to be paid to each municipality or county shall be the amount of the State sales tax increment and the local sales tax increment (not including credit memoranda or the amount transferred into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund) collected during the second preceding calendar month by the Department from retailers and servicemen on transactions at places of business located within a STAR bond district in that municipality or county, plus an amount the Department determines is necessary to offset any amounts which were erroneously paid to a different taxing body, and not including an amount equal to the amount of refunds made during the second preceding calendar month by the Department, and not including any amount which the Department determines is necessary to offset any amounts which are payable to a different taxing body but were erroneously paid to the municipality or county. Within 10 days after receipt, by the Comptroller, of the disbursement certification to the municipalities and counties, provided for in this Section to be given to the Comptroller by the Department, the Comptroller shall cause the orders to be drawn for the respective amounts in accordance with the directions contained in such certification.
When certifying the amount of monthly disbursement to a municipality or county under this subsection, the Department shall increase or decrease that amount by an amount necessary to offset any misallocation of previous disbursements. The offset amount shall be the amount erroneously disbursed within the 6 months preceding the time a misallocation is discovered.
(f) As of the seventh anniversary of the first date of distribution of State sales tax revenues from the first STAR bond project in the STAR bond district, and as of every fifth anniversary thereafter until final maturity of all STAR bonds issued in a STAR bond district, the portion of the aggregate proceeds of STAR bonds issued to date that is derived from the State sales tax increment pledged to pay STAR bonds in any STAR bond district shall not exceed 50% of the total development costs in the STAR bond district to date. The Illinois Auditor General shall make the foregoing determination on said seventh anniversary and every 5 years thereafter until final maturity of all STAR bonds issued in a STAR bond district. If at any time after the seventh anniversary of the first date of distribution of State sales tax revenues from the first STAR bond project in the STAR bond district the Illinois Auditor General determines that the portion of the aggregate proceeds of STAR bonds issued to date that is derived from the State sales tax increment pledged to pay STAR bonds in any STAR bond district has exceeded 50% of the total development costs in the STAR bond district, no additional STAR bonds may be issued in the STAR bond district until the percentage is reduced to 50% or below. When the percentage has been reduced to 50% or below, the master developer shall have the right, at its own cost, to obtain a new audit prepared by an independent third-party auditor verifying compliance and shall provide such audit to the Illinois Auditor General for review and approval. Upon the Illinois Auditor General's determination from the audit that the percentage has been reduced to 50% or below, STAR bonds may again be issued in the STAR bond district.
(g) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, if any portion of property taxes attributable to the increase in equalized assessed value within a STAR bond district are, at the time of formation of the STAR bond district, already subject to tax increment financing under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, then the tax increment for such portion shall be frozen at the base year established in accordance with this Act, and all future incremental increases over the base year shall not be subject to tax increment financing under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act. Any party otherwise entitled to receipt of incremental tax revenues through an existing tax increment financing district shall be entitled to continue to receive such revenues up to the amount frozen in the base year. Nothing in this Act shall affect the prior qualification of existing redevelopment project costs incurred that are eligible for reimbursement under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act. In such event, prior to approving a STAR bond district, the political subdivision forming the STAR bond district shall take such action as is necessary, including amending the existing tax increment financing district redevelopment plan, to carry out the provisions of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
(50 ILCS 470/31)
Sec. 31. STAR bond occupation taxes.
(a) If the corporate authorities of a political subdivision have established a STAR bond district and have elected to impose a tax by ordinance pursuant to subsection (b) or (c) of this Section, each year after the date of the adoption of the ordinance and until all STAR bond project costs and all political subdivision obligations financing the STAR bond project costs, if any, have been paid in accordance with the STAR bond project plans, but in no event longer than the maximum maturity date of the last of the STAR bonds issued for projects in the STAR bond district, all amounts generated by the retailers' occupation tax and service occupation tax shall be collected and the tax shall be enforced by the Department of Revenue in the same manner as all retailers' occupation taxes and service occupation taxes imposed in the political subdivision imposing the tax. The corporate authorities of the political subdivision shall deposit the proceeds of the taxes imposed under subsections (b) and (c) into either (i) a special fund held by the corporate authorities of the political subdivision called the STAR Bonds Tax Allocation Fund for the purpose of paying STAR bond project costs and obligations incurred in the payment of those costs if such taxes are designated as pledged STAR revenues by resolution or ordinance of the political subdivision or (ii) the political subdivision's general corporate fund if such taxes are not designated as pledged STAR revenues by resolution or ordinance.
The tax imposed under this Section by a municipality may be imposed only on the portion of a STAR bond district that is within the boundaries of the municipality. For any part of a STAR bond district that lies outside of the boundaries of that municipality, the municipality in which the other part of the STAR bond district lies (or the county, in cases where a portion of the STAR bond district lies in the unincorporated area of a county) is authorized to impose the tax under this Section on that part of the STAR bond district.
(b) The corporate authorities of a political subdivision that has established a STAR bond district under this Act may, by ordinance or resolution, impose a STAR Bond Retailers' Occupation Tax upon all persons engaged in the business of selling tangible personal property, other than an item of tangible personal property titled or registered with an agency of this State's government, at retail in the STAR bond district at a rate not to exceed 1% of the gross receipts from the sales made in the course of that business, to be imposed only in 0.25% increments. The tax may not be imposed on tangible personal property taxed at the 1% rate under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act (or at the 0% rate imposed under this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly). Beginning December 1, 2019 and through December 31, 2020, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel unless the tax revenue is expended for airport-related purposes. If the District does not have an airport-related purpose to which aviation fuel tax revenue is dedicated, then aviation fuel is excluded from the tax. The municipality must comply with the certification requirements for airport-related purposes under Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. For purposes of this Act, "airport-related purposes" has the meaning ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. Beginning January 1, 2021, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the District.
The tax imposed under this subsection and all civil penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be collected and enforced by the Department of Revenue. The certificate of registration that is issued by the Department to a retailer under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act shall permit the retailer to engage in a business that is taxable under any ordinance or resolution enacted pursuant to this subsection without registering separately with the Department under such ordinance or resolution or under this subsection. The Department of Revenue shall have full power to administer and enforce this subsection, to collect all taxes and penalties due under this subsection in the manner hereinafter provided, and to determine all rights to credit memoranda arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax or penalty under this subsection. In the administration of, and compliance with, this subsection, the Department and persons who are subject to this subsection shall have the same rights, remedies, privileges, immunities, powers, and duties, and be subject to the same conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties, exclusions, exemptions, and definitions of terms and employ the same modes of procedure, as are prescribed in Sections 1, 1a through 1o, 2 through 2-65 (in respect to all provisions therein other than the State rate of tax), 2c through 2h, 3 (except as to the disposition of taxes and penalties collected, and except that the retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes paid on aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133), 4, 5, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5i, 5j, 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and all provisions of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as fully as if those provisions were set forth herein.
If a tax is imposed under this subsection (b), a tax shall also be imposed under subsection (c) of this Section.
(c) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (b), a STAR Bond Service Occupation Tax shall also be imposed upon all persons engaged, in the STAR bond district, in the business of making sales of service, who, as an incident to making those sales of service, transfer tangible personal property within the STAR bond district, either in the form of tangible personal property or in the form of real estate as an incident to a sale of service. The tax shall be imposed at the same rate as the tax imposed in subsection (b) and shall not exceed 1% of the selling price of tangible personal property so transferred within the STAR bond district, to be imposed only in 0.25% increments. The tax may not be imposed on tangible personal property taxed at the 1% rate under the Service Occupation Tax Act (or at the 0% rate imposed under this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly). Beginning December 1, 2019 and through December 31, 2020, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel unless the tax revenue is expended for airport-related purposes. If the District does not have an airport-related purpose to which aviation fuel tax revenue is dedicated, then aviation fuel is excluded from the tax. The municipality must comply with the certification requirements for airport-related purposes under Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. For purposes of this Act, "airport-related purposes" has the meaning ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. Beginning January 1, 2021, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the District.
The tax imposed under this subsection and all civil penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be collected and enforced by the Department of Revenue. The certificate of registration that is issued by the Department to a retailer under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or under the Service Occupation Tax Act shall permit the registrant to engage in a business that is taxable under any ordinance or resolution enacted pursuant to this subsection without registering separately with the Department under that ordinance or resolution or under this subsection. The Department of Revenue shall have full power to administer and enforce this subsection, to collect all taxes and penalties due under this subsection, to dispose of taxes and penalties so collected in the manner hereinafter provided, and to determine all rights to credit memoranda arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax or penalty under this subsection. In the administration of, and compliance with this subsection, the Department and persons who are subject to this subsection shall have the same rights, remedies, privileges, immunities, powers, and duties, and be subject to the same conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties, exclusions, exemptions, and definitions of terms and employ the same modes of procedure as are prescribed in Sections 2, 2a through 2d, 3 through 3-50 (in respect to all provisions therein other than the State rate of tax), 4 (except that the reference to the State shall be to the STAR bond district), 5, 7, 8 (except that the jurisdiction to which the tax shall be a debt to the extent indicated in that Section 8 shall be the political subdivision), 9 (except as to the disposition of taxes and penalties collected, and except that the returned merchandise credit for this tax may not be taken against any State tax, and except that the retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes paid on aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133), 10, 11, 12 (except the reference therein to Section 2b of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), 13 (except that any reference to the State shall mean the political subdivision), the first paragraph of Section 15, and Sections 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of the Service Occupation Tax Act and all provisions of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as fully as if those provisions were set forth herein.
If a tax is imposed under this subsection (c), a tax shall also be imposed under subsection (b) of this Section.
(d) Persons subject to any tax imposed under this Section may reimburse themselves for their seller's tax liability under this Section by separately stating the tax as an additional charge, which charge may be stated in combination, in a single amount, with State taxes that sellers are required to collect under the Use Tax Act, in accordance with such bracket schedules as the Department may prescribe.
Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be made under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing a credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the amount specified and to the person named in the notification from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State Treasurer out of the STAR Bond Retailers' Occupation Tax Fund or the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as appropriate.
Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the Department shall immediately pay over to the State Treasurer, ex officio, as trustee, all taxes, penalties, and interest collected under this Section for deposit into the STAR Bond Retailers' Occupation Tax Fund. Taxes and penalties collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019, shall be immediately paid over by the Department to the State Treasurer, ex officio, as trustee, for deposit into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund. The Department shall only pay moneys into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund under this Section for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the District. On or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the disbursement of stated sums of money to named political subdivisions from the STAR Bond Retailers' Occupation Tax Fund, the political subdivisions to be those from which retailers have paid taxes or penalties under this Section to the Department during the second preceding calendar month. The amount to be paid to each political subdivision shall be the amount (not including credit memoranda and not including taxes and penalties collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019) collected under this Section during the second preceding calendar month by the Department plus an amount the Department determines is necessary to offset any amounts that were erroneously paid to a different taxing body, and not including an amount equal to the amount of refunds made during the second preceding calendar month by the Department, less 3% of that amount, which shall be deposited into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund and shall be used by the Department, subject to appropriation, to cover the costs of the Department in administering and enforcing the provisions of this Section, on behalf of such political subdivision, and not including any amount that the Department determines is necessary to offset any amounts that were payable to a different taxing body but were erroneously paid to the political subdivision. Within 10 days after receipt by the Comptroller of the disbursement certification to the political subdivisions provided for in this Section to be given to the Comptroller by the Department, the Comptroller shall cause the orders to be drawn for the respective amounts in accordance with the directions contained in the certification. The proceeds of the tax paid to political subdivisions under this Section shall be deposited into either (i) the STAR Bonds Tax Allocation Fund by the political subdivision if the political subdivision has designated them as pledged STAR revenues by resolution or ordinance or (ii) the political subdivision's general corporate fund if the political subdivision has not designated them as pledged STAR revenues.
An ordinance or resolution imposing or discontinuing the tax under this Section or effecting a change in the rate thereof shall either (i) be adopted and a certified copy thereof filed with the Department on or before the first day of April, whereupon the Department, if all other requirements of this Section are met, shall proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of the first day of July next following the adoption and filing; or (ii) be adopted and a certified copy thereof filed with the Department on or before the first day of October, whereupon, if all other requirements of this Section are met, the Department shall proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of the first day of January next following the adoption and filing.
The Department of Revenue shall not administer or enforce an ordinance imposing, discontinuing, or changing the rate of the tax under this Section until the political subdivision also provides, in the manner prescribed by the Department, the boundaries of the STAR bond district and each address in the STAR bond district in such a way that the Department can determine by its address whether a business is located in the STAR bond district. The political subdivision must provide this boundary and address information to the Department on or before April 1 for administration and enforcement of the tax under this Section by the Department beginning on the following July 1 and on or before October 1 for administration and enforcement of the tax under this Section by the Department beginning on the following January 1. The Department of Revenue shall not administer or enforce any change made to the boundaries of a STAR bond district or any address change, addition, or deletion until the political subdivision reports the boundary change or address change, addition, or deletion to the Department in the manner prescribed by the Department. The political subdivision must provide this boundary change or address change, addition, or deletion information to the Department on or before April 1 for administration and enforcement by the Department of the change, addition, or deletion beginning on the following July 1 and on or before October 1 for administration and enforcement by the Department of the change, addition, or deletion beginning on the following January 1. The retailers in the STAR bond district shall be responsible for charging the tax imposed under this Section. If a retailer is incorrectly included or excluded from the list of those required to collect the tax under this Section, both the Department of Revenue and the retailer shall be held harmless if they reasonably relied on information provided by the political subdivision.
A political subdivision that imposes the tax under this Section must submit to the Department of Revenue any other information as the Department may require that is necessary for the administration and enforcement of the tax.
When certifying the amount of a monthly disbursement to a political subdivision under this Section, the Department shall increase or decrease the amount by an amount necessary to offset any misallocation of previous disbursements. The offset amount shall be the amount erroneously disbursed within the previous 6 months from the time a misallocation is discovered.
Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize the political subdivision to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in any business which under the Constitution of the United States may not be made the subject of taxation by this State.
(e) When STAR bond project costs, including, without limitation, all political subdivision obligations financing STAR bond project costs, have been paid, any surplus funds then remaining in the STAR Bonds Tax Allocation Fund shall be distributed to the treasurer of the political subdivision for deposit into the political subdivision's general corporate fund. Upon payment of all STAR bond project costs and retirement of obligations, but in no event later than the maximum maturity date of the last of the STAR bonds issued in the STAR bond district, the political subdivision shall adopt an ordinance immediately rescinding the taxes imposed pursuant to this Section and file a certified copy of the ordinance with the Department in the form and manner as described in this Section.
(Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-604, eff. 12-13-19; 102-700, eff. 4-19-22.)
(50 ILCS 470/33)
Sec. 33. STAR Bonds School Improvement and Operations Trust Fund.
(a) The STAR Bonds School Improvement and Operations Trust Fund is created as a trust fund in the State treasury. Deposits into the Trust Fund shall be made as provided under this Section. Moneys in the Trust Fund shall be used by the Department of Revenue only for the purpose of making payments to school districts in educational service regions that include or are adjacent to the STAR bond district. Moneys in the Trust Fund are not subject to appropriation and shall be used solely as provided in this Section. All deposits into the Trust Fund shall be held in the Trust Fund by the State Treasurer as ex officio custodian separate and apart from all public moneys or funds of this State and shall be administered by the Department exclusively for the purposes set forth in this Section. All moneys in the Trust Fund shall be invested and reinvested by the State Treasurer. All interest accruing from these investments shall be deposited in the Trust Fund.
(b) Upon approval of a STAR bond district, the political subdivision shall immediately transmit to the county clerk of the county in which the district is located a certified copy of the ordinance creating the district, a legal description of the district, a map of the district, identification of the year that the county clerk shall use for determining the total initial equalized assessed value of the district consistent with subsection (c), and a list of the parcel or tax identification number of each parcel of property included in the district.
(c) Upon approval of a STAR bond district, the county clerk immediately thereafter shall determine (i) the most recently ascertained equalized assessed value of each lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property within the STAR bond district, from which shall be deducted the homestead exemptions under Article 15 of the Property Tax Code, which value shall be the initial equalized assessed value of each such piece of property, and (ii) the total equalized assessed value of all taxable real property within the district by adding together the most recently ascertained equalized assessed value of each taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property within the district, from which shall be deducted the homestead exemptions under Article 15 of the Property Tax Code, and shall certify that amount as the total initial equalized assessed value of the taxable real property within the STAR bond district.
(d) In reference to any STAR bond district created within any political subdivision, and in respect to which the county clerk has certified the total initial equalized assessed value of the property in the area, the political subdivision may thereafter request the clerk in writing to adjust the initial equalized value of all taxable real property within the STAR bond district by deducting therefrom the exemptions under Article 15 of the Property Tax Code applicable to each lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property within the STAR bond district. The county clerk shall immediately, after the written request to adjust the total initial equalized value is received, determine the total homestead exemptions in the STAR bond district as provided under Article 15 of the Property Tax Code by adding together the homestead exemptions provided by said Article on each lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property within the STAR bond district and then shall deduct the total of said exemptions from the total initial equalized assessed value. The county clerk shall then promptly certify that amount as the total initial equalized assessed value as adjusted of the taxable real property within the STAR bond district.
(e) The county clerk or other person authorized by law shall compute the tax rates for each taxing district with all or a portion of its equalized assessed value located in the STAR bond district. The rate per cent of tax determined shall be extended to the current equalized assessed value of all property in the district in the same manner as the rate per cent of tax is extended to all other taxable property in the taxing district.
(f) Beginning with the assessment year in which the first destination user in the first STAR bond project in a STAR bond district makes its first retail sales and for each assessment year thereafter until final maturity of the last STAR bonds issued in the district, the county clerk or other person authorized by law shall determine the increase in equalized assessed value of all real property within the STAR bond district by subtracting the initial equalized assessed value of all property in the district certified under subsection (c) from the current equalized assessed value of all property in the district. Each year, the property taxes arising from the increase in equalized assessed value in the STAR bond district shall be determined for each taxing district and shall be certified to the county collector.
(g) Beginning with the year in which taxes are collected based on the assessment year in which the first destination user in the first STAR bond project in a STAR bond district makes its first retail sales and for each year thereafter until final maturity of the last STAR bonds issued in the district, the county collector shall, within 30 days after receipt of property taxes, transmit to the Department to be deposited into the STAR Bonds School Improvement and Operations Trust Fund 15% of property taxes attributable to the increase in equalized assessed value within the STAR bond district from each taxing district as certified in subsection (f).
(h) The Department shall pay to the regional superintendent of schools whose educational service region includes Franklin and Williamson Counties, for each year for which money is remitted to the Department and paid into the STAR Bonds School Improvement and Operations Trust Fund, the money in the Fund as provided in this Section. The amount paid to each school district shall be allocated
proportionately, based on each qualifying school district's
fall enrollment for the then-current school year, such that the school
district with the largest fall enrollment receives the largest
proportionate share of money paid out of the Fund or by any other method or formula that the regional superintendent of schools deems fit, equitable, and in the public interest. The regional superintendent may allocate moneys to school districts that are outside of his or her educational service region or to other regional superintendents.
The Department shall determine the distributions under this Section using its best judgment and information. The Department shall be held harmless for the distributions made under this Section and all distributions shall be final.
(i) In any year that an assessment appeal is filed, the extension of taxes on any assessment so appealed shall not be delayed. In the case of an assessment that is altered, any taxes extended upon the unauthorized assessment or part thereof shall be abated, or, if already paid, shall be refunded with interest as provided in Section 23-20 of the Property Tax Code. In the case of an assessment appeal, the county collector shall notify the Department that an assessment appeal has been filed and the amount of the tax that would have been deposited in the STAR Bonds School Improvement and Operations Trust Fund. The county collector shall hold that amount in a separate fund until the appeal process is final. After the appeal process is finalized, the county collector shall transmit to the Department the amount of tax that remains, if any, after all required refunds are made. The Department shall pay any amount deposited into the Trust Fund under this Section in the same proportion as determined for payments for that taxable year under subsection (h).
(j) In any year that ad valorem taxes are allocated to the STAR Bonds School Improvement and Operations Trust Fund, that allocation shall not reduce or otherwise impact the school aid provided to any school district under the general State school aid formula provided for in Section 18-8.05 of the School Code or the evidence-based funding formula provided for in Section 18-8.15 of the School Code.
(Source: P.A. 100-465, eff. 8-31-17.)
(50 ILCS 470/35)
Sec. 35. Alternate bonds and general obligation bonds. A political subdivision shall have the power to issue alternate revenue and other general obligation bonds to finance the undertaking, establishment, or redevelopment of any STAR bond project as provided and pursuant to the procedures set forth in the Local Government Debt Reform Act. A political subdivision shall have the power to issue general obligation bonds to finance the undertaking, establishment, or redevelopment of any STAR bond project on approval by the voters of the political subdivision of a proposition authorizing the issue of such bonds.
The full faith and credit of the State, any department, authority, public corporation or quasi-public corporation of the State, any State college or university, or any other public agency created by the State shall not be pledged for any payment under any obligation authorized by this Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
(50 ILCS 470/40)
Sec. 40. Amendments to STAR bond district. Any addition of real property to a STAR bond district or any substantial change to a STAR bond district plan shall be subject to the same procedure for public notice, hearing, and approval as is required for the establishment of the STAR bond district pursuant to this Act.
(a) The addition or removal of land to or from a STAR bond district shall require the consent of the master developer of the STAR bond district.
(b) Any land that is outside of, but is contiguous to an established STAR bond district and is subsequently owned, leased, or controlled by the master developer shall be added to a STAR bond district at the request of the master developer and by approval of the political subdivision, provided that the land becomes a part of a STAR bond project area.
(c) If a political subdivision has undertaken a STAR bond project within a STAR bond district, and the political subdivision desires to subsequently remove more than a de minimis amount of real property from the STAR bond district, then prior to any removal of property the political subdivision must provide a revised feasibility study showing that the pledged STAR revenues from the resulting STAR bond district within which the STAR bond project is located are estimated to be sufficient to pay the project costs. If the revenue from the resulting STAR bond district is insufficient to pay the project costs, then the property may not be removed from the STAR bond district. Any removal of real property from a STAR bond district shall be approved by a resolution of the governing body of the political subdivision.
(Source: P.A. 99-642, eff. 7-28-16.)
(50 ILCS 470/45)
Sec. 45. Restrictions. STAR bond districts may lie
within an enterprise zone, but no portion of a STAR bond project
shall be financed with funds allocated pursuant to the Illinois
Enterprise Zone Act. STAR bond districts may overlay and benefit
from existing tax increment financing districts created pursuant to
the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, but no portion of
a STAR bond project shall be financed with tax increment financing under said Act. During any period of time that STAR bonds are outstanding for a STAR bond district, a developer may not use any land located in the STAR bond district for any (i) retail store whose primary business is the sale of automobiles, including trucks and other automotive vehicles with 4 wheels designed for passenger transportation on public streets and thoroughfares or (ii) multi-screen motion picture theater complexes containing more than 12 auditoriums for viewing motion pictures. No STAR bond district may contain more than 900,000 square feet of floor space devoted to traditional retail use.
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
(50 ILCS 470/50)
Sec. 50. Reporting taxes. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary, the Department of Revenue shall provide a certified report of the State sales tax increment and local sales tax increment from all taxpayers within a STAR bond district to the bond trustee, escrow agent, or paying agent for such bonds upon the written request of the political subdivision on or before the 25th day of each month. Such report shall provide a detailed allocation of State sales tax increment and local sales tax increment from each local sales tax and State sales tax reported to the Department of Revenue.
(a) The bond trustee, escrow agent, or paying agent shall keep such sales and use tax reports and the information contained therein confidential, but may use such information for purposes of allocating and depositing the sales and use tax revenues in connection with the bonds used to finance project costs in such STAR bond district. Except as otherwise provided herein, the sales and use tax reports received by the bond trustee, escrow agent, or paying agent shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 35 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes, including Section 3 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and Section 9 of the Use Tax Act.
(b) The political subdivision shall determine when the amount of sales tax and other revenues that have been collected and distributed to the bond debt service or reserve fund is sufficient to satisfy all principal and interest costs to the maturity date or dates of any STAR bond issued by a political subdivision to finance a STAR bond project and shall give the Department of Revenue written notice of such determination. The notice shall include a date certain on which deposits into the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund for that STAR bond project shall terminate and shall be provided to the Department of Revenue at least 60 days prior to that date. Thereafter, all sales tax and other revenues shall be collected and distributed in accordance with applicable law.
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
(50 ILCS 470/52)
Sec. 52. Review committee. Upon the seventh anniversary of the first date of distribution of State sales tax revenues from the first STAR bond project in the State, a 6-member STAR bonds review committee shall be formed consisting of one appointee of each of the Director, the Director of the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the President of the Senate, the Senate Minority Leader, the Speaker of the House, and the House Minority Leader. The review committee shall evaluate the success of all STAR bond districts then existing in the State and make a determination of the comprehensive economic benefits and detriments of STAR bonds in the State as a whole. In making its determination, the review committee shall examine available data regarding job creation, sales revenues, and capital investment in STAR bond districts; development that has occurred and is planned in areas adjacent to STAR bond districts that will not be directly financed with STAR bonds; effects of market conditions on STAR bond districts and the likelihood of future successes based on improving or declining market conditions; retail sales migration and cannibalization of retail sales due to STAR bond districts; and other relevant economic factors. The review committee shall provide the Director, the General Assembly, and the Governor with a written report detailing its findings and shall make a final determination of whether STAR bonds have had, and are likely to continue having, a negative or positive economic impact on the State as a whole. Upon completing and filing its written report, the review committee shall be dissolved. If the review committee's report makes a final determination that STAR bonds have had and are likely to continue having a negative economic impact on the State as a whole, then no new STAR bond districts may thereafter be formed in the State until further action by the General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
(50 ILCS 470/55)
Sec. 55. Severability. If any provision of this Act or the application thereof to any persons or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or application of the Act that can be given effect without the invalid provisions or application and to this end the provisions of this Act are declared to be severable.
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
(50 ILCS 470/57)
Sec. 57. Rules. The Department of Revenue shall have the authority to adopt such rules as are reasonable and necessary to implement the provisions of this Act. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Department of Revenue shall have the authority, prior to adoption and approval of those rules, to approve a STAR bond district in accordance with subsection (d) of Section 20 and to otherwise administer the Act while those rules are pending adoption and approval.
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
(50 ILCS 470/60)
Sec. 60. Open meetings and freedom of information. All public hearings related to the administration, formation, implementation, development, or construction of a STAR bond district, STAR bond district plan, STAR bond project, or STAR bond project plan, including but not limited to the public hearings required by Sections 15, 20, and 40 of this Act, shall be held in compliance with the Open Meetings Act. The public hearing records, feasibility study, and other documents that do not otherwise meet a confidentiality exemption shall be subject to the Freedom of Information Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
(50 ILCS 470/62)
Sec. 62. Powers of political subdivisions. The provisions of this Act are intended to be supplemental and in addition to all other power or authority granted to political subdivisions, shall be construed liberally, and shall not be construed as a limitation of any power or authority otherwise granted. In addition to the powers a political subdivision may have under other provisions of law, a political subdivision shall have all of the following powers in connection with a STAR bond district:
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
(50 ILCS 470/63)
Sec. 63. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 7-1-10; text omitted.)
(50 ILCS 470/64)
Sec. 64. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10; text omitted.)
(50 ILCS 470/65)
Sec. 65. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10; text omitted.)
(50 ILCS 470/66)
Sec. 66. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 1-1-11; text omitted.)
(50 ILCS 470/67)
Sec. 67. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10; text omitted.)
(50 ILCS 470/70)
Sec. 70. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10; text omitted.)
(50 ILCS 470/75)
Sec. 75. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10; text omitted.)
(50 ILCS 470/80)
Sec. 80. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10; text omitted.)
(50 ILCS 470/85)
Sec. 85. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10; text omitted.)
(50 ILCS 470/90)
Sec. 90. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10; text omitted.)
(50 ILCS 470/100)
Sec. 100. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10; text omitted.)
(50 ILCS 470/105)
Sec. 105. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10; text omitted.)
(50 ILCS 470/995)
Sec. 995. No acceleration or delay. Where this Act makes changes in a statute that is represented in this Act by text that is not yet or no longer in effect (for example, a Section represented by multiple versions), the use of that text does not accelerate or delay the taking effect of (i) the changes made by this Act or (ii) provisions derived from any other Public Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
(50 ILCS 470/999)
Sec. 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming law, except that Section 63 takes effect on July 1, 2010 and Section 66 takes effect January 1, 2011.
(Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes
50 ILCS 5/ - Emergency Government Relocation Act.
50 ILCS 10/ - Regional Council Act.
50 ILCS 15/ - Regional Planning Commission Act.
50 ILCS 20/ - Public Building Commission Act.
50 ILCS 25/ - Local Government Air Rights Act.
50 ILCS 30/ - Exhibition Council Act.
50 ILCS 35/ - Local Government Antitrust Exemption Act.
50 ILCS 40/ - Foreign Trade Zones Act.
50 ILCS 45/ - Local Government Taxpayers' Bill of Rights Act.
50 ILCS 50/ - Property Assessed Clean Energy Act
50 ILCS 55/ - Local Government Electronic Notification Act.
50 ILCS 60/ - Local Volunteer Board Member Removal Act.
50 ILCS 65/ - Community Energy, Climate, and Jobs Planning Act.
50 ILCS 70/ - Decennial Committees on Local Government Efficiency Act.
50 ILCS 105/ - Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act.
50 ILCS 110/ - Public Officer Simultaneous Tenure Act.
50 ILCS 115/ - Time Off for Official Meetings Act.
50 ILCS 122/ - Local Government Disaster Service Volunteer Act.
50 ILCS 125/ - Government Salary Withholding Act.
50 ILCS 130/ - Local Historian Act.
50 ILCS 135/ - Local Governmental Employees Political Rights Act.
50 ILCS 145/ - Local Government Officer Compensation Act.
50 ILCS 150/ - Local Government Travel Expense Control Act.
50 ILCS 155/ - Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act.
50 ILCS 205/ - Local Records Act.
50 ILCS 220/ - Municipal Adoption of Codes and Records Act.
50 ILCS 305/ - Local Government Financial Statement Act.
50 ILCS 310/ - Governmental Account Audit Act.
50 ILCS 315/ - Fee Deposit Act.
50 ILCS 320/ - Local Government Financial Planning and Supervision Act.
50 ILCS 325/ - Relief Tax Authorization Act.
50 ILCS 330/ - Illinois Municipal Budget Law.
50 ILCS 335/ - Municipality and Sanitary District Mutual Expenditure Act.
50 ILCS 340/ - Investment of Municipal Funds Act.
50 ILCS 345/ - Local Governmental Acceptance of Credit Cards Act.
50 ILCS 350/ - Community Self-Revitalization Act.
50 ILCS 355/ - Local Government Revenue Recapture Act.
50 ILCS 405/ - Local Government Debt Limitation Act.
50 ILCS 410/ - Local Government Credit Enhancement Act.
50 ILCS 415/ - Local Government Defeasance of Debt Law.
50 ILCS 420/ - Tax Anticipation Note Act.
50 ILCS 425/ - Revenue Anticipation Act.
50 ILCS 430/ - Warrants and Jurors Certificates Act.
50 ILCS 440/ - Local Government Bond Validity Act.
50 ILCS 445/ - Industrial Building Revenue Bond Act.
50 ILCS 450/ - Medical Service Facility Act.
50 ILCS 455/ - Medical Service Facility Revenue Bond Act.
50 ILCS 460/ - Special Assessment Supplemental Bond and Procedures Act.
50 ILCS 465/ - Local Government Housing Finance Act.
50 ILCS 470/ - Innovation Development and Economy Act.
50 ILCS 505/ - Local Government Prompt Payment Act.
50 ILCS 510/ - Local Government Professional Services Selection Act.
50 ILCS 515/ - Local Government Energy Conservation Act.
50 ILCS 520/ - Soybean Ink Act.
50 ILCS 525/ - Public Works Contract Change Order Act.
50 ILCS 530/ - Local Government Electronic Reverse Auction Act (enacted by P.A. 96-588).
50 ILCS 531/ - Local Government Electronic Reverse Auction Act (enacted by P.A. 96-795).
50 ILCS 605/ - Local Government Property Transfer Act.
50 ILCS 610/ - Public Graveyards Act.
50 ILCS 615/ - Local Government Facility Lease Act.
50 ILCS 705/ - Illinois Police Training Act.
50 ILCS 706/ - Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body Camera Act.
50 ILCS 707/ - Law Enforcement Camera Grant Act.
50 ILCS 708/ - Law Enforcement Intern Training Act.
50 ILCS 709/ - Uniform Crime Reporting Act.
50 ILCS 710/ - Peace Officer and Probation Officer Firearm Training Act.
50 ILCS 712/ - Law Enforcement Officer Bulletproof Vest Act.
50 ILCS 715/ - Law Enforcement Salary Grant Act.
50 ILCS 720/ - Intergovernmental Law Enforcement Officer's In-Service Training Act.
50 ILCS 722/ - Missing Persons Identification Act.
50 ILCS 725/ - Uniform Peace Officers' Disciplinary Act.
50 ILCS 727/ - Police and Community Relations Improvement Act.
50 ILCS 730/ - Parade Police Protection Charge Waiver Act.
50 ILCS 740/ - Illinois Fire Protection Training Act.
50 ILCS 741/ - Regional Fire Protection Agency Act.
50 ILCS 742/ - Fire Department Promotion Act.
50 ILCS 745/ - Firemen's Disciplinary Act.
50 ILCS 748/ - Volunteer Emergency Worker Job Protection Act.
50 ILCS 750/ - Emergency Telephone System Act.
50 ILCS 752/ - Illinois Public Safety Agency Network Act.
50 ILCS 753/ - Prepaid Wireless 9-1-1 Surcharge Act.
50 ILCS 754/ - Community Emergency Services and Support Act.
50 ILCS 755/ - Water Rescue Act.
50 ILCS 805/ - Local Land Resource Management Planning Act.
50 ILCS 810/ - Building Code Violation Notice Posting Act.
50 ILCS 815/ - Flood Damage Prevention Act.
50 ILCS 820/ - Bed and Breakfast Act.
50 ILCS 825/ - Rent Control Preemption Act.
50 ILCS 830/ - Contractor Unified License and Permit Bond Act.