Illinois Compiled Statutes
Chapter 430 - PUBLIC SAFETY
430 ILCS 175/ - Lake Michigan Rescue Equipment Act.

(430 ILCS 175/1)
(This Section may contain text from a Public Act with a delayed effective date)
Sec. 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Lake Michigan Rescue Equipment Act.

(Source: P.A. 102-1036, eff. 6-2-23.)
(430 ILCS 175/5)
(This Section may contain text from a Public Act with a delayed effective date)
Sec. 5. Definitions. As used in this Act:
"Drop-off" means an area of a lake's shoreline that is intended to facilitate direct public access to the water.
"High-incident drowning area" means an area within 100 feet of a pier or drop-off where more than one fatal drowning incident has occurred in the span of 5 years.
"Pier" means a man-made, raised structure (such as a breakwater) extending into navigable water for use as a landing place or promenade or to protect or form a harbor.
"Public rescue equipment" includes a range of water rescue devices available for public use in case of emergency, such as ring life buoys, throw bags, rescue tubes, and rescue poles.

(Source: P.A. 102-1036, eff. 6-2-23.)
(430 ILCS 175/10)
(This Section may contain text from a Public Act with a delayed effective date)
Sec. 10. Public rescue equipment on piers and drop-offs.
(a) The owner of a pier or drop-off on Lake Michigan shall install public rescue equipment, including, at a minimum, ring life buoys, on each of the owner's piers or drop-offs along the Lake Michigan coast. The ring life buoy must not be permanently secured in any way to the station, rack, or pier. Each ring life buoy must be stowed inside a station to protect it from constant weather exposure. The station must be a bright orange or yellow color for high visibility and to allow for quick access to the ring.
To reduce vandalism and theft, the station shall have signage that warns lakefront patrons that tampering with or misuse of public rescue equipment is strictly prohibited.
(b) The owner of the pier or drop-off on Lake Michigan shall oversee the installation and maintenance of the public rescue equipment. The State or unit of local government owning a pier or drop-off shall also provide public education regarding public rescue equipment.

(Source: P.A. 102-1036, eff. 6-2-23.)
(430 ILCS 175/15)
(This Section may contain text from a Public Act with a delayed effective date)
Sec. 15. Ring life buoy requirements. Ring life buoys installed under Section 10 must meet the following:
(Source: P.A. 102-1036, eff. 6-2-23.)
(430 ILCS 175/20)
(This Section may contain text from a Public Act with a delayed effective date)
Sec. 20. Tracking, reporting, and analyzing drownings. Each unit of local government owning a pier or drop-off on Lake Michigan shall track and, at a minimum of twice per year, publish on the unit's website a report on lakefront drownings of which the unit is aware that have occurred within 100 feet of the unit's piers and drop-offs. The report shall include, at a minimum, a description of access to and use of public rescue equipment, location, temperature, time of day, conditions, demographics, and type of entry into the water. If there have been drownings during the reporting period, each unit of local government must also publish a water safety plan on the unit's website.

(Source: P.A. 102-1036, eff. 6-2-23.)
(430 ILCS 175/25)
(This Section may contain text from a Public Act with a delayed effective date)
Sec. 25. High-incident drowning area plans. Within one year after an owner's property becoming a high-incident drowning area, the owner shall update and disseminate a water safety plan as well as upgrade installed safety equipment as needed, which may include, but is not limited to, installing equipment that automatically contacts 9-1-1 or other safety improvements.

(Source: P.A. 102-1036, eff. 6-2-23.)
(430 ILCS 175/99)
(This Section may contain text from a Public Act with a delayed effective date)
Sec. 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect one year after becoming law.

(Source: P.A. 102-1036, eff. 6-2-23.)

Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes

Illinois Compiled Statutes

Chapter 430 - PUBLIC SAFETY

430 ILCS 5/ - Liquefied Petroleum Gas Regulation Act.

430 ILCS 10/ - Liquefied Petroleum Gas Container Act.

430 ILCS 15/ - Gasoline Storage Act.

430 ILCS 20/ - Gasoline Receptacle Labeling Act.

430 ILCS 25/ - Natural Gas Odor Injection Act.

430 ILCS 27/ - Illinois Propane Education and Research Act of 1997.

430 ILCS 30/ - Illinois Hazardous Materials Transportation Act.

430 ILCS 32/ - Nitroglycerin Transportation Act.

430 ILCS 35/ - Uniform Hazardous Substances Act of Illinois.

430 ILCS 40/ - Illinois Poison Prevention Packaging Act.

430 ILCS 45/ - Illinois Chemical Safety Act.

430 ILCS 50/ - Hazardous Materials Emergency Act.

430 ILCS 55/ - Hazardous Material Emergency Response Reimbursement Act.

430 ILCS 60/ - Safety Glazing Materials Act.

430 ILCS 65/ - Firearm Owners Identification Card Act.

430 ILCS 66/ - Firearm Concealed Carry Act.

430 ILCS 67/ - Firearms Restraining Order Act.

430 ILCS 68/ - Firearm Dealer License Certification Act.

430 ILCS 69/ - Reimagine Public Safety Act.

430 ILCS 70/ - Illinois Public Demonstrations Law.

430 ILCS 75/ - Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act.

430 ILCS 85/ - Amusement Ride and Attraction Safety Act.

430 ILCS 95/ - Release of Genetically Engineered Organisms Act.

430 ILCS 100/ - Illinois Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act.

430 ILCS 110/ - Eyeglass Frame and Lens Act.

430 ILCS 115/ - Illinois Modular Dwelling and Mobile Structure Safety Act.

430 ILCS 117/ - Manufactured Home Quality Assurance Act.

430 ILCS 120/ - Illinois Manufactured Home Installers Act.

430 ILCS 125/ - Children's Product Safety Act.

430 ILCS 130/ - Emergency Evacuation Plan for People with Disabilities Act.

430 ILCS 132/ - Illinois Premise Alert Program (PAP) Act.

430 ILCS 135/ - Carbon Monoxide Alarm Detector Act.

430 ILCS 140/ - Cadmium-Safe Kids Act.

430 ILCS 145/ - Movable Soccer Goal Safety Act (aka Zach's Law).

430 ILCS 150/ - Abandoned Refrigerator Act.

430 ILCS 155/ - Outdoor Lighting Installation Act.

430 ILCS 160/ - Peephole Installation Act.

430 ILCS 165/ - Excavation Fence Act.

430 ILCS 170/ - First Informer Broadcasters Act.

430 ILCS 175/ - Lake Michigan Rescue Equipment Act.