(410 ILCS 110/1)
Sec. 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Stem Cell Research and Human Cloning Prohibition Act.
(Source: P.A. 95-519, eff. 1-1-08.)
(410 ILCS 110/5)
Sec. 5. Policy permitting research. The policy of the State of Illinois shall be as follows:
(1) Research involving the derivation and use of human embryonic stem cells, human embryonic germ cells, and human adult stem cells from any source, including somatic cell nuclear transplantation, shall be permitted and the ethical and medical implications of this research shall be given full consideration.
(2) Research involving the derivation and use of human embryonic stem cells, human embryonic germ cells, and human adult stem cells, including somatic cell nuclear transplantation, shall be allowed to receive public funds through a program established specifically for the purpose of supporting stem cell research in Illinois under the Department of Public Health.
(3) Stem cell research is considered valuable to the health and well-being of all and the unhindered distribution of research materials to all qualified investigators engaged in non-commercial research shall be encouraged within the confines of the law.
(Source: P.A. 95-519, eff. 1-1-08.)
(410 ILCS 110/10)
Sec. 10. Definitions. As used in this Act:
"Department" means the Department of Public Health.
"Institute" means the Illinois Regenerative Medicine Institute.
"Committee" means the Illinois Regenerative Medicine Institute Oversight Committee.
(Source: P.A. 95-519, eff. 1-1-08.)
(410 ILCS 110/15)
Sec. 15. Department grant program.
(a) The Department of Public Health shall develop and administer the Illinois Regenerative Medicine Institute
Program within the Department to provide for the awarding of grants to Illinois medical research institutions.
(b) The purposes of the Institute grant program are:
(c) The Department shall adopt rules for the implementation of the Institute grant program, including but not limited to:
(Source: P.A. 95-519, eff. 1-1-08.)
(410 ILCS 110/20)
Sec. 20. Illinois Regenerative Medicine Institute Oversight Committee.
(a) The Illinois Regenerative Medicine Institute Oversight Committee shall be established to determine the awards under the Institute grant program. The Committee shall be composed of 7 members appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate.
(b) The Committee shall consist of individuals from:
(c) The Committee shall at all times include at least one member from each of the 3 categories listed in subsection (b) of this Section.
(d) No member of the Committee shall be employed by an Illinois medical research institution eligible to receive awards under the Institute grant program.
(e) Upon appointment, the Governor shall designate 3 members to serve a 2-year term and 4 members to serve a 4-year term. The Committee shall designate a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary. Any vacancy occurring in the membership of the Committee shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.
(f) No member of the Committee may receive compensation for his or her services, but each member may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of his or her duties.
(g) The duties and responsibilities of the Committee shall include, but not be limited to:
(h) All Institute information concerning medical research shall be confidential and privileged and not subject to disclosure to any person other than Institute personnel.
(Source: P.A. 95-519, eff. 1-1-08.)
(410 ILCS 110/25)
Sec. 25. Conflict of interest.
(a) A person has a conflict of interest if any Committee action with respect to a matter may directly or indirectly financially benefit any of the following:
(b) A Committee member who has a conflict of interest with respect to a matter may not discuss that matter with other Committee members and shall not vote upon or otherwise participate in any Committee action with respect to that matter. Each recusal occurring during a Committee meeting shall be made a part of the minutes or recording of the meeting in accordance with the Open Meetings Act.
(c) A member of a scientific peer review panel or any other advisory committee that may be established by the Department who has a conflict of interest with respect to a matter may not discuss that matter with other peer review panel or advisory committee members or with Committee members and shall not vote or otherwise participate in any peer review panel or advisory committee action with respect to that matter. Each recusal of a peer review panel or advisory committee member occurring during a peer review panel or advisory committee meeting shall be made a part of the minutes or recording of the meeting in accordance with the Open Meetings Act.
(d) The Institute shall not allow any Institute employee to participate in the processing of, or to provide any advice concerning, any matter with which the Institute employee has a conflict of interest.
(Source: P.A. 95-519, eff. 1-1-08.)
(410 ILCS 110/30)
Sec. 30. Disclosure of Committee, scientific peer review panel, or advisory committee member income and interests.
(a) Each Committee, scientific peer review panel, and any advisory committee member shall file with the Secretary of State a written disclosure of the following with respect to the member, the member's spouse, and any immediate family living with the member:
(b) Each appointed Committee member and each member of a scientific peer review panel and any advisory committee member shall file the disclosure required by subsection (a) of this Section at the time the member is appointed and at the time of any reappointment of that member.
(c) Each Committee member and each member of a scientific peer review panel and any advisory committee member shall file an updated disclosure with the Secretary of State promptly after any change in the items required to be disclosed under this subsection with respect to the member, the member's spouse, or any immediate family living with the member.
(d) The requirements of Section 3A-30 of the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act and any other disclosures required by law apply to this Act.
(e) Filed disclosures shall be public records.
(Source: P.A. 95-519, eff. 1-1-08.)
(410 ILCS 110/35)
Sec. 35. Disclosure of proposed Institute funding recipients.
(a) Each Institute request to the Committee for approval of proposed stem cell research funding must be accompanied by a written disclosure that identifies the proposed funding recipient and any executives, officers, directors, trustees, fiduciaries, owners, parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, and institutional or organizational host of the proposed funding recipient.
(b) A proposed Institute stem cell research funding request shall not be approved by the Committee unless and until the Committee receives the disclosure.
(c) Disclosures provided to the Committee are public records.
(Source: P.A. 95-519, eff. 1-1-08.)
(410 ILCS 110/40)
Sec. 40. Cloning prohibited.
(a) No person may clone or attempt to clone a human being. For purposes of this Section, "clone or attempt to clone a human being" means to transfer to a uterus or attempt to transfer to a uterus anything other than the product of fertilization of an egg of a human female by a sperm of a human male for the purpose of initiating a pregnancy that could result in the creation of a human fetus or the birth of a human being.
(b) A person who violates this Section is guilty of a Class 1 felony.
(Source: P.A. 95-519, eff. 1-1-08.)
(410 ILCS 110/45)
Sec. 45. Purchase or sale prohibited.
(a) A person may not knowingly, for valuable consideration, purchase or sell embryonic or cadaveric fetal tissue for research purposes.
(b) For the purpose of this Section, the giving or receiving of reasonable payment for the removal, processing, disposal, preservation, quality control, storage, transplantation, or implantation of the tissue does not constitute purchase or sale. This Section does not prohibit reimbursement for removal, storage, or transportation of embryonic or cadaveric fetal tissue for research purposes pursuant to this Act.
(c) A person who knowingly purchases or sells embryonic or cadaveric fetal tissue for research purposes in violation of subsection (a) of this Section is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor for the first conviction and a Class 4 felony for subsequent convictions.
(Source: P.A. 95-519, eff. 1-1-08.)
(410 ILCS 110/50)
Sec. 50. Severability. If any provision of this Act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity of that provision or application does not affect other provisions or applications of this Act that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application.
(Source: P.A. 95-519, eff. 1-1-08.)
Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes
410 ILCS 1/ - Antifreeze Bittering Act.
410 ILCS 2/ - Arthritis Prevention, Control, and Cure Act.
410 ILCS 3/ - Atherosclerosis Prevention Act.
410 ILCS 4/ - Automated External Defibrillator Act.
410 ILCS 5/ - Burial of Dead Bodies Act.
410 ILCS 10/ - Choke-Saving Methods Act.
410 ILCS 15/ - Coal Mine Medical Emergencies Act.
410 ILCS 18/ - Crematory Regulation Act.
410 ILCS 25/ - Environmental Barriers Act.
410 ILCS 27/ - Epinephrine Injector Act.
410 ILCS 30/ - Elevator Tactile Identification Act.
410 ILCS 35/ - Equitable Restrooms Act.
410 ILCS 37/ - Construction Site Temporary Restroom Facility Act.
410 ILCS 39/ - Restroom Access Act.
410 ILCS 43/ - Comprehensive Lead Education, Reduction, and Window Replacement Program Act.
410 ILCS 45/ - Lead Poisoning Prevention Act.
410 ILCS 46/ - Mercury-added Product Prohibition Act.
410 ILCS 47/ - Poison Control System Act.
410 ILCS 48/ - Brominated Fire Retardant Prevention Act.
410 ILCS 50/ - Medical Patient Rights Act.
410 ILCS 51/ - Mercury-Free Vaccine Act.
410 ILCS 53/ - Suicide Prevention, Education, and Treatment Act.
410 ILCS 54/ - Tattoo and Body Piercing Establishment Registration Act.
410 ILCS 55/ - Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf Act.
410 ILCS 60/ - Toxicological Laboratory Service Act.
410 ILCS 65/ - Illinois Rural/Downstate Health Act.
410 ILCS 66/ - Community Health Center Expansion Act.
410 ILCS 68/ - Safe and Hygienic Bed Act.
410 ILCS 70/ - Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Act.
410 ILCS 75/ - Smokeless Tobacco Outdoor Advertising Act.
410 ILCS 76/ - Tobacco Products Compliance Act.
410 ILCS 82/ - Smoke Free Illinois Act.
410 ILCS 83/ - Illinois Clean Public Elevator Air Act.
410 ILCS 85/ - Cigarette Health Warning Act.
410 ILCS 86/ - Preventing Youth Vaping Act.
410 ILCS 87/ - Indoor Air Quality Act.
410 ILCS 90/ - Pest and Predatory Animal Control Act.
410 ILCS 95/ - Vector Control Act.
410 ILCS 100/ - Reduction of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Act.
410 ILCS 105/ - Mold Remediation Registration Act.
410 ILCS 110/ - Stem Cell Research and Human Cloning Prohibition Act.
410 ILCS 115/ - Obesity Prevention Initiative Act.
410 ILCS 120/ - MRSA Prevention, Control, and Reporting Act.
410 ILCS 125/ - Public Health Standing Orders Act,
410 ILCS 130/ - Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act.
410 ILCS 135/ - Public Self-Care of Diabetes Act.
410 ILCS 140/ - Lactation Accommodation in Airports Act.
410 ILCS 145/ - Youth Sports Concussion Safety Act.
410 ILCS 150/ - Autism and Co-Occurring Medical Conditions Awareness Act.
410 ILCS 155/ - Health in All Policies Act.
410 ILCS 160/ - Dense Breast Tissue Act.
410 ILCS 170/ - Coal Tar Sealant Disclosure Act.
410 ILCS 175/ - Feminine Hygiene Products for the Homeless Act.
410 ILCS 180/ - Latex Glove Ban Act.
410 ILCS 185/ - Abortion Care Clinical Training Program Act.
410 ILCS 201/ - Autism Spectrum Disorders Reporting Act.
410 ILCS 205/ - Child Vision and Hearing Test Act.
410 ILCS 210/ - Consent by Minors to Health Care Services Act.
410 ILCS 212/ - Illinois Family Case Management Act.
410 ILCS 213/ - Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act.
410 ILCS 215/ - Infant Eye Disease Act.
410 ILCS 221/ - Advisory Board for the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Programs Act.
410 ILCS 223/ - Newborn Eye Pathology Act.
410 ILCS 225/ - Prenatal and Newborn Care Act.
410 ILCS 230/ - Problem Pregnancy Health Services and Care Act.
410 ILCS 235/ - Pertussis Vaccine Act.
410 ILCS 240/ - Newborn Metabolic Screening Act.
410 ILCS 245/ - Reye's Syndrome Reporting Act.
410 ILCS 250/ - Developmental Disability Prevention Act.
410 ILCS 255/ - WIC Vendor Management Act.
410 ILCS 260/ - Shaken Baby Prevention Act.
410 ILCS 265/ - Genetic and Metabolic Diseases Advisory Committee Act.
410 ILCS 270/ - Reducing the Risk of Skin Cancer and Excessive UV Exposure in Children Act.
410 ILCS 303/ - African-American HIV/AIDS Response Act.
410 ILCS 305/ - AIDS Confidentiality Act.
410 ILCS 310/ - HIV/AIDS Registry Act.
410 ILCS 312/ - Infectious Disease Testing Act.
410 ILCS 315/ - Communicable Disease Prevention Act.
410 ILCS 316/ - Ryan White Fund Validation Act.
410 ILCS 320/ - Prenatal Syphilis Act.
410 ILCS 325/ - Illinois Sexually Transmissible Disease Control Act.
410 ILCS 330/ - Polio Vaccine Act.
410 ILCS 335/ - Perinatal HIV Prevention Act.
410 ILCS 405/ - Alzheimer's Disease Assistance Act.
410 ILCS 406/ - Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Services Act.
410 ILCS 410/ - Alzheimer's Disease Research, Care, and Support Fund Act
410 ILCS 413/ - Epilepsy Disease Assistance Act.
410 ILCS 415/ - Experimental Cancer Treatment Act.
410 ILCS 416/ - Cancer Clinical Trial Participation Program Act.
410 ILCS 417/ - Reducing Cervical Cancer and Saving Lives Act.
410 ILCS 420/ - Hemophilia Care Act.
410 ILCS 430/ - Renal Disease Treatment Act.
410 ILCS 440/ - Rheumatic Fever and Heart Disease Medicine Act.
410 ILCS 445/ - Rare Disease Commission Act.
410 ILCS 450/ - Lyme Disease Prevention and Protection Act.
410 ILCS 455/ - Parkinson's Disease Public Awareness and Education Act.
410 ILCS 503/ - Arthritis Quality of Life Initiative Act.
410 ILCS 511/ - Down Syndrome Information and Awareness Act.
410 ILCS 513/ - Genetic Information Privacy Act.
410 ILCS 515/ - Head and Spinal Cord Injury Act.
410 ILCS 517/ - Health Care Professional Credentials Data Collection Act.
410 ILCS 520/ - Illinois Health Statistics Act.
410 ILCS 522/ - Illinois Adverse Health Care Events Reporting Law of 2005.
410 ILCS 525/ - Illinois Health and Hazardous Substances Registry Act.
410 ILCS 527/ - Immunization Data Registry Act.
410 ILCS 528/ - Lupus Education and Awareness Act.
410 ILCS 530/ - Marriage, Dissolution, and Invalidity Records Act.
410 ILCS 535/ - Vital Records Act.
410 ILCS 540/ - Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Education Act.
410 ILCS 605/ - Animals Intended for Food Act.
410 ILCS 607/ - Asthma Inhalers at Recreational Camps Act.
410 ILCS 610/ - Butter and Cheese Factories Act.
410 ILCS 615/ - Illinois Egg and Egg Products Act.
410 ILCS 620/ - Illinois Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
410 ILCS 625/ - Food Handling Regulation Enforcement Act.
410 ILCS 630/ - Food Safety Transportation Act.
410 ILCS 635/ - Grade A Pasteurized Milk and Milk Products Act.
410 ILCS 637/ - Halal Food Act.
410 ILCS 638/ - Healthy Food Program Development Act.
410 ILCS 640/ - Hearth Baked Bread Act.
410 ILCS 642/ - Home Health and Hospice Drug Dispensation and Administration Act.
410 ILCS 645/ - Kosher Food Act.
410 ILCS 647/ - Powdered Caffeine Control and Education Act.
410 ILCS 649/ - Right to Try Act.
410 ILCS 650/ - Sanitary Food Preparation Act.
410 ILCS 655/ - Safe Bottled Water Act.
410 ILCS 705/ - Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act.
410 ILCS 710/ - Overdose Prevention and Harm Reduction Act.