Illinois Compiled Statutes
15 ILCS 525/ - Securities Safekeeping Act.

(15 ILCS 525/0.01) (from Ch. 130, par. 50)
Sec. 0.01.
Short title.
This Act may be cited as the
Securities Safekeeping Act.

(Source: P.A. 86-1324.)
(15 ILCS 525/1) (from Ch. 130, par. 51)
Sec. 1.

Whenever the State Treasurer has the duty to safeguard any securities
or evidences of indebtedness deposited with or held by him, he may provide
for the custody and safekeeping of these securities or evidences of indebtedness
in the manner provided in and by any bank or savings and loan association
approved pursuant to "An Act in relation to State moneys", approved June
28, 1919, as amended.

(Source: P.A. 83-541.)

Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes

Illinois Compiled Statutes


15 ILCS 5/ - Governor Succession Act.

15 ILCS 10/ - Governor Transition Act.

15 ILCS 15/ - Executive Reorganization Implementation Act.

15 ILCS 16/ - Executive Order 1 (2012) Implementation Act.

15 ILCS 17/ - Executive Order 3 (2017) Implementation Act.

15 ILCS 20/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (State Budget Law)

15 ILCS 25/ - Governors Conference Act.

15 ILCS 30/ - Disaster Relief Act.

15 ILCS 50/ - Gubernatorial Boards and Commissions Act.

15 ILCS 55/ - Governor's Office of New Americans Act.

15 ILCS 60/ - Youth Homelessness Prevention Subcommittee Act.

15 ILCS 205/ - Attorney General Act.

15 ILCS 210/ - Civil and Equal Rights Enforcement Act.

15 ILCS 215/ - Pollution Abatement Enforcement Act.

15 ILCS 305/ - Secretary of State Act.

15 ILCS 310/ - Secretary of State Merit Employment Code.

15 ILCS 320/ - State Library Act.

15 ILCS 321/ - Illinois State Library Foundation Act.

15 ILCS 322/ - Illinois Literacy Act.

15 ILCS 323/ - Accessible Electronic Information Act.

15 ILCS 325/ - Lost State Archives Act.

15 ILCS 330/ - Secretary of State Buildings in Cook County Act.

15 ILCS 335/ - Illinois Identification Card Act.

15 ILCS 405/ - State Comptroller Act.

15 ILCS 410/ - Comptroller Merit Employment Code.

15 ILCS 415/ - Comptroller's Records Act.

15 ILCS 420/ - State Officer Salary Payment Act.

15 ILCS 425/ - Local Government Accounting Systems Act.

15 ILCS 505/ - State Treasurer Act.

15 ILCS 510/ - State Treasurer Employment Code.

15 ILCS 515/ - Treasurer as Custodian of Funds Act.

15 ILCS 516/ - Community Development Loan Guarantee Act.

15 ILCS 520/ - Deposit of State Moneys Act.

15 ILCS 525/ - Securities Safekeeping Act.

15 ILCS 530/ - Destruction of Indebtedness Certificates Act.

15 ILCS 535/ - Mutilated Evidence of Indebtedness Act.

15 ILCS 540/ - Disabled Militarymen Money Act.

15 ILCS 555/ - Commemorative Medallions Act.

15 ILCS 560/ - Infrastructure Development Act.