Illinois Compiled Statutes
15 ILCS 505/ - State Treasurer Act.

(15 ILCS 505/0.01) (from Ch. 130, par. 0.01)
Sec. 0.01.
Short title.
This Act may be cited as the
State Treasurer Act.

(Source: P.A. 86-1324.)
(15 ILCS 505/0.02)
Sec. 0.02. Transfer of powers. The rights, powers, duties, and functions vested in the Department of
Financial Institutions to administer the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed
Property Act (superseded by the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act) are transferred to the State Treasurer on July 1, 1999.

(Source: P.A. 102-288, eff. 8-6-21.)
(15 ILCS 505/0.03)
Sec. 0.03. Transfer of personnel.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b), personnel employed by the
Department of Financial Institutions on June 30, 1999 to perform duties
pertaining to the administration of the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed
Act (superseded by the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act) are transferred to the State Treasurer on July 1, 1999.
(b) In the case of a person employed by the Department of Financial
Institutions to perform both duties pertaining to the administration of the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act (superseded by the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act) and duties pertaining to a
function retained by the Department of Financial Institutions, the State
Treasurer, in consultation with the Director of Financial Institutions, shall
determine whether to transfer the employee to the Office of the State
Treasurer; until this determination has been made, the transfer shall not take
(c) The rights of State employees, the State, and its agencies under the
Personnel Code and applicable collective bargaining agreements and retirement
plans are not affected by this amendatory Act of 1999, except that all
positions transferred to the State Treasurer shall be subject to the State
Treasurer Employment Code effective July 1, 2000.
All transferred employees who are members of
collective bargaining units shall retain their seniority, continuous service,
salary, and accrued benefits. During the pendency of the existing collective
bargaining agreement, the rights provided for under that agreement and
memoranda and supplements to that agreement, including but not limited to, the
rights of employees performing duties pertaining to the administration of the
Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act (superseded by the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act) to positions in other State
agencies and the right of employees in other State agencies covered by the
agreement to positions performing duties pertaining to the administration of
the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act (superseded by the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act), shall not be abridged.
The State Treasurer shall
continue to honor during their pendency all bargaining agreements
in effect at the time of the transfer and to recognize all collective
bargaining representatives for the employees who perform or will perform
functions transferred by this amendatory Act of 1999. For all purposes with
respect to the management of the existing agreement and the
negotiation and management of any successor agreements, the State Treasurer
shall be deemed to
be the employer of employees who perform or will perform functions transferred
to the Office of the State Treasurer by
this amendatory Act of 1999.

(Source: P.A. 102-288, eff. 8-6-21.)
(15 ILCS 505/0.04)
Sec. 0.04. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 100-22, eff. 1-1-18. Repealed by P.A. 102-288, eff. 8-6-21.)
(15 ILCS 505/0.05)
Sec. 0.05. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 100-22, eff. 1-1-18. Repealed by P.A. 102-288, eff. 8-6-21.)
(15 ILCS 505/0.06)
Sec. 0.06. Savings provisions.
(a) The rights, powers, duties, and functions transferred to the State
Treasurer or the Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate by this amendatory Act
of 1999 shall be vested in and exercised by
the State Treasurer or the Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate subject to the
provisions of this amendatory Act of 1999.
An act done by the State Treasurer or the Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate
or an officer, employee, or agent of the
State Treasurer or the Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate in the exercise of
the transferred rights, powers, duties, or
functions shall have the same legal effect as if done by the Department of
Financial Institutions or an officer, employee, or agent of the Department of
Financial Institutions prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of
(b) The transfer of rights, powers, duties, and functions to the State
Treasurer or the Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate under this amendatory
Act of 1999 does not invalidate any previous
action taken by or in respect to the Department of Financial Institutions or
its officers, employees, or agents. References to the Department of Financial
Institutions or its officers, employees or agents in any document, contract,
agreement, or law shall, in
appropriate contexts, be deemed to refer to the State Treasurer or the
Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate or the officers, employees, or
agents of the State Treasurer or the Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate.
(c) The transfer of rights, powers, duties, and functions from the
Department of Financial Institutions to the State
Treasurer or the Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate under this amendatory
Act of 1999 does not affect the rights,
obligations, or duties of any other person or entity, including any civil or
criminal penalties
applicable thereto, arising out of those transferred rights, powers, duties,
and functions.
(d) With respect to matters that pertain to a right, power, duty, or
function transferred to the State Treasurer under this amendatory Act of 1999:
(e) This amendatory Act of 1999 does not affect any act done, ratified, or
canceled, any right occurring or established, or any action or proceeding had
or commenced in an administrative, civil, or criminal cause before July 1, 1999. Any such action or proceeding that pertains to the Uniform Disposition
of Unclaimed Property Act (superseded by the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act) or rules promulgated pursuant to that Act and that is
pending on that date may be prosecuted, defended, or continued by the State

(Source: P.A. 100-22, eff. 1-1-18.)
(15 ILCS 505/1) (from Ch. 130, par. 1)
Sec. 1.
That the Treasurer of this State shall give bond,
entering upon the duties of his or her office, in the penal
sum of $500,000 by inclusion in the blanket bond or bonds or
self-insurance program provided for in Sections 14.1 and 14.2 of the Official
Bond Act. The bond shall be conditioned (i) for the faithful
of the Treasurer's duties, (ii) to deliver up all
moneys, papers, books, records, and other property
appertaining to his or her office, whole, safe, and undefaced, to
the successor in
office, and (iii) that the Treasurer will give additional bonds when legally

(Source: P.A. 90-372, eff. 7-1-98.)
(15 ILCS 505/2) (from Ch. 130, par. 2)
Sec. 2.

He shall before entering upon the duties of his office, take and
subscribe the oath or affirmation prescribed by Section 3,
Article XIII, of
the Constitution; which shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of

(Source: P.A. 85-620.)
(15 ILCS 505/3) (from Ch. 130, par. 3)
Sec. 3.

(Source: P.A. 90-372, eff. 7-1-98. Repealed internally, eff. 7-1-98.)
(15 ILCS 505/4) (from Ch. 130, par. 4)
Sec. 4.

If any person elected to the office of Treasurer shall fail to give
bond or take the oath required of him, within ten days after he is declared
elected, the office shall be deemed vacant, and if the Treasurer, being
required to give additional bond, as provided in Section 3 hereof, fails to
do so within twenty days after notice of such requirement, his office may,
in the discretion of the Governor, be declared vacant, and filled as
provided by law.

(Source: Laws 1873, p. 186.)
(15 ILCS 505/5) (from Ch. 130, par. 5)
Sec. 5.

The Treasurer shall keep an official seal, which shall be used to
authenticate all writings, papers and documents, required by law to be
certified from his office; and copies of all records, writings, papers and
documents legally in his keeping, when certified by him, and authenticated
by his official seal, shall be received in evidence in the same manner and
with like effect as the originals.

(Source: Laws 1873, p. 186.)
(15 ILCS 505/6) (from Ch. 130, par. 6)
Sec. 6.

(Source: P.A. 90-372, eff. 7-1-98. Repealed internally, eff. 7-1-98.)
(15 ILCS 505/7) (from Ch. 130, par. 7)
Sec. 7.
The State Treasurer shall receive the revenues and all other public
moneys of the state, and all moneys authorized by law to be paid to him,
and safely keep the same. Revenue received by the State in the form of coins, cash, checks, drafts, electronic fund transfers, electronic checks, credit card payments, debit card payments, or other similar payment instruments and the processing thereof shall be authorized for acceptance and collection by the State Treasurer.

(Source: P.A. 100-490, eff. 9-8-17.)
(15 ILCS 505/8) (from Ch. 130, par. 8)
Sec. 8.
Moneys deposited in treasury; Comptroller's order.
All persons paying money into the state treasury shall first obtain from
the State Comptroller an order, directing the Treasurer to receive the
same; and if the Treasurer shall receive and receipt for any money, without
such order being presented to him, he shall be removed from office. When
moneys are sent to the treasury, by express or otherwise, it shall be the
Treasurer's duty to obtain the Comptroller's order, hereinbefore required,
before receipting therefor. The order required under this Section may be
prepared by any magnetic or electronic technology as determined to be in the
best interest of the State by the Comptroller.

(Source: P.A. 90-37, eff. 6-27-97.)
(15 ILCS 505/9) (from Ch. 130, par. 9)
Sec. 9.
Receipt of money by Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall, on the receipt of any money, give the person paying
the same a confirmation of receipt which
shall be presented to the State
Comptroller, who shall enter his or her approval and
notify the person presenting the same, and retain
a record of those approvals in his or her office,
and charge the amount thereof against the Treasurer. No receipt shall be of
any validity unless approved by both the Comptroller and Treasurer as
provided in this Section.

(Source: P.A. 90-37, eff. 6-27-97.)
(15 ILCS 505/10) (from Ch. 130, par. 10)
Sec. 10.
Direct deposit of State payments.
The Treasurer shall not pay
out of the treasury any money, except upon the warrant of the State
Comptroller, provided that warrants shall not be required where payments
are made by the Comptroller to providers of community-based mental health
services, to persons receiving benefit payments under the State pension
systems, to individuals receiving assistance under Article III of the
Illinois Public Aid Code, or to a public agency as defined in the Public
Funds Investment Act, by direct deposit or by the electronic direct deposit
or transfer
of funds. These payments, however, shall only be made upon the approval of
the Treasurer, in the form and method provided by the rules or regulations
adopted under Section 9.03 of the State Comptroller Act.

(Source: P.A. 87-132; 87-653; 87-685; 87-751; 87-895; 88-643, eff. 1-1-95.)
(15 ILCS 505/11) (from Ch. 130, par. 11)
Sec. 11.
When any warrant is presented to the State Treasurer to be
countersigned, he shall do so if the warrant is in proper form and there
are sufficient moneys in the fund to pay the warrant. He shall also make a
record of the date and amount of each warrant.
Upon request for a wire or electronic transfer of funds pursuant to a
warrant payable from the State treasury, the State Treasurer may impose upon
and collect from the requesting payee a service charge covering all costs
of such transfer.

(Source: P.A. 99-562, eff. 1-1-17.)
(15 ILCS 505/12) (from Ch. 130, par. 12)
Sec. 12.

He shall keep regular and fair accounts of all moneys received and
paid out by him, stating, particularly, on what account each amount is
received or paid out. He may make such corrections and changes in his
records as may be necessary pursuant to notices received from the
Department of Revenue under Section 2505-475 of the Department
of Revenue Law (20 ILCS 2505/2505-475).

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(15 ILCS 505/13) (from Ch. 130, par. 13)
Sec. 13.

On the payment of any warrant, the Treasurer shall cancel the

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 545.)
(15 ILCS 505/14) (from Ch. 130, par. 14)
Sec. 14.

He shall, at appropriate intervals but at least once each month, report to the State Comptroller
the amount of money received and paid out by him during the time period, stating
on what account the same was received and paid; and shall, at appropriate
intervals but at least once each month, report to the Comptroller all
warrants, properly canceled, which he may have paid, and take the
Comptroller's receipt for the same.

(Source: P.A. 99-562, eff. 1-1-17.)
(15 ILCS 505/15) (from Ch. 130, par. 15)
Sec. 15.

He shall also make out and present to the Governor, at least ten
days before each regular session of the General Assembly, a full report of
all moneys by him received and paid out, and also a general account of all
the business of his office.

(Source: Laws 1873, p. 186.)
(15 ILCS 505/16) (from Ch. 130, par. 16)
Sec. 16.

In case of the death of the Treasurer, it shall be the duty of the
Governor to take possession of the office of such Treasurer, and cause the
vaults thereof to be closed and securely locked, and so remain until a
successor is appointed and qualified; and at the time such successor takes
possession of the office, he, together with the State Comptroller and any
of the bondsmen of the deceased Treasurer who shall be present, shall
proceed to take an account of all the moneys, papers, books, records and
other property coming into his possession; and the Comptroller shall take
of such succeeding Treasurer his receipt therefor, and keep the same on
file in his office.

(Source: P.A. 78-592.)
(15 ILCS 505/16.5)
Sec. 16.5. College Savings Pool.
(a) Definitions. As used in this Section:
"Account owner" means any person or entity who has opened an account or to whom ownership of an account has been transferred, as allowed by the Internal Revenue Code, and who has authority to withdraw funds, direct withdrawal of funds, change the designated beneficiary, or otherwise exercise control over an account in the College Savings Pool.
"Donor" means any person or entity who makes contributions to an account in the College Savings Pool.
"Designated beneficiary" means any individual designated as the beneficiary of an account in the College Savings Pool by an account owner. A designated beneficiary must have a valid social security number or taxpayer identification number. In the case of an account established as part of a scholarship program permitted under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, the designated beneficiary is any individual receiving benefits accumulated in the account as a scholarship.
"Eligible educational institution" means public and private colleges, junior colleges, graduate schools, and certain vocational institutions that are described in Section 1001 of the Higher Education Resource and Student Assistance Chapter of Title 20 of the United States Code (20 U.S.C. 1001) and that are eligible to participate in Department of Education student aid programs.
"Member of the family" has the same meaning ascribed to that term under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code.
"Nonqualified withdrawal" means a distribution from an account other than a distribution that (i) is used for the qualified expenses of the designated beneficiary; (ii) results from the beneficiary's death or disability; (iii) is a rollover to another account in the College Savings Pool; or (iv) is a rollover to an ABLE account, as defined in Section 16.6 of this Act, or any distribution that, within 60 days after such distribution, is transferred to an ABLE account of the designated beneficiary or a member of the family of the designated beneficiary to the extent that the distribution, when added to all other contributions made to the ABLE account for the taxable year, does not exceed the limitation under Section 529A(b) of the Internal Revenue Code.
"Qualified expenses" means: (i) tuition, fees, and the costs of books, supplies, and equipment required for enrollment or attendance at an eligible educational institution; (ii) expenses for special needs services, in the case of a special needs beneficiary, which are incurred in connection with such enrollment or attendance; (iii) certain expenses, to the extent they qualify as qualified higher education expenses under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, for the purchase of computer or peripheral equipment or Internet access and related services, if such equipment, software, or services are to be used primarily by the beneficiary during any of the years the beneficiary is enrolled at an eligible educational institution, except that, such expenses shall not include expenses for computer software designed for sports, games, or hobbies, unless the software is predominantly educational in nature; (iv) room and board expenses incurred while attending an eligible educational institution at least half-time; (v) expenses for fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for the participation of a designated beneficiary in an apprenticeship program registered and certified with the Secretary of Labor under the National Apprenticeship Act (29 U.S.C. 50); and (vi) amounts paid as principal or interest on any qualified education loan of the designated beneficiary or a sibling of the designated beneficiary, as allowed under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. A student shall be considered to be enrolled at least half-time if the student is enrolled for at least half the full-time academic workload for the course of study the student is pursuing as determined under the standards of the institution at which the student is enrolled.
(b) Establishment of the Pool. The State Treasurer may establish and
administer the College Savings Pool as a qualified tuition program under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. The Pool may consist of one or more college savings programs. The State Treasurer, in administering the College Savings
Pool, may: (1) receive, hold, and invest moneys paid into the Pool; and (2) perform any other action he or she deems necessary to administer the Pool, including any other actions necessary to ensure that the Pool operates as a qualified tuition program in accordance with Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code.
(c) Administration of the College Savings Pool. The State Treasurer may delegate duties related to the College Savings Pool to one or more contractors. The contributions deposited in the Pool, and any earnings thereon, shall not constitute property of the State or be commingled with State funds and the State shall have no claim to or against, or interest in, such funds; provided that the fees collected by the State Treasurer in accordance with this Act, scholarship programs administered by the State Treasurer, and seed funds deposited by the State Treasurer under Section 16.8 of the Act are State funds.
(c-5) College Savings Pool Account Summaries. The State Treasurer shall provide a separate accounting for each designated beneficiary. The separate accounting shall be provided to the account owner of the account for the designated beneficiary at least annually and shall show the account balance, the investment in the account, the investment earnings, and the distributions from the account.
(d) Availability of the College Savings Pool. The State Treasurer may permit persons, including trustees of trusts and custodians under a Uniform Transfers to Minors Act or Uniform Gifts to Minors Act account, and certain legal entities to be account owners, including as part of a scholarship program, provided that: (1) an individual, trustee or custodian must have a valid social security number or taxpayer identification number, be at least 18 years of age, and have a valid United States street address; and (2) a legal entity must have a valid taxpayer identification number and a valid United States street address. In-state and out-of-state persons, trustees, custodians, and legal entities may be account owners and donors, and both in-state and out-of-state individuals may be designated beneficiaries in the College Savings Pool.
(e) Fees. Any fees, costs, and expenses, including investment fees and expenses and payments to third parties, related to the College Savings Pool, shall be paid from the assets of the College Savings Pool. The State Treasurer shall establish fees to be imposed on accounts to cover such fees, costs, and expenses, to the extent not paid directly out of the investments of the College Savings Pool, and to maintain an adequate reserve fund in line with industry standards for government operated funds. The Treasurer must use his or her best efforts to keep these fees as low as possible and consistent with administration of high quality competitive college savings programs.
(f) Investments in the State. To enhance the safety and liquidity of the College Savings Pool,
to ensure the diversification of the investment portfolio of the College Savings Pool, and in
an effort to keep investment dollars in the State of Illinois, the State
Treasurer may make a percentage of each account available for investment in
participating financial institutions doing business in the State.
(g) Investment policy. The Treasurer shall develop, publish, and implement an investment policy
covering the investment of the moneys in each of the programs in the College Savings Pool. The policy
shall be published each year as part
of the audit of the College Savings Pool by the Auditor General, which shall be
distributed to all account owners in such program. The Treasurer shall notify all account owners in such program
in writing, and the Treasurer shall publish in a newspaper of general
circulation in both Chicago and Springfield, any changes to the previously
published investment policy at least 30 calendar days before implementing the
policy. Any investment policy adopted by the Treasurer shall be reviewed and
updated if necessary within 90 days following the date that the State Treasurer
takes office.
(h) Investment restrictions. An account owner may, directly or indirectly, direct the investment of his or her account only as provided in Section 529(b)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donors and designated beneficiaries, in those capacities, may not, directly or indirectly, direct the investment of an account.
(i) Distributions. Distributions from an account in the College
Savings Pool may be used for the designated beneficiary's qualified expenses, and if not used in that manner, may be considered a nonqualified withdrawal. Funds contained in a College Savings Pool account may be rolled over into an eligible ABLE account, as defined in Section 16.6 of this Act, or another qualified tuition program, to the extent permitted by Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Distributions made from the College Savings Pool may be
made directly to the eligible educational institution, directly to a vendor,
in the form of a check payable to both the designated beneficiary and the institution or
vendor, directly to the designated beneficiary or account owner, or in any other manner that is permissible under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code.
(j) Contributions. Contributions to the College Savings Pool shall be as follows:
(k) Illinois Student Assistance Commission. The Treasurer and the Illinois Student Assistance Commission shall each cooperate in providing each other with account information, as necessary, to prevent contributions in excess of those necessary to provide for the qualified expenses of the designated beneficiary, as described in subsection (j).
The Treasurer shall
work with the Illinois Student Assistance Commission to coordinate the
marketing of the College Savings Pool and the Illinois Prepaid Tuition
Program when considered beneficial by the Treasurer and the Director of the
Illinois Student Assistance
(l) Prohibition; exemption. No interest in the program, or any portion thereof, may be used as security for a
loan. Moneys held in an account invested in the College Savings Pool shall be exempt from all claims of the creditors of the account owner, donor, or designated beneficiary of that account, except for the non-exempt College Savings Pool transfers to or from the account as defined under subsection (j) of Section 12-1001 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
(m) Taxation. The assets of the College Savings Pool and its income and operation shall
be exempt from all taxation by the State of Illinois and any of its
subdivisions. The accrued earnings on investments in the Pool once disbursed
on behalf of a designated beneficiary shall be similarly exempt from all
taxation by the State of Illinois and its subdivisions, so long as they are
used for qualified expenses. Contributions to a College Savings Pool account
during the taxable year may be deducted from adjusted gross income as provided
in Section 203 of the Illinois Income Tax Act. The provisions of this
paragraph are exempt from Section 250 of the Illinois Income Tax Act.
(n) Rules. The Treasurer shall adopt rules he or she considers necessary for the
efficient administration of the College Savings Pool. The rules shall provide
whatever additional parameters and restrictions are necessary to ensure that
the College Savings Pool meets all the requirements for a qualified
tuition program under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Notice of any proposed
amendments to the rules and regulations shall be provided to all account owners
prior to adoption.
(o) Bond. The State Treasurer shall give bond
with at least one surety, payable to and for the benefit of the
account owners in the College Savings Pool, in the penal sum of $10,000,000,
conditioned upon the faithful discharge of his or her duties in relation to
the College Savings Pool.
(p) The changes made to subsections (c) and (e) of this Section by Public Act 101-26 are intended to be a restatement and clarification of existing law.
(Source: P.A. 101-26, eff. 6-21-19; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19; 102-186, eff. 7-30-21.)
(15 ILCS 505/16.6)
Sec. 16.6. ABLE account program.
(a) As used in this Section:
"ABLE account" or "account" means an account established for the purpose of financing certain qualified expenses of eligible individuals as specifically provided for in this Section and authorized by Section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code.
"ABLE account plan" or "plan" means the savings account plan provided for in this Section.
"Account administrator" means the person or entity selected by the State Treasurer to administer the daily operations of the ABLE account plan and provide marketing, recordkeeping, investment management, and other services for the plan.
"Aggregate account balance" means the amount in an account on a particular date or the fair market value of an account on a particular date.
"Beneficiary" or "designated beneficiary" means the ABLE account owner.
"Contracting state" means a state without a qualified ABLE program which has entered into a contract with Illinois to provide residents of the contracting state access to a qualified ABLE program.
"Designated representative" means a person or entity who is authorized to act on behalf of a "designated beneficiary". A designated beneficiary is authorized to act on his or her own behalf unless the designated beneficiary is a minor or the designated beneficiary has been adjudicated to have a disability so that a guardian has been appointed. A designated representative acts in a fiduciary capacity to the designated beneficiary. A person or entity seeking to open an ABLE account on behalf of a designated beneficiary must provide certification, subject to penalties of perjury, of the basis for the person's or entity's authority to act as a designated representative and that there is no other person or entity with higher priority to establish the ABLE account under Section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code and federal regulations.
"Disability certification" has the meaning given to that term under Section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code.
"Eligible individual" has the meaning given to that term under Section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code.
"Internal Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code.
"Participation agreement" means an agreement to participate in the ABLE account plan between a designated beneficiary and the State, through its agencies and the State Treasurer.
"Qualified disability expenses" has the meaning given to that term under Section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code.
"Qualified withdrawal" or "qualified distribution" means a withdrawal from an ABLE account to pay the qualified disability expenses of the beneficiary of the account.
(b) Establishment of the ABLE Program. The "Achieving a Better Life Experience" or "ABLE" account program is hereby created and shall be administered by the State Treasurer. The purpose of the ABLE program is to encourage and assist individuals and families in saving private funds for the purpose of supporting individuals with disabilities to maintain health, independence, and quality of life, and to provide secure funding for disability-related expenses on behalf of designated beneficiaries with disabilities that will supplement, but not supplant, benefits provided through private insurance, federal and State medical and disability insurance, the beneficiary's employment, and other sources. Under the plan, a person may make contributions to an ABLE account to meet the qualified disability expenses of the designated beneficiary of the account. The plan must be operated as an accounts-type plan that permits persons to save for qualified disability expenses incurred by or on behalf of an eligible individual.
(c) Promotion of the ABLE Program. The State Treasurer shall promote awareness of the availability and advantages of the ABLE account plan as a way to assist individuals and families in saving private funds for the purpose of supporting individuals with disabilities.
(d) Availability of the ABLE Program. An ABLE account may be established under this Section for a designated beneficiary who is a resident of Illinois, a resident of a contracting state, or a resident of any other state.
Annual contributions to an ABLE account on behalf of a beneficiary are subject to the requirements of subsection (b) of Section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code. No person may make a contribution to an ABLE account if such a contribution would result in the aggregate account balance of an ABLE account exceeding the account balance limit authorized under Section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code. The Treasurer shall review the contribution limit at least annually. A separate account must be maintained for each beneficiary for whom contributions are made, and no more than one account shall be established per beneficiary. If an ABLE account is established for a designated beneficiary, no account subsequently established for such beneficiary shall be treated as an ABLE account. The preceding sentence shall not apply in the case of an ABLE account established for purposes of a rollover as permitted under Sections 529 and 529A of the Internal Revenue Code.
(e) Administration of the ABLE Program. The State Treasurer shall administer the plan, including accepting and processing applications, maintaining account records, making payments, and undertaking any other necessary tasks to administer the plan, including the appointment of an account administrator. The State Treasurer may contract with one or more third parties to carry out some or all of these administrative duties, including, but not limited to, providing investment management services, incentives, and marketing the plan. The State Treasurer may enter into agreements with other states to either allow Illinois residents to participate in a plan operated by another state or to allow residents of other states to participate in the Illinois ABLE plan. The State Treasurer may require any certifications that he or she deems necessary to implement the program, including oaths or affirmations made under penalties of perjury.
(f) Fees. The State Treasurer may establish fees to be imposed on participants to cover the costs of administration, recordkeeping, and investment management. The State Treasurer must use his or her best efforts to keep these fees as low as possible, consistent with efficient administration.
(g) The Illinois ABLE Accounts Administrative Fund. The Illinois ABLE Accounts Administrative Fund is created as a nonappropriated trust fund in the State treasury. The State Treasurer shall use moneys in the Administrative Fund to cover administrative expenses incurred under this Section. The Administrative Fund may receive any grants or other moneys designated for administrative purposes from the State, or any unit of federal, state, or local government, or any other person, firm, partnership, or corporation. Any interest earnings that are attributable to moneys in the Administrative Fund must be deposited into the Administrative Fund. Any fees established by the State Treasurer to cover the costs of administration, recordkeeping, and investment management shall be deposited into the Administrative Fund.
Subject to appropriation, the State Treasurer may pay administrative costs associated with the creation and management of the plan until sufficient assets are available in the Administrative Fund for that purpose.
(h) Privacy. Applications for accounts, designated beneficiary data, account data, and data on beneficiaries of accounts are confidential and exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.
(i) Investment Policy. The Treasurer shall prepare and adopt a written statement of investment policy that includes a risk management and oversight program which shall be reviewed annually and posted on the Treasurer's website prior to implementation. The risk management and oversight program shall be designed to ensure that an effective risk management system is in place to monitor the risk levels of the ABLE plan, to ensure that the risks taken are prudent and properly managed, to provide an integrated process for overall risk management, and to assess investment returns as well as risk to determine if the risks taken are adequately compensated compared to applicable performance benchmarks and standards. To enhance the safety and liquidity of ABLE accounts, to ensure the diversification of the investment portfolio of accounts, and in an effort to keep investment dollars in the State, the State Treasurer may make a percentage of each account available for investment in participating financial institutions doing business in the State, except that the accounts may be invested without limit in investment options from open-ended investment companies registered under Section 80a of the federal Investment Company Act of 1940. The State Treasurer may contract with one or more third parties for investment management, recordkeeping, or other services in connection with investing the accounts.
(j) Investment restrictions. The State Treasurer shall ensure that the plan meets the requirements for an ABLE account under Section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code. The State Treasurer may request a private letter ruling or rulings from the Internal Revenue Service and must take any necessary steps to ensure that the plan qualifies under relevant provisions of federal law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any determination by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States that an account was utilized to make non-qualified distributions shall not result in an ABLE account being disregarded as a resource.
(k) Contributions. A person may make contributions to an ABLE account on behalf of a beneficiary. Contributions to an account made by persons other than the designated beneficiary become the property of the designated beneficiary. Contributions to an account shall be considered as a transfer of assets for fair market value. A person does not acquire an interest in an ABLE account by making contributions to an account. A contribution to any account for a beneficiary must be rejected if the contribution would cause either the aggregate or annual account balance of the account to exceed the limits imposed by Section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code.
Any change in designated beneficiary must be done in a manner consistent with Section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code.
(l) Notice. Notice of any proposed amendments to the rules and regulations shall be provided to all designated beneficiaries or their designated representatives prior to adoption. Amendments to rules and regulations shall apply only to contributions made after the adoption of the amendment. Amendments to this Section automatically amend the participation agreement. Any amendments to the operating procedures and policies of the plan shall automatically amend the participation agreement after adoption by the State Treasurer.
(m) Plan assets. All assets of the plan, including any contributions to accounts, are held in trust for the exclusive benefit of the designated beneficiary and shall be considered spendthrift accounts exempt from all of the designated beneficiary's creditors. The plan shall provide separate accounting for each designated beneficiary sufficient to satisfy the requirements of paragraph (3) of subsection (b) of Section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code. Assets must be held in either a state trust fund outside the State treasury, to be known as the Illinois ABLE plan trust fund, or in accounts with a third-party provider selected pursuant to this Section. Amounts contributed to ABLE accounts shall not be commingled with State funds and the State shall have no claim to or against, or interest in, such funds.
Plan assets are not subject to claims by creditors of the State and are not subject to appropriation by the State. Payments from the Illinois ABLE account plan shall be made under this Section.
The assets of ABLE accounts and their income may not be used as security for a loan.
(n) Taxation. The assets of ABLE accounts and their income and operation shall be exempt from all taxation by the State of Illinois and any of its subdivisions to the extent exempt from federal income taxation. The accrued earnings on investments in an ABLE account once disbursed on behalf of a designated beneficiary shall be similarly exempt from all taxation by the State of Illinois and its subdivisions to the extent exempt from federal income taxation, so long as they are used for qualified expenses.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law that requires consideration of one or more financial circumstances of an individual, for the purpose of determining eligibility to receive, or the amount of, any assistance or benefit authorized by such provision to be provided to or for the benefit of such individual, any amount, including earnings thereon, in the ABLE account of such individual, any contributions to the ABLE account of the individual, and any distribution for qualified disability expenses shall be disregarded for such purpose with respect to any period during which such individual maintains, makes contributions to, or receives distributions from such ABLE account.
(o) Distributions. The designated beneficiary or the designated representative of the designated beneficiary may make a qualified distribution for the benefit of the designated beneficiary. Qualified distributions shall be made for qualified disability expenses allowed pursuant to Section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code. Qualified distributions must be withdrawn proportionally from contributions and earnings in a designated beneficiary's account on the date of distribution as provided in Section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code. Unless prohibited by federal law, upon the death of a designated beneficiary, proceeds from an account may be transferred to the estate of a designated beneficiary, or to an account for another eligible individual specified by the designated beneficiary or the estate of the designated beneficiary, or transferred pursuant to a payable on death account agreement. A payable on death account agreement may be executed by the designated beneficiary or a designated representative who has been granted such power. Upon the death of a designated beneficiary, prior to distribution of the balance to the estate, account for another eligible individual, or transfer pursuant to a payable on death account agreement, the State Treasurer may require verification that the funeral and burial expenses of the designated beneficiary have been paid. An agency or instrumentality of the State may not seek payment under subsection (f) of Section 529A of the federal Internal Revenue Code from the account or its proceeds for benefits provided to a designated beneficiary.
(p) Rules. The State Treasurer may adopt rules to carry out the purposes of this Section. The State Treasurer shall further have the power to issue peremptory rules necessary to ensure that ABLE accounts meet all of the requirements for a qualified state ABLE program under Section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code and any regulations issued by the Internal Revenue Service.

(Source: P.A. 101-329, eff. 8-9-19; 102-392, eff. 8-16-21; 102-1024, eff. 5-27-22.)
(15 ILCS 505/16.7)
Sec. 16.7. Investment transparency.
(a) Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to provide for transparency in the investment of public funds by requiring the reporting of full and complete information regarding the investment moneys by the State Treasurer.
(b) Online information concerning the investment of public funds. The State Treasurer shall make available on his or her official website, and update at least monthly, the following information concerning the investment of public funds:
(c) Information exempt from reporting requirement. Nothing in this Section requires the State Treasurer to make information available on the Internet that is exempt from inspection and copying under the Freedom of Information Act.

(Source: P.A. 95-273, eff. 1-1-08.)
(15 ILCS 505/16.8)
Sec. 16.8. Illinois Higher Education Savings Program.
(a) Definitions. As used in this Section:
"Beneficiary" means an eligible child named as a recipient of seed funds.
"Eligible child" means a child born or adopted after December 31, 2022, to a parent who is a resident of Illinois at the time of the birth or adoption, as evidenced by documentation received by the Treasurer from the Department of Revenue, the Department of Public Health, or another State or local government agency.
"Eligible educational institution" means institutions that are described in Section 1001 of the federal Higher Education Act of 1965 that are eligible to participate in Department of Education student aid programs.
"Fund" means the Illinois Higher Education Savings Program Fund.
"Omnibus account" means the pooled collection of seed funds owned and managed by the State Treasurer in the College Savings Pool under this Act.
"Program" means the Illinois Higher Education Savings Program.
"Qualified higher education expense" means the following: (i) tuition, fees, and the costs of books, supplies, and equipment required for enrollment or attendance at an eligible educational institution; (ii) expenses for special needs services, in the case of a special needs beneficiary, which are incurred in connection with such enrollment or attendance; (iii) certain expenses for the purchase of computer or peripheral equipment, computer software, or Internet access and related services as defined under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code; (iv) room and board expenses incurred while attending an eligible educational institution at least half-time; (v) expenses for fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for the participation of a designated beneficiary in an apprenticeship program registered and certified with the Secretary of Labor under the National Apprenticeship Act (29 U.S.C. 50); and (vi) amounts paid as principal or interest on any qualified education loan of the designated beneficiary or a sibling of the designated beneficiary, as allowed under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code.
"Seed funds" means the deposit made by the State Treasurer into the Omnibus Accounts for Program beneficiaries.
(b) Program established. The State Treasurer shall establish the Illinois Higher Education Savings Program as a part of the College Savings Pool under Section 16.5 of this Act, subject to appropriation by the General Assembly. The State Treasurer shall administer the Program for the purposes of expanding access to higher education through savings.
(c) Program enrollment. The State Treasurer shall enroll all eligible children in the Program beginning in 2023, after receiving records of recent births, adoptions, or dependents from the Department of Revenue, the Department of Public Health, or another State or local government agency designated by the Treasurer. Notwithstanding any court order which would otherwise prevent the release of information, the Department of Public Health is authorized to release the information specified under this subsection (c) to the State Treasurer for the purposes of the Program established under this Section.
(d) Seed funds. After receiving information on recent births, adoptions, or dependents from the Department of Revenue, the Department of Public Health, or another State or local government agency, the State Treasurer shall make deposits into an omnibus account on behalf of eligible children. The State Treasurer shall be the owner of the omnibus accounts.
(e) Financial education. The State Treasurer may develop educational materials that support the financial literacy of beneficiaries and their legal guardians, and may do so in collaboration with State and federal agencies, including, but not limited to, the Illinois State Board of Education and existing nonprofit agencies with expertise in financial literacy and education.
(f) Supplementary deposits and partnerships. The State Treasurer may make supplementary deposits to children in financially insecure households if sufficient funds are available. Furthermore, the State Treasurer may develop partnerships with private, nonprofit, or governmental organizations to provide additional savings incentives, including conditional cash transfers or matching contributions that provide a savings incentive based on specific actions taken or other criteria.
(g) Illinois Higher Education Savings Program Fund. The Illinois Higher Education Savings Program Fund is hereby established as a special fund in the State treasury. The Fund shall be the official repository of all contributions, appropriated funds, interest, and dividend payments, gifts, or other financial assets received by the State Treasurer in connection with the operation of the Program or related partnerships. All such moneys shall be deposited in the Fund and held by the State Treasurer as custodian thereof. The State Treasurer may accept gifts, grants, awards, matching contributions, interest income, and appropriated funds from individuals, businesses, governments, and other third-party sources to implement the Program on terms that the Treasurer deems advisable. All interest or other earnings accruing or received on amounts in the Illinois Higher Education Savings Program Fund shall be credited to and retained by the Fund and used for the benefit of the Program. Assets of the Fund must at all times be preserved, invested, and expended only for the purposes of the Program and must be held for the benefit of the beneficiaries. Assets may not be transferred or used by the State or the State Treasurer for any purposes other than the purposes of the Program. In addition, no moneys, interest, or other earnings paid into the Fund shall be used, temporarily or otherwise, for inter-fund borrowing or be otherwise used or appropriated except as expressly authorized by this Act. Notwithstanding the requirements of this subsection (g), amounts in the Fund may be used by the State Treasurer to pay the administrative costs of the Program.
(h) Audits and reports. The State Treasurer shall include the Illinois Higher Education Savings Program as part of the audit of the College Savings Pool described in Section 16.5. The State Treasurer shall annually prepare a report that includes a summary of the Program operations for the preceding fiscal year, including the number of children enrolled in the Program, the total amount of seed fund deposits, the rate of seed deposits claimed, and, to the extent data is reported and available, the racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and geographic data of beneficiaries and of children in financially insecure households who may receive automatic bonus deposits. Such other information that is relevant to make a full disclosure of the operations of the Program and Fund may also be reported. The report shall be made available on the Treasurer's website by January 31 each year, starting in January of 2024. The State Treasurer may include the Program in other reports as warranted.
(i) Rules. The State Treasurer may adopt rules necessary to implement this Section.

(Source: P.A. 101-466, eff. 1-1-20; 102-129, eff. 7-23-21; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-1047, eff. 1-1-23.)
(15 ILCS 505/16.10)
Sec. 16.10. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 96-6, eff. 4-3-09. Repealed internally, eff. 6-30-11.)
(15 ILCS 505/17) (from Ch. 130, par. 17)
Sec. 17.
The State Treasurer may establish and administer both a Public
Investment Pool and an E-Pay program to supplement
and enhance both the investment opportunities and the secure electronic payment options otherwise available to other
of public funds for public agencies
in this State.
The Treasurer, in administering the Public Treasurers' Investment Pool,
may receive public
funds paid into the pool by any other custodian of such funds and may serve
as the fiscal agent of
that custodian of public funds for the purpose of holding and investing those
The Treasurer may invest the public funds constituting the Public Treasurers'
Pool in the same manner, in the same types of investments and subject to
the same limitations
provided for the investment of funds in the State Treasury. The Treasurer
shall develop, publish, and implement an investment policy covering the
management of funds in the Public Treasurers' Investment Pool. The policy
shall be published each year as part of the audit
of the Public Treasurers' Investment Pool by the Auditor General, which shall
be distributed to all participants. The Treasurer shall notify all Public
Treasurers' Investment Pool participants in writing, and the Treasurer shall
publish in at least one newspaper of general circulation in both Springfield
and Chicago any changes to a previously published investment policy at least 30
calendar days before implementing the policy. Any such investment policy
adopted by the Treasurer shall be reviewed, and updated if necessary, within 90
days following the installation of a new Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall promulgate such rules and regulations as he deems
for the efficient
administration of the Public Treasurers' Investment Pool and the E-Pay program, including
of minimum amounts
which may be deposited in the Pool and minimum periods of time for which
shall be retained in the Pool. The rules shall provide for the administration
expenses of the Pool to be
paid from its earnings and for the interest earnings in excess of such expenses
to be credited or
paid monthly to the several custodians of public funds participating in
the Pool in a manner which equitably
reflects the differing amounts of their respective investments in the Pool and
differing periods of time for which such amounts were in the custody of the
Upon creating a Public Treasurers' Investment Pool the State Treasurer shall
give bond with 2 or more sufficient sureties, payable to custodians of public
funds who participate
in the Pool for the benefit of the public agencies whose funds are paid
into the Pool for investment,
in the penal sum of $150,000, conditioned for the faithful discharge of
his duties in relation to the
Public Treasurers' Investment Pool.
"Public agency", as used in this Section, means the State of Illinois or any political subdivision, or any agency, board, or department thereof, any special district, any municipality, or any unit of local government.
"Public funds", as used in this Section, means current operating funds, special funds, and funds of any kind or character belonging to or in the custody of any public agency.
This amendatory Act of 1975 is not a limit on any home rule unit.
After the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly, participation in the Public Treasurers' Investment Pool shall not be a prerequisite for participation in the Treasurer's E-Pay program.
(Source: P.A. 99-856, eff. 8-19-16; 100-969, eff. 8-19-18.)
(15 ILCS 505/17.1) (from Ch. 130, par. 17.1)
Sec. 17.1.

The Treasurer shall have the power to make and provide rules
and regulations necessary for the effective administrative performance of
the duties imposed upon him by law. Such rules and regulations shall be
promulgated in accordance with the provisions of "The Illinois Administrative
Procedure Act", as amended.

(Source: P.A. 84-1298.)
(15 ILCS 505/17.5)
Sec. 17.5. The State Treasurer Financial Education and Savings Not-for-Profit Corporation.
(a) The Treasurer is authorized in accordance with Section 10
of the State Agency Entity Creation Act to create the State Treasurer Financial Education and Savings Not-for-Profit Corporation. To create the Not-for-Profit Corporation, the
Treasurer shall file articles of incorporation and bylaws as required under the
General Not For Profit Corporation Act of 1986 and take any other necessary steps as may be required under State and federal law. There
may be not less than 4 nor more than 11 Directors to the Not-for-Profit Corporation. No Director
may receive compensation for his or her services to the Not-for-Profit Corporation.
(b) The purposes of the Not-for-Profit Corporation are to promote financial literacy and savings among the
residents of the State of Illinois, to issue grants and scholarships for educational purposes, and to engage generally in other lawful endeavors
consistent with the foregoing purposes. The Not-for-Profit Corporation may not exceed the
provisions of the General Not For Profit Corporation Act of 1986.
(c) As soon as practical after the Not-for-Profit Corporation is created, the Directors
shall meet, organize, and designate, by majority vote, a President, Secretary,
and any additional officers as may be needed to carry out the activities of the
Not-for-Profit Corporation. The Treasurer may adopt rules and regulations as deemed
necessary to govern Not-for-Profit Corporation procedures.
(d) The Not-for-Profit Corporation may accept gifts, grants, donations, or other contributions from any private person or entity and may expend receipts on activities that it considers
suitable to the performance of its duties under this Section. Moneys
collected by the Not-for-Profit Corporation are considered private funds and must
be held in an appropriate account outside of the State treasury. The
treasurer of the Not-for-Profit Corporation is custodian of all corporate funds.
The Not-for-Profit Corporation and its officers are
responsible for the approval of recording of receipts, approval of payments,
and the proper filing of required reports. The Not-for-Profit Corporation may be assisted in
carrying out its functions by personnel of the Office of the State Treasurer
with respect to matters falling within their scope and function. The
Not-for-Profit Corporation shall cooperate fully with the boards, commissions, agencies,
departments, and institutions of the State.

(Source: P.A. 95-920, eff. 8-26-08.)
(15 ILCS 505/18)
Sec. 18. Banking and automatic teller machine
(a) The Treasurer may enter into written agreements with financial
institutions for the provision of banking services at the State Capitol and
for the provision of automatic
teller machine services at State office
buildings, State parks, State tourism centers, and State fairs at Springfield and DuQuoin. The Treasurer shall
establish competitive procedures for the selection of financial institutions
to provide the services authorized under this Section. No State agency may procure services authorized by this Section without the approval of the Treasurer.
(b) The Treasurer shall enter into written agreements with the
authorities having jurisdiction of the property where the services are intended
to be provided. These agreements shall include, but need not be limited
to, the quantity of machines to be located at the property and the exact
location of the service or machine and shall establish responsibility for
payment of expenses incurred in locating the machine or service.
(c) The Treasurer's agreement with a financial institution may authorize
the financial institution to provide any or all of the banking services that
the financial institution is otherwise authorized by law to provide to the
The Treasurer's agreement with a financial
institution shall establish the amount of compensation to
be paid by the financial institution. The financial institution shall pay the
compensation to the Treasurer in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
The Treasurer shall deposit moneys received under this Section into the
Treasurer's Rental Fee Fund, a special fund hereby created in the State
treasury. The Treasurer shall use the moneys in the Fund for the operation
of the program established under this Section. If the Treasurer determines that any moneys in the Treasurer's Rental Fee Fund are in excess of the amount necessary to sustain the operation of the program established under this Section, the Treasurer may transfer any unobligated and unexpended moneys from the Treasurer's Rental Fee Fund into the State Pensions Fund.
(d) This Section does not apply to a State office building in which a
currency exchange or a credit union providing financial services located in the
building on July 1, 1995 (the effective date of Public Act 88-640) is

(Source: P.A. 98-19, eff. 6-10-13.)
(15 ILCS 505/19)
Sec. 19.

(Source: P.A. 89-350, eff. 8-17-95. Repealed by P.A. 93-617, eff. 12-9-03.)
(15 ILCS 505/20)
Sec. 20. State Treasurer administrative charge. The State Treasurer may retain an administrative charge for both the costs of services associated with the deposit of moneys that are remitted directly to the State Treasurer and the investment or safekeeping of funds by the State Treasurer. The administrative charges collected under this Section shall be deposited into the State Treasurer's Administrative Fund. The amount of the administrative charges may be determined by the State Treasurer. Administrative charges from the deposit of moneys remitted directly to the State Treasurer shall not exceed 2% of the amount deposited. Administrative charges from the investment or safekeeping of funds by the State Treasurer shall be charged no more than monthly and the total amount charged per fiscal year shall not exceed $12,000,000 plus any amounts required as employer contributions under Section 14-131 of the Illinois Pension Code and Section 10 of the State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971.
Administrative charges for the deposit of moneys shall apply to fines, fees, or other amounts remitted directly to the State Treasurer by circuit clerks, county clerks, and other entities for deposit into a fund in the State treasury. Administrative charges for the deposit of moneys do not apply to amounts remitted by State agencies or certified collection specialists as defined in 74 Ill. Admin. Code 1200.50. Administrative charges for the deposit of moneys shall apply only to any form of fines, fees, or other collections created on or after August 15, 2014 (the effective date of Public Act 98-965).
Moneys in the State Treasurer's Administrative Fund are subject to appropriation by the General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 100-587, eff. 6-4-18.)
(15 ILCS 505/25)
Sec. 25. State Treasurer's Administrative Fund. All cost recoveries, fees for services, and governmental grants received by the State Treasurer shall be maintained in a trust fund in the State treasury, to be known as the State Treasurer's Administrative Fund. Moneys in the State Treasurer's Administrative Fund may be utilized by the State Treasurer in the discharge of the duties of the office. All interest earned by the investment or deposit of moneys accumulated in the Fund shall be deposited into the Fund.

(Source: P.A. 98-965, eff. 8-15-14.)
(15 ILCS 505/30)
Sec. 30. Preferences for veterans, minorities, women, and persons with disabilities.
(a) As used in this Section:
(b) It is hereby declared to be the policy of the State Treasurer to promote and encourage the use of businesses owned by or under the control of qualified veterans of the armed forces of the United States, qualified service-disabled veterans, minority persons, women, or persons with a disability in the area of goods and services. Furthermore, the State Treasurer shall utilize such businesses to the greatest extent feasible within the bounds of financial and fiduciary prudence, and take affirmative steps to remove any barriers to the full participation of such firms in the procurement and contracting opportunities afforded.
(c) It shall be an aspirational goal of the State Treasurer to use businesses owned by or under the control of qualified veterans of the armed forces of the United States, qualified service-disabled veterans, minority persons, women, or persons with a disability for not less than 25% of the total dollar amount of funds under management, purchases of investment securities, and other contracts, including, but not limited to, the use of broker-dealers. The State Treasurer is authorized to establish additional aspirational goals.
(d) When the State Treasurer procures goods and services, whether through a request for proposal or otherwise, he or she is authorized to incorporate preferences in the scoring process for: (1) a minority-owned business, a women-owned business, a business owned by a person with a disability, a qualified veteran-owned small business, or a qualified service-disabled veteran-owned small business; and (2) businesses having a record of support for increasing diversity and inclusion in board membership, management, employment, philanthropy, and supplier diversity, including investment professionals and investment sourcing.
When the State Treasurer utilizes a financial institution or determines the eligibility of a financial institution to participate in a banking contract, investment contract, investment activity, or other financial program of the State Treasurer, he or she shall review the financial institution's Community Reinvestment Act rating, record, and current level of financial commitment to the community prior to making a decision to utilize or determine the eligibility of such financial institution.
(e) Beginning with fiscal year 2019, and at least annually thereafter, the State Treasurer shall report on his or her utilization of minority-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, businesses owned by a person with a disability, qualified veteran-owned small businesses, or qualified service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses. The report shall be published on the State Treasurer's official website.
(f) The provisions of this Section take precedence over any goals established under the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act.

(Source: P.A. 102-297, eff. 8-6-21.)
(15 ILCS 505/35)
Sec. 35. State Treasurer may purchase real property.
(a) Subject to the provisions of the Public Contract Fraud Act, the State Treasurer, on behalf of the State of Illinois, is authorized during State fiscal years 2019 and 2020 to acquire real property located in the City of Springfield, Illinois which the State Treasurer deems necessary to properly carry out the powers and duties vested in him or her. Real property acquired under this Section may be acquired subject to any third party interests in the property that do not prevent the State Treasurer from exercising the intended beneficial use of such property.
(b) Subject to the provisions of the Treasurer's Procurement Rules, which shall be substantially in accordance with the requirements of the Illinois Procurement Code, the State Treasurer may:
(c) The State Treasurer may enter into agreements with any person with respect to the use and occupancy of the grounds, buildings, and facilities of the State Treasurer, including concession, license, and lease agreements on terms and conditions as the State Treasurer determines and in accordance with the procurement processes for the Office of the State Treasurer, which shall be substantially in accordance with the requirements of the Illinois Procurement Code.
(d) The exercise of the authority vested in the Treasurer by this Section is subject to the appropriation of the necessary funds.
(e) State Treasurer's Capital Fund.

Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes

Illinois Compiled Statutes


15 ILCS 5/ - Governor Succession Act.

15 ILCS 10/ - Governor Transition Act.

15 ILCS 15/ - Executive Reorganization Implementation Act.

15 ILCS 16/ - Executive Order 1 (2012) Implementation Act.

15 ILCS 17/ - Executive Order 3 (2017) Implementation Act.

15 ILCS 20/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (State Budget Law)

15 ILCS 25/ - Governors Conference Act.

15 ILCS 30/ - Disaster Relief Act.

15 ILCS 50/ - Gubernatorial Boards and Commissions Act.

15 ILCS 55/ - Governor's Office of New Americans Act.

15 ILCS 60/ - Youth Homelessness Prevention Subcommittee Act.

15 ILCS 205/ - Attorney General Act.

15 ILCS 210/ - Civil and Equal Rights Enforcement Act.

15 ILCS 215/ - Pollution Abatement Enforcement Act.

15 ILCS 305/ - Secretary of State Act.

15 ILCS 310/ - Secretary of State Merit Employment Code.

15 ILCS 320/ - State Library Act.

15 ILCS 321/ - Illinois State Library Foundation Act.

15 ILCS 322/ - Illinois Literacy Act.

15 ILCS 323/ - Accessible Electronic Information Act.

15 ILCS 325/ - Lost State Archives Act.

15 ILCS 330/ - Secretary of State Buildings in Cook County Act.

15 ILCS 335/ - Illinois Identification Card Act.

15 ILCS 405/ - State Comptroller Act.

15 ILCS 410/ - Comptroller Merit Employment Code.

15 ILCS 415/ - Comptroller's Records Act.

15 ILCS 420/ - State Officer Salary Payment Act.

15 ILCS 425/ - Local Government Accounting Systems Act.

15 ILCS 505/ - State Treasurer Act.

15 ILCS 510/ - State Treasurer Employment Code.

15 ILCS 515/ - Treasurer as Custodian of Funds Act.

15 ILCS 516/ - Community Development Loan Guarantee Act.

15 ILCS 520/ - Deposit of State Moneys Act.

15 ILCS 525/ - Securities Safekeeping Act.

15 ILCS 530/ - Destruction of Indebtedness Certificates Act.

15 ILCS 535/ - Mutilated Evidence of Indebtedness Act.

15 ILCS 540/ - Disabled Militarymen Money Act.

15 ILCS 555/ - Commemorative Medallions Act.

15 ILCS 560/ - Infrastructure Development Act.