(75 ILCS 16/Art. 10 heading)
(75 ILCS 16/10-5)
Sec. 10-5.
This Article shall not apply in any municipality
having a population greater than 500,000.
(Source: P.A. 87-1277.)
(75 ILCS 16/10-10)
Sec. 10-10.
Conversion by library board resolution and referendum.
(a) A tax supported public library in a municipality, county, or
township maintained and operated under any other Act may, by conversion, become
a library organized, maintained, and operated under this Act
by resolution of the public library board of trustees and referendum
as provided in this Section.
(b) The board of trustees of a tax supported public library desiring
to convert the existing library to a library district may adopt a resolution
calling for the conversion. The board shall certify the question of conversion
to the proper election authority, who shall submit the question to the voters
at the next regular election. If the board specifies in its resolution that the
converted library shall have a maximum tax rate in excess of the existing
ceiling or limitation of the library to be converted, the question shall so
specify. Notice of the election shall be given in accordance with Section
(c) The proposition shall be submitted to the voters in substantially the
following form:
(d) If the resolution specified a maximum tax rate in excess of the
existing ceiling or limitation, the proposition shall be
submitted to the voters in substantially the following form:
(e) If a majority of the votes cast on the
proposition are in the affirmative,
the board of trustees shall convert the public library to
a public library district.
(f) This Section shall not apply to any library established by
the corporate authorities of a municipality under the Illinois Local
Library Act.
(Source: P.A. 87-1277.)
(75 ILCS 16/10-15)
Sec. 10-15.
Conversion by library board resolution and approval of
corporate authorities.
(a) The board of trustees of a tax supported public library
desiring to convert the existing library to a library maintained and
operated under this Act may, rather than utilizing the
procedures prescribed in Section 10-5, adopt a resolution calling for
the conversion and requesting the approval of the conversion by the
corporate authorities of the municipality, county, or township maintaining
the existing library. If the corporate authorities approve the conversion
within 60 days after the resolution is adopted by the board of trustees,
the board of trustees shall convert the public library to a public library
(b) Any library in a home rule unit, as defined in Article VII,
Section 6, of the Illinois Constitution, converted under this Section shall
have a maximum tax rate not to exceed the greater of 0.15% or the last
rate levied by the municipality for library purposes for the most recent year
before the conversion, and that rate shall not be subject to any rate
limitations or referendum requirements imposed by this Act. That
rate may thereafter be increased, however, as provided in Section 35-10.
(Source: P.A. 87-1277.)
(75 ILCS 16/10-20)
Sec. 10-20.
Contents of county library board resolution.
any other provision of this Act, whenever after August 30, 1989 the board of
trustees of a tax supported public library adopt a resolution under Section
10-10 or 10-15 calling for conversion of a county library in existence on
August 30, 1989 to a public library district, the resolution shall specify the
(Source: P.A. 87-1277.)
(75 ILCS 16/10-25)
Sec. 10-25.
Conversion by petition and referendum.
(a) An election for conversion of a public library established in any
municipality, county, or township shall be called upon
the filing of a petition signed by not less than 10% of the voters (or, if
there are 100 or fewer voters, then a majority of the voters) residing within
that territory. The petition shall be addressed
to and filed simultaneously with the board
of library trustees of the existing public library and the corporate
authorities of the municipality, county, or township.
The original petition shall be filed with the corporate authorities.
(b) The petition shall specify the new maximum tax rate of the public
library district and state the existing tax rate of the public library to be
converted if the rate is to be in excess of the existing ceiling or limitation
of the library converted.
(c) Upon receipt of a certified copy of the petition, the board of library
trustees shall, within 30 days, file with the corporate authorities an addendum
to the petition setting forth (i) the establishment date of the existing public
library, (ii) the lawful ceiling on its public library tax levies, (iii) the
geographic area of territory involved, and (iv) the identity of the
municipality, county, or township involved.
(d) The corporate authorities shall certify the question to the proper
election authority, who shall submit to the voters of the district the question
of conversion at an election in accordance with the Election Code.
The proposition shall be submitted to the voters in substantially the following
(e) If the petition specified a maximum tax rate in excess of the existing
ceiling or limitation, the proposition shall be submitted in substantially the
following form:
(f) If a majority of the votes cast on the proposition are in the
affirmative, the board of library trustees shall convert the public library
to a public library district, with the maximum annual public library tax
rate specified in the proposition.
(Source: P.A. 87-1277.)
(75 ILCS 16/10-30)
Sec. 10-30.
Limitation on referendum.
A proposition for the conversion of a
public library to a public library district shall not be submitted to the
voters more often than once every 2 years.
(Source: P.A. 87-1277.)
(75 ILCS 16/10-35)
Sec. 10-35.
Petition by library trustees for court order.
(a) If the voters in the election resulting from the board of library
trustees' resolution to convert under Section 10-10, or from the petition of
the voters calling for a referendum under Section 10-25, approve the conversion
to a library district, or if the appropriate corporate authorities approve the
conversion under Section 10-20, the board of library trustees of the public
library affected shall, within 30 days, petition the circuit court of the
county in which the majority of the territory affected lies for a final order
to convert the public library to a library district. The petition shall
incorporate, if applicable, the election results and the addendum to
the petition for the election.
(b) The circuit court, upon finding the petition
sufficient, shall enter its final order doing the following:
(c) The trustees of the newly formed district shall promptly publish notice
of the order and of its effect.
(d) The order shall be effective not later than 30 days after the date of
its entry.
(Source: P.A. 87-1277.)
(75 ILCS 16/10-40)
Sec. 10-40.
Existing bond issue.
An existing bond issue shall not be
affected by a conversion under this Article and shall continue in full force
and effect under the laws governing the bond issue.
(Source: P.A. 87-1277.)
(75 ILCS 16/10-45)
Sec. 10-45.
Transfer of assets and liabilities; sharing library building.
(a) Whenever a tax supported library in a county, township, or municipality
has been converted to a public library district under this Article, all of the
assets (including any building or buildings (i) solely occupied by and publicly
designated as the library building or buildings and (ii) solely
used for library purposes) and any liabilities of the public tax supported
library's board of library trustees in connection with the operation of
its library shall become the assets and liabilities of the public library
district. If the library converted to a public library district was
eligible to receive its proportionate share of the Personal Property Tax
Replacement Fund, that eligibility shall continue to apply to the public
library district created by the conversion.
(b) Nothing in this Section shall preclude a municipality, township, or
county, by written agreement, from sharing a library building or buildings with
a district library if the establishment of a district library has been approved
and the district includes wholly within its territory a municipal, township, or
county library.
(Source: P.A. 87-1277.)
(75 ILCS 16/10-50)
Sec. 10-50.
Continuation of public library tax levy.
In any county or
counties in which more than one year will elapse between the effective date of
the final order entered by the circuit court and the levy of an annual public
library tax of the district library created as a result of a conversion, the
corporate authority of the public tax supported library shall continue the
library's levy.
(Source: P.A. 87-1277.)
(75 ILCS 16/10-55)
Sec. 10-55.
Employee retirement program.
When the employees of a public tax
supported library of a county, municipality, or township are participating in
an employer provided Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund or other retirement or
pension program and the library is converting to a library district under this
Article, the corporate authority shall continue to provide coverage under the
retirement or pension program until the newly established district library
provides retirement or pension program coverage. In no case, however, shall the
corporate authority extend its coverage for more than 547 days after the
effective date of the circuit court's final order of establishment. Any
payments made by the corporate authority for coverage shall be reimbursed by
the district library.
(Source: P.A. 87-1277.)
(75 ILCS 16/10-60)
Sec. 10-60.
Home rule unit library; reduction of tax levy.
If a tax
supported public library of a home rule unit, as defined in Article VII,
Section 6, of the Illinois Constitution, converts to a public library district
under this Article, that home rule unit, for the year following the year of
conversion, shall reduce its property tax levy by the amount levied by the home
rule unit for the most recent year before the conversion.
(Source: P.A. 87-1277.)
(75 ILCS 16/10-65)
Sec. 10-65.
Inclusion of area subject to local library tax.
If a tax
supported public library of a governmental unit that levies a tax within an
area pursuant to a referendum held under subsection (c) of Section 3-7 of the
Illinois Local Library Act converts to a public library district under this
Article, all of that area shall be included within the newly created district.
(Source: P.A. 87-1277.)
Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes
75 ILCS 16/ - Public Library District Act of 1991.
Article 1 - Short Title And General Provisions
Article 5 - Creation Of District By Petition
Article 10 - Conversion Of Tax Supported Public Library To Public Library District
Article 15 - Addition Or Disconnection Of Territory
Article 20 - Mergers Of Districts
Article 25 - Dissolution Of District
Article 40 - Buildings, Equipment And Accumulations
Article 45 - Bonds And Referenda Under Repealed Acts