Idaho constitution
Article XXI
Section 10

The governor,
secretary, controller and attorney general of the territory, and the president of this
convention, or a majority of them, shall constitute a board of canvassers to canvass
the vote at such elections for all state and district officers and members of the
legislature. The said board shall assemble at the seat of government of the territory
on the thirtieth day after the date of such election (or on the following day if such
day fall on Sunday) and proceed to canvass the votes for all state and district
officers and members of the legislature, in the manner provided by the laws of the
territory for canvassing the vote for delegates to congress, and they shall issue
certificates of election to the persons found to be elected to said offices severally,
and shall make and file with the secretary of the territory an abstract certified by
them, of the number of votes cast for each person for each of said offices and the
total number of votes cast in each county.