Idaho Code
Section 41-5509 - CEDING ELIGIBILITY.

41-5509. CEDING ELIGIBILITY. (1) The pool shall provide reinsurance to any eligible individual who qualifies for reinsurance pursuant to this chapter if evidence is provided that such person has a qualifying high risk medical condition as defined by section 41-5501(8), Idaho Code.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, eligibility for continuation of coverage under COBRA shall not render a person ineligible for reinsurance coverage under this chapter.
(3) Reinsurance through the pool shall cease:
(a) On the first day of the month following the date a person is no longer a resident of this state;
(b) On the date coverage under the individual health benefit plan ends;
(c) Upon the death of the covered person;
(d) At the option of the board, thirty (30) days after the plan makes any inquiry concerning the person’s eligibility or place of residence to which the person does not reply.
(4) Reinsurance for a person who ceases to meet the eligibility requirements of this chapter may be terminated on the first day of the month following the date when the individual becomes ineligible.

[(41-5509) 41-5510, added 2000, ch. 472, sec. 17, p. 1640; am. 2004, ch. 285, sec. 4, p. 808; am. 2004, ch. 332, sec. 3, p. 992; am. 2005, ch. 71, sec. 1, p. 247; am. 2005, ch. 353, sec. 8, p. 1120; am. 2008, ch. 297, sec. 2, p. 832; am. and redesig. 2017, ch. 281, sec. 9, p. 740.]