Idaho Code
Section 41-5508 - ASSESSMENTS.

41-5508. ASSESSMENTS. (1) Prior to March 1 of each year, the board shall determine and report to the director the pool’s net loss for the previous calendar year, including administrative expenses and incurred losses for the year, taking into account investment income and other appropriate gains and losses, and any premium tax funds appropriated to the pool pursuant to section 41-406, Idaho Code.
(2) Any net loss for the year may be recouped by assessments of carriers.
(3) (a) For the assessment of March 1, 2001, and prior to March 1 of each succeeding year, the board shall determine and file with the director an estimate of the assessments needed to fund the losses incurred by the pool in the previous calendar year.
(b) The individual assessments shall be determined by multiplying net losses, if net earnings are negative, as defined by subsection (1) of this section, by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the carrier’s total premiums earned in the preceding calendar year from all health benefit plans and policies or certificates of insurance for specific disease, and hospital confinement indemnity in this state as reported in the carrier’s reports filed pursuant to section 41-5505(4) and (5), Idaho Code, including reinsurance by way of excess or stop loss coverage, and the denominator of which shall be the total premiums earned in the preceding calendar year from all health benefit plans and policies or certificates of insurance for specific disease and hospital confinement indemnity in this state, including reinsurance by way of excess or stop loss coverage.
(4) If assessments exceed net losses of the pool, the excess shall be held at interest and used by the board to offset future losses or to reduce pool premiums. As used in this paragraph, "future losses" includes reserves for incurred but not reported claims.
(5) Each carrier’s proportion of the assessment shall be determined annually by the board based on annual statements and other reports deemed necessary by the board and filed by the carriers with the director.
(6) The plan of operation shall provide for the imposition of an interest penalty for late payment of assessments.
(7) A carrier may seek from the director a deferment from all or part of an assessment imposed by the board. The director may defer all or part of the assessment if the director determines that the payment of the assessment would place the carrier in a financially impaired condition. If all or part of an assessment against a carrier is deferred the amount deferred shall be assessed against the other carriers in a manner consistent with the basis for assessment set forth in this section. The carrier receiving the deferment shall remain liable to the pool for the amount deferred and shall be prohibited from reinsuring any individuals with the pool until such time as it pays the assessments.

[41-5508, added 2000, ch. 472, sec. 17, p. 1639; am. 2017, ch. 281, sec. 7, p. 739.]