Idaho Code
Section 41-5504 - POWERS AND AUTHORITY.

41-5504. POWERS AND AUTHORITY. (1) The pool shall have the general powers and authority granted under the laws of this state to insurance companies and managed care organizations licensed to transact business, except the power to issue health benefit plans directly to individuals. In addition thereto, the pool shall have the specific authority to:
(a) Enter into contracts as are necessary or proper to carry out the provisions and purposes of this chapter, including the authority, with the approval of the director, to enter into contracts with similar programs of other states for the joint performance of common functions or with persons or other organizations for the performance of administrative functions;
(b) Sue or be sued, including taking any legal actions necessary or proper to recover any assessments and penalties for, on behalf of, or against the pool or any carrier;
(c) Define the high risk medical conditions for which reinsurance will be provided, and to issue reinsurance policies, in accordance with the requirements of this chapter;
(d) Establish rules, conditions and procedures for reinsuring risks under the pool;
(e) Establish actuarial functions as appropriate for the operation of the pool;
(f) Assess carriers in accordance with the provisions of section 41-5508, Idaho Code, and make advance interim assessments of carriers as may be reasonable and necessary for organizational and interim operating expenses. Any interim assessments shall be credited as offsets against any regular assessments due following the close of the fiscal year;
(g) Appoint appropriate legal, actuarial and other committees as necessary to provide technical assistance in the operation of the pool, policy and other contract design, and any other function within the authority of the pool;
(h) Borrow money to effect the purposes of the pool. Any notes or other evidence of indebtedness of the pool not in default shall be legal investments for carriers and may be carried as admitted assets;
(i) Establish rules, policies and procedures as may be necessary or convenient for the implementation of this chapter and the operation of the pool.
(2) Neither the board nor its employees shall be liable for any obligations of the pool. No member or employee of the board shall be liable, and no cause of action of any nature may arise against them, for any act or omission related to the performance of their powers and duties under this chapter, unless such act or omission constitutes willful or wanton misconduct. The board may provide for indemnification of, and legal representation for, its members and employees.
(3) No participation of a reinsuring carrier in the pool, no establishment of rates, forms or procedures, and no other joint or collective action required under the provisions of this chapter shall be grounds for any legal action, criminal or civil liability, or penalty against the pool or any of its reinsuring carriers either jointly or separately.
(4) The pool shall have no authority to provide reinsurance for any claims incurred after December 31, 2022, unless the following conditions are met:
(a) The state develops an application for a waiver for state innovation pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 18052 of the federal patient protection and affordable care act that facilitates the resumption of operations of the pool in a manner that minimizes the loss of federal funding to support the affordability of health insurance in the state;
(b) After proper public comment periods and consultation with interested parties, including the pool board, and the approval of the governor, the waiver application is submitted to the secretary of the United States department of health and human services and to the secretary of the United States department of the treasury; and
(c) The waiver application is approved.
(5) The director shall have the authority as necessary or proper to develop, apply for, and upon approval implement an innovation waiver under 42 U.S.C. 18052 of the federal patient protection and affordable care act, including authorizing the pool to perform activities necessary for its implementation.

[41-5504, added 2000, ch. 472, sec. 17, p. 1636; am. 2017, ch. 281, sec. 3, p. 736; am. 2022, ch. 160, sec. 1, p. 549.]