Hawaii Revised Statutes
663. Tort Actions
663-12 Right of contribution; accrual; pro rata share.

§663-12 Right of contribution; accrual; pro rata share. [(a)] The right of contribution exists among joint tortfeasors.
[(b)] A joint tortfeasor is not entitled to a money judgment for contribution until the joint tortfeasor has by payment discharged the common liability or has paid more than the joint tortfeasor's pro rata share thereof.
[(c)] A joint tortfeasor who enters into a settlement with the injured person is not entitled to recover contribution from another joint tortfeasor whose liability to the injured person is not extinguished by the settlement.
[(d)] When there is such a disproportion of fault among joint tortfeasors as to render inequitable an equal distribution among them of the common liability by contribution, the relative degrees of fault of the joint tortfeasors shall be considered in determining their pro rata shares, subject to section 663-17. [L 1941, c 24, §2; RL 1945, §10488; RL 1955, §246-11; HRS §663-12; am L 1972, c 144, §2(g); gen ch 1985]
Law Journals and Reviews
Keeping the (Good) Faith: Hawai €˜i's Good Faith Settlement After HRS Section 15.5 and Troyer v. Adams. 26 UH L. Rev. 275 (2003).
Case Notes
Right of contribution, ripens when. 283 F. Supp. 854 (1968).
Settlement did not bar defendant's contribution rights against State where settlement extinguished State's liability to plaintiffs; apportionment of fault where negligent employee, acting for both joint tortfeasors, performed services primarily benefiting one tortfeasor. 643 F. Supp. 593 (1986).
Party was not allowed to recover as a joint tortfeasor. 682 F. Supp. 1499 (1988).
Cited, where a defendant filed a motion for summary judgment against plaintiff's claims and filed cross-claims against co-defendants, who filed an opposition to the motion, but did not file a cross-claim against the defendant, and plaintiff filed a statement of no position regarding the motion; the court found the right of the co-defendants to oppose the motion was sustainable under the Uniform Contribution Among Tortfeasors Act and HRCP rule 15(b). 415 F. Supp. 2d 1163 (2006).
In reviewing apportionment of damages, supreme court should confine its question to whether apportionment was so erroneous as to shock the moral sense. 45 H. 128, 363 P.2d 969 (1961).
A party who settles before suit and is found not negligent in action for contribution is not a joint tortfeasor and is therefore not entitled to contribution but may recover under subrogation. 53 H. 398, 495 P.2d 585 (1972).
Based on §663-17(c) and this section, because joint tortfeasor landlord did not file a cross-claim against joint tortfeasor tenant, landlord did not have a right of contribution from tenant, and trial court properly acted within its discretion in dismissing tenant from the case. 93 H. 417, 5 P.3d 407 (2000).
Where bar owners failed to litigate the issue of proportionate fault with bar customer by pleading the customer into the case by filing a third-party complaint against the customer pursuant to this section, under §663-17(c), the bar owners were barred from having "the relative degrees of fault of the joint tortfeasors considered in determining their pro rata shares"; thus, because the customer could not have been included on the special verdict form as a matter of law, the appeals court erred in concluding to the contrary. 118 H. 385, 191 P.3d 1062 (2008).
Form of final judgment with respect to joint tortfeasor's claim for contribution. 6 H. App. 664, 737 P.2d 871 (1987).
Condominium association jointly and severally liable with murderer under this section as section provides for apportionment of the common liability of joint tortfeasors as among themselves but does not affect the joint and several liability of each defendant toward plaintiff. 87 H. 273 (App.), 954 P.2d 652 (1998).
When conduct of all joint tortfeasors is not sufficiently culpable to justify award of punitive damages against each tortfeasor, such damages may not be the subject of contribution among joint tortfeasors. 87 H. 273 (App.), 954 P.2d 652 (1998).
Cited: 154 F. Supp. 3d 981 (2015).

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 36. Civil Remedies and Defenses and Special Proceedings

663. Tort Actions

663-1 Torts, who may sue and for what.

663-1.2 Tort liability for breach of contract; punitive damages.

663-1.3 "Ad damnum" clause prohibited.

663-1.4 Payment of reasonable attorney's fees and costs in defense of suit.

663-1.5 Exception to liability.

663-1.6 Duty to assist.

663-1.7 Professional society; peer review committee; ethics committee; hospital or clinic quality assurance committee; no liability; exceptions.

663-1.8 Chiropractic society; peer review committee; no liability; exceptions.

663-1.9 Exception to liability for health care provider, authorized person withdrawing blood or urine at the direction of a police officer.

663-1.52 REPEALED.

663-1.53 Liability for operation of a family child care home.

663-1.54 Recreational activity liability. (a) Any person who owns or operates a business providing recreational activities to the public, such as, without limitation, scuba or skin diving, sky diving, bicycle tours, and mountain climbing, shall exerc...

663-1.55 Volunteer firefighters; limited liability.

663-1.56 Conclusive presumptions relating to duty of public entities to warn of dangers at public beach parks.

663-1.57 Owner to felon; limited liability. (a) An owner, including but not limited to a public entity, of any estate or any other interest in real property, whether possessory or nonpossessory, or any agent of the owner lawfully on the premises by c...

663-1.95 Employers' job reference immunity. (a) An employer that provides to a prospective employer information or opinion about a current or former employee's job performance is presumed to be acting in good faith and shall have a qualified immunity...

663-2 Defense of lawful detention.

663-3 Death by wrongful act.

663-4 Actions which survive death of wrongdoer or other person liable.

663-5 Death of defendant, continuance of action.

663-6 Death of wrongdoer or other person liable prior to suit, time for commencing action against the estate.

663-7 Survival of cause of action.

663-8 Damages, future earnings.

663-8.3 Loss or impairment of earning capacity; damages.

663-8.5 Noneconomic damages; defined.

663-8.7 Limitation on pain and suffering.

663-8.9 Serious emotional distress arising from property damage; cause of action abolished; exception for physical injury.

663-9 Liability of animal owners.

663-9.1 Exception of animal owners to civil liability.

663-9.5 Liability of firearm owners.

663-10 Collateral sources; protection for liens and rights of subrogation.

663-10.5 Government entity as a tortfeasor; abolition of joint and several liability. (a) Any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, including but not limited to sections 663-10.9, 663-11 to 663-13, 663-16, 663-17, and 663-31, in any case where a...

663-10.6 Exemption for providing shelter and subsistence to the needy.

663-10.7 Exemption for providing emergency access to land, shelter, and subsistence during a disaster.

663-10.9 Abolition of joint and several liability; exceptions.

663-10.95 Motorsports facilities; waiver of liability.

663-10.98 Design professional liability; highways.

663-10.99 Trespass; limited liability of agricultural land owner.

663-11 Joint tortfeasors defined.

663-12 Right of contribution; accrual; pro rata share.

663-13 Judgment against one tortfeasor.

663-14 and 663-15 REPEALED.

663-15.5 Release; joint tortfeasors; co-obligors; good faith settlement.

663-16 Indemnity.

663-17 Third-party practice; enforcement of right to contribution; unnamed defendants and third-party defendants.

663-21 Advance payments not admission.

663-22 Reduction of award.

663-23 Refund of payments.

663-24 Effect on insurance.

663-31 Contributory negligence no bar; comparative negligence; findings of fact and special verdicts.

663-41 Right of action.

663-42 Subrogation claims denied.

663-51 Definitions.

663-52 Conclusive presumptions relating to duty of public entities to warn of dangers on improved public lands.