Hawaii Revised Statutes
663. Tort Actions
663-10.9 Abolition of joint and several liability; exceptions.

§663-10.9 Abolition of joint and several liability; exceptions. Joint and several liability for joint tortfeasors as defined in section 663-11 is abolished except in the following circumstances:
(1) For the recovery of economic damages against joint tortfeasors in actions involving injury or death to persons;
(2) For the recovery of economic and noneconomic damages against joint tortfeasors in actions involving:
(A) Intentional torts;
(B) Torts relating to environmental pollution;
(C) Toxic and asbestos-related torts;
(D) Torts relating to aircraft accidents;
(E) Strict and products liability torts; or
(F) Torts relating to motor vehicle accidents except as provided in paragraph (4);
(3) For the recovery of noneconomic damages in actions, other than those enumerated in paragraph (2), involving injury or death to persons against those tortfeasors whose individual degree of negligence is found to be twenty-five per cent or more under section 663-31. Where a tortfeasor's degree of negligence is less than twenty-five per cent, then the amount recoverable against that tortfeasor for noneconomic damages shall be in direct proportion to the degree of negligence assigned; and
(4) For recovery of noneconomic damages in motor vehicle accidents involving tort actions relating to the maintenance and design of highways including actions involving guardrails, utility poles, street and directional signs, and any other highway-related device upon a showing that the affected joint tortfeasor was given reasonable prior notice of a prior occurrence under similar circumstances to the occurrence upon which the tort claim is based. In actions in which the affected joint tortfeasor has not been shown to have had such reasonable prior notice, the recovery of noneconomic damages shall be as provided in paragraph (3).
(5) Provided, however, that joint and several liability for economic and noneconomic damages for claims against design professionals, as defined in chapter 672, and certified public accountants, as defined in chapter 466, is abolished in actions not involving physical injury or death to persons. [L Sp 1986, c 2, §17; am L 1989, c 300, §2; am L 1991, c 62, §1; am L 1993, c 238, §1; am L 1995, c 130, §1; am L 1999, c 237, §4]
Chapter 672 referred to in text is repealed.
Cross References
Contractor repair act, see chapter 672E.
Law Journals and Reviews
Ozaki and Comparative Negligence: Imposing Joint Liability Where a Duty to Protect or Prevent Harm from Third Party Intentional Tortfeasors Exits Is Fairer to Plaintiffs and Defendants. 26 UH L. Rev. 575 (2004).
Case Notes
Where third party defendant analogized this section's limit on joint and several liability to comparative negligence, discussed in Amboy, the court was unpersuaded by the argument that defendants' rights to contribution would be prejudiced if defendant, a nondiverse dispensable party, was dismissed. 892 F. Supp. 2d 1234 (2012).
State properly held jointly and severally liable under paragraph (4) as a "prior occurrence" need not be identical or exactly similar to put State on "reasonable prior notice"; it was enough that the State knew of the particular defective guardrail, had an opportunity to correct it, and failed to do so. 91 H. 60, 979 P.2d 1086 (1999).
Section 663-10.5, which abolishes joint and several liability for government entities, did not supersede or impliedly repeal (1) paragraph (4), which expressly allows for recovery of non-economic damages in motor vehicle accidents involving the maintenance and design of highways, or (2) paragraph (1), that provides for the recovery of economic damages against joint tortfeasors in actions involving injury or death to persons. 110 H. 97, 129 P.3d 1125 (2006).
Plaintiffs' negligence claim included the right to recover under an unmodified doctrine of joint and several liability, as at the time their claim accrued, §663-10.5 (2005) imposed joint and several liability for economic and noneconomic damages upon any jointly liable person; thus, because the legislature did not intend for Act 112, L 2006 to apply retroactively to divest the plaintiffs €™ accrued or substantive rights, the trial court correctly concluded that Act 112 did not apply to the case. 117 H. 262, 178 P.3d 538 (2008).
In a class action against two hotel operators for the unlawful withholding of wages, circuit court erred in failing to apportion damages when it held the operators of one hotel jointly and severally liable for injuries to employees at another hotel that they did not operate. 133 H. 1, 323 P.3d 792 (2014).
Section does not abolish joint and several liability for actions involving intentional torts; condominium association and murderer were thus jointly and severally liable to plaintiffs for noneconomic as well as economic damages, subject to reduction proportional to victim's assigned negligence. 87 H. 273 (App.), 954 P.2d 652 (1998).
Construing the language of § §431:10C-301 and 431:10C-103 governing uninsured motorist (UM) and underinsured motorist (UIM) insurance according to their plain and commonly understood meaning and in pari materia with §663-11 and this section, UM and UIM policies must provide coverage for all damages which an insured is legally entitled to recover from the owner or operator of an uninsured or underinsured motor vehicle, which necessarily encompasses damages for which the owner or operator of an uninsured or underinsured motor vehicle is jointly and severally liable pursuant to §663-11 and this section. 120 H. 329 (App.), 205 P.3d 594 (2009).
Because this section does not limit "injury" to those of a physical nature, it extends to negligent infliction of emotional distress claims; thus, circuit court erred in failing to hold state hospital jointly and severally liable for damages attributable to patient's sister's negligent infliction of emotional distress claim. 127 H. 325 (App.), 278 P.3d 382 (2012).
Read together with §662-5, paragraph (3) requires the imposition of joint and several liability only as adjudicated by the court, not the jury; having determined that the state hospital's individual degree of negligence was more than twenty-five per cent, the circuit court properly awarded joint and several damages against the hospital to the full extent that the court determined patient's injuries to arise out of the subject incident, and therefore complied with paragraph (3). 127 H. 325 (App.), 278 P.3d 382 (2012).

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 36. Civil Remedies and Defenses and Special Proceedings

663. Tort Actions

663-1 Torts, who may sue and for what.

663-1.2 Tort liability for breach of contract; punitive damages.

663-1.3 "Ad damnum" clause prohibited.

663-1.4 Payment of reasonable attorney's fees and costs in defense of suit.

663-1.5 Exception to liability.

663-1.6 Duty to assist.

663-1.7 Professional society; peer review committee; ethics committee; hospital or clinic quality assurance committee; no liability; exceptions.

663-1.8 Chiropractic society; peer review committee; no liability; exceptions.

663-1.9 Exception to liability for health care provider, authorized person withdrawing blood or urine at the direction of a police officer.

663-1.52 REPEALED.

663-1.53 Liability for operation of a family child care home.

663-1.54 Recreational activity liability. (a) Any person who owns or operates a business providing recreational activities to the public, such as, without limitation, scuba or skin diving, sky diving, bicycle tours, and mountain climbing, shall exerc...

663-1.55 Volunteer firefighters; limited liability.

663-1.56 Conclusive presumptions relating to duty of public entities to warn of dangers at public beach parks.

663-1.57 Owner to felon; limited liability. (a) An owner, including but not limited to a public entity, of any estate or any other interest in real property, whether possessory or nonpossessory, or any agent of the owner lawfully on the premises by c...

663-1.95 Employers' job reference immunity. (a) An employer that provides to a prospective employer information or opinion about a current or former employee's job performance is presumed to be acting in good faith and shall have a qualified immunity...

663-2 Defense of lawful detention.

663-3 Death by wrongful act.

663-4 Actions which survive death of wrongdoer or other person liable.

663-5 Death of defendant, continuance of action.

663-6 Death of wrongdoer or other person liable prior to suit, time for commencing action against the estate.

663-7 Survival of cause of action.

663-8 Damages, future earnings.

663-8.3 Loss or impairment of earning capacity; damages.

663-8.5 Noneconomic damages; defined.

663-8.7 Limitation on pain and suffering.

663-8.9 Serious emotional distress arising from property damage; cause of action abolished; exception for physical injury.

663-9 Liability of animal owners.

663-9.1 Exception of animal owners to civil liability.

663-9.5 Liability of firearm owners.

663-10 Collateral sources; protection for liens and rights of subrogation.

663-10.5 Government entity as a tortfeasor; abolition of joint and several liability. (a) Any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, including but not limited to sections 663-10.9, 663-11 to 663-13, 663-16, 663-17, and 663-31, in any case where a...

663-10.6 Exemption for providing shelter and subsistence to the needy.

663-10.7 Exemption for providing emergency access to land, shelter, and subsistence during a disaster.

663-10.9 Abolition of joint and several liability; exceptions.

663-10.95 Motorsports facilities; waiver of liability.

663-10.98 Design professional liability; highways.

663-10.99 Trespass; limited liability of agricultural land owner.

663-11 Joint tortfeasors defined.

663-12 Right of contribution; accrual; pro rata share.

663-13 Judgment against one tortfeasor.

663-14 and 663-15 REPEALED.

663-15.5 Release; joint tortfeasors; co-obligors; good faith settlement.

663-16 Indemnity.

663-17 Third-party practice; enforcement of right to contribution; unnamed defendants and third-party defendants.

663-21 Advance payments not admission.

663-22 Reduction of award.

663-23 Refund of payments.

663-24 Effect on insurance.

663-31 Contributory negligence no bar; comparative negligence; findings of fact and special verdicts.

663-41 Right of action.

663-42 Subrogation claims denied.

663-51 Definitions.

663-52 Conclusive presumptions relating to duty of public entities to warn of dangers on improved public lands.