Hawaii Revised Statutes
657. Limitation of Actions
657-24 Periodic payments of damages.

§657-24 Periodic payments of damages. In any action in tort involving the State, any political subdivision of the State, or any governmental agency as a tortfeasor where a final judgment is obtained of more than $1,000,000, the State, political subdivision, or governmental agency has the option of paying that portion of the award in excess of $1,000,000 by periodic payments for a period not to exceed five years. The periodic payments shall include interest on the unpaid balance at the rate specified in section 478-3. A proposed periodic payment plan shall be submitted by the State, political subdivision, or governmental agency to the court in a post judgment hearing for final approval. The court shall approve or order modification of the plan based upon the facts and circumstances of the case and the needs of the parties. [L Sp 1986, c 2, §14]
Revision Note
Section "478-3" substituted for "478-2" pursuant to §23G-15.

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 36. Civil Remedies and Defenses and Special Proceedings

657. Limitation of Actions

657-1 Six years.

657-1.5 Limitation of actions not applicable to State. No limitation of actions provided for under this or any other chapter shall apply to bar the institution or maintenance of any action by or on behalf of the State and its agencies, unless the Sta...

657-1.8 Civil action arising from sexual offenses; application; certificate of merit.

657-2 Mutual current account.

657-3 Counterclaim.

657-3.5 Relation back of amendments.

657-4 Two years; libel and slander.

657-5 Domestic judgments and decrees.

657-5.5 Judgments for support.

657-6 Four years; causes arising in foreign jurisdiction, etc.

657-7 Damage to persons or property.

657-7.3 Medical torts; limitation of actions; time.

657-7.5 Third-party defendants, time in which plaintiff may amend.

657-8 Limitation of action for damages based on construction to improve real property.

657-9 Action barred in foreign jurisdiction.

657-10 Special limitations.

657-11 Recoveries authorized by federal statute.

657-12 REPEALED.

657-13 Infancy, insanity, imprisonment.

657-14 Disability to exist at accrual of action.

657-15 Two or more disabilities.

657-16 and 657-17 REPEALED.

657-18 Extension by absence from State.

657-19 Extension by injunction.

657-20 Extension by fraudulent concealment.

657-21 Extension by keeping defendant in ignorance.

657-21.5 Extension by sentencing of criminal defendant.

657-22 When process not commencement.

657-23 Extension while criminal case is pending.

657-24 Periodic payments of damages.

657-31 Twenty years.

657-31.5 Adverse possession.

657-32 How computed.

657-33 Action accrues when.

657-33.5 Deregistered land.

657-34 Disabilities.

657-35 Extension of time by death.

657-36 Same.

657-37 REPEALED.

657-38 Possession, interrupting statute.