Hawaii Revised Statutes
440E. Mixed Martial Arts Contests
440E-29 Cumulative penalties.

§440E-29 Cumulative penalties. Unless otherwise expressly provided, the remedies or penalties provided by this chapter are cumulative to each other and to the remedies or penalties available under all other laws of this State. [L 2007, c 279, pt of §1]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 25. Professions and Occupations

440E. Mixed Martial Arts Contests

440E-1 Definitions.

440E-1.5 Amateur mixed martial arts.

440E-2 Assistants.

440E-3 Authority to subpoena witnesses and administer oaths and penalties.

440E-4 Powers and duties of the director.

440E-5 Jurisdiction of director.

440E-5.5 Control and supervision of amateur mixed martial arts contests.

440E-6 Licenses; promoters.

440E-7 Permit required to hold each mixed martial arts event.

440E-8 Licenses, participants.

440E-9 License fees.

440E-10 Licenses, limitations, renewals.

440E-11 Receipts and reports from promoters.

440E-12 Failure to report receipts.

440E-13 Admission tickets.

440E-14 Inspectors; duties.

440E-15 Judges; duties.

440E-16 Physician or osteopathic physician; duties.

440E-17 Referees; duties.

440E-18 Drug test; withholding of wages; penalty.

440E-19 Sham mixed martial arts contest; forfeiture of license.

440E-20 Sham mixed martial arts contest; penalty against contestant.

440E-21 Financial interest in mixed martial arts contestant prohibited.

440E-22 Wages of contestant; prepayment prohibited.

440E-23 No rules combat, extreme fighting, or similar contest; prohibited.

440E-24 Disposition of receipts.

440E-25 Summary disciplinary action.

440E-26 Chapter does not apply to active duty armed forces, National Guard, armed forces reserve, or Police Activities League.

440E-27 Revocation; suspension.

440E-28 Penalties.

440E-29 Cumulative penalties.

440E-30 Injunctive relief.