Hawaii Revised Statutes
27. State Functions and Responsibilities
27-41.1 Definitions.

§27-41.1 Definitions. For purposes of this part:
"Data" means final versions of statistical or factual information:
(1) In alphanumeric form reflected in a list, table, graph, chart, or other nonnarrative form, that can be digitally transmitted or processed; and
(2) Regularly created or maintained by or on behalf of and owned by an executive branch department that records a measurement, transaction, or determination related to the mission of that executive branch department.
"Data set" means a named collection of related records on an electronic storage device, with the collection containing individual data units organized or formatted in a specific and prescribed way, often in tabular form, and accessed by a specific access method that is based on the data set organization; provided that a data set shall not include any data that is protected from disclosure under applicable federal or state law, or contract, or data that is proprietary. [L 2013, c 263, pt of §2]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 4. State Organization and Administration, Generally

27. State Functions and Responsibilities

27-1 Functions of statewide concern.

27-2 Assignment of functions by governor; report.

27-3 Rights and powers transferred; bond obligations.

27-4 Offenses and penalties not affected; suits and actions.

27-5 Modification to preserve federal aid or bond obligations.

27-6 Extended state information and services provided.

27-7 Departmental data sharing. §27-7 Departmental data sharing.

27-8 Contracts for produce; percentage to be grown within the State.

27-11 Planning, construction, and improvements of public school facilities and grounds; custodial and janitorial services for public schools; transportation of school children.

27-12, 13 REPEALED.

27-14 Transfer of real property.



27-21.1 REPEALED.

27-21.2, 21.3 REPEALED.

27-21.4 Transfer of real property.

27-21.5 REPEALED.

27-21.6 Functions reassigned to the counties.

27-22, 22.5, 22.7, 23, 24 REPEALED.

27-26 Junior police officer training programs.

27-31 Maintenance of state highways.

27-32 Maintenance of state parks.


27-41 Special advisor for technology development.

27-41.1 Definitions.


27-43 Office of enterprise technology services; chief information officer; information technology steering committee; establishment; responsibilities.

27-43.5 Additional duties of the chief information officer relating to security of government information.

27-43.6 Additional duties of the chief information officer relating to independent verification and validation of information technology projects of the executive branch.

27-44 Electronic data set availability; updates.

27-44.1 State liability for data sets.

27-44.2 Data set licensing.

27-44.3 Data set policies and procedures.

27-45 Broadband-related permits; automatic approval.

27-51 Hawaii performance partnerships board; establishment.

27-52 Duties of the board.

27-53 Annual report.

27-54 Data collection relating to the well-being of Hawaii's children and families.