Hawaii Revised Statutes
27. State Functions and Responsibilities
27-31 Maintenance of state highways.

§27-31 Maintenance of state highways. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the governor may enter into contracts with the several counties for their services in the repair and maintenance of state highways, which may include roadway maintenance, structures maintenance, streetlights, street sweeping, landscaping, and cantoneering. In addition thereto, the governor may transfer functions covered herein, or any portion thereof, to the several counties; provided that any transfer of functions made under their authorization shall be temporary and shall be subject to the express approval of the next succeeding legislature. [L 1967, c 203, §10; HRS §27-31]
Cross References
Highways generally, see chapter 264.

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 4. State Organization and Administration, Generally

27. State Functions and Responsibilities

27-1 Functions of statewide concern.

27-2 Assignment of functions by governor; report.

27-3 Rights and powers transferred; bond obligations.

27-4 Offenses and penalties not affected; suits and actions.

27-5 Modification to preserve federal aid or bond obligations.

27-6 Extended state information and services provided.

27-7 Departmental data sharing. §27-7 Departmental data sharing.

27-8 Contracts for produce; percentage to be grown within the State.

27-11 Planning, construction, and improvements of public school facilities and grounds; custodial and janitorial services for public schools; transportation of school children.

27-12, 13 REPEALED.

27-14 Transfer of real property.



27-21.1 REPEALED.

27-21.2, 21.3 REPEALED.

27-21.4 Transfer of real property.

27-21.5 REPEALED.

27-21.6 Functions reassigned to the counties.

27-22, 22.5, 22.7, 23, 24 REPEALED.

27-26 Junior police officer training programs.

27-31 Maintenance of state highways.

27-32 Maintenance of state parks.


27-41 Special advisor for technology development.

27-41.1 Definitions.


27-43 Office of enterprise technology services; chief information officer; information technology steering committee; establishment; responsibilities.

27-43.5 Additional duties of the chief information officer relating to security of government information.

27-43.6 Additional duties of the chief information officer relating to independent verification and validation of information technology projects of the executive branch.

27-44 Electronic data set availability; updates.

27-44.1 State liability for data sets.

27-44.2 Data set licensing.

27-44.3 Data set policies and procedures.

27-45 Broadband-related permits; automatic approval.

27-51 Hawaii performance partnerships board; establishment.

27-52 Duties of the board.

27-53 Annual report.

27-54 Data collection relating to the well-being of Hawaii's children and families.