§174C-2 Declaration of policy. (a) It is recognized that the waters of the State are held for the benefit of the citizens of the State. It is declared that the people of the State are beneficiaries and have a right to have the waters protected for their use.
(b) There is a need for a program of comprehensive water resources planning to address the problems of supply and conservation of water. The Hawaii water plan, with such future amendments, supplements, and additions as may be necessary, is accepted as the guide for developing and implementing this policy.
(c) The state water code shall be liberally interpreted to obtain maximum beneficial use of the waters of the State for purposes such as domestic uses, aquaculture uses, irrigation and other agricultural uses, power development, and commercial and industrial uses. However, adequate provision shall be made for the protection of traditional and customary Hawaiian rights, the protection and procreation of fish and wildlife, the maintenance of proper ecological balance and scenic beauty, and the preservation and enhancement of waters of the State for municipal uses, public recreation, public water supply, agriculture, and navigation. Such objectives are declared to be in the public interest.
(d) The state water code shall be liberally interpreted to protect and improve the quality of waters of the State and to provide that no substance be discharged into such waters without first receiving the necessary treatment or other corrective action. The people of Hawaii have a substantial interest in the prevention, abatement, and control of both new and existing water pollution and in the maintenance of high standards of water quality.
(e) The state water code shall be liberally interpreted and applied in a manner which conforms with intentions and plans of the counties in terms of land use planning. [L 1987, c 45, pt of §2; am L 1999, c 197, §1]
Case Notes
As water code expressly reserves the counties' authority with respect to land use planning and policy, commission allegedly imposing a "directive" on the counties to designate priorities among proposed uses did not usurp counties' land use planning and zoning authority. 94 H. 97, 9 P.3d 409.
Commission did not err in excluding golf course irrigation from the category of "agricultural use". 94 H. 97, 9 P.3d 409.
Commission on water resource management's conclusion that "no evidence was presented" to suggest that the rights of native Hawaiians would be adversely affected by permit applicant's proposed use erroneously shifted the burden of proof to complainants; thus, commission failed to adhere to the proper burden of proof standard to maintain the protection of native Hawaiians' traditional and customary gathering rights in discharging its public trust obligations. 116 H. 481, 174 P.3d 320.
Law Journals and Reviews
Where Justice Flows Like Water: The Moon Court's Role in Illuminating Hawai`i Water Law. 33 UH L. Rev. 537 (2011).
Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes
Title 12. Conservation and Resources
174C-5 General powers and duties.
174C-5.5 Water resource management fund.
174C-6 Deputy to the chairperson of the commission on water resource management.
174C-7 Commission on water resource management.
174C-8 Adoption of rules concerning water resources by the commission.
174C-9 Proceedings before the commission concerning water resources.
174C-12 Judicial review of rules and orders of the commission concerning the water code.
174C-12.5 Contested cases; appeals.
174C-14 Acquisition of real property.
174C-15 Penalties and common law remedies.
174C-15.5 Administrative violation system.
174C-26 Filing of declaration.
174C-27 Issuance of certificate.
174C-41 Designation of water management area.
174C-42 Notice; public hearing required.
174C-43 Investigations required.
174C-44 Ground water criteria for designation.
174C-45 Surface water criteria for designation.
174C-46 Findings of fact; decision of commission.
174C-47 Modifying and rescinding designated areas.
174C-49 Conditions for a permit.
174C-51 Application for a permit.
174C-54 Competing applications.
174C-57 Modification of permit terms.
174C-58 Revocation of permits.
174C-62 Declaration of water shortage.
174C-66 Jurisdiction over water quality.
174C-67 Exchange of information.
174C-71 Protection of instream uses.
174C-82 Powers and duties of the commission.
174C-83 Registration of all existing wells.
174C-84 Permits for well construction and pump installation.
174C-85 Well completion report.
174C-86 Well construction and pump installation standards.
174C-92 Registration of existing stream diversion works.