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174C-1 Short title. - §174C-1 Short title. This chapter shall be known and may...
174C-2 Declaration of policy. - §174C-2 Declaration of policy. (a) It is recognized that the...
174C-3 Definitions. - §174C-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context...
174C-4 Scope. - §174C-4 Scope. (a) All waters of the State are subject...
174C-5 General powers and duties. - §174C-5 General powers and duties. The general administration of the...
174C-5.5 Water resource management fund. - §174C-5.5 Water resource management fund. (a) There is established in...
174C-6 Deputy to the chairperson of the commission on water resource management. - §174C-6 Deputy to the chairperson of the commission on water...
174C-7 Commission on water resource management. - §174C-7 Commission on water resource management. (a) There is established...
174C-8 Adoption of rules concerning water resources by the commission. - §174C-8 Adoption of rules concerning water resources by the commission....
174C-9 Proceedings before the commission concerning water resources. - §174C-9 Proceedings before the commission concerning water resources. All proceedings...
174C-10 Dispute resolution. - §174C-10 Dispute resolution. The commission shall have jurisdiction statewide to...
174C-11 Hearings officers. - §174C-11 Hearings officers. (a) The chairperson may appoint hearings officers,...
174C-12 Judicial review of rules and orders of the commission concerning the water code. - §174C-12 Judicial review of rules and orders of the commission...
174C-12.5 Contested cases; appeals. - §174C-12.5 Contested cases; appeals. (a) Chapter 91 shall apply to...
174C-13 Citizen complaints. - §174C-13 Citizen complaints. The commission shall adopt, pursuant to chapter...
174C-14 Acquisition of real property. - §174C-14 Acquisition of real property. (a) The legislature declares it...
174C-15 Penalties and common law remedies. - §174C-15 Penalties and common law remedies. (a) The commission may...
174C-15.5 Administrative violation system. - §174C-15.5 Administrative violation system. With the mutual consent of both...
174C-16 Severability. - §174C-16 Severability. If any provision of this chapter or the...
174C-26 Filing of declaration. - §174C-26 Filing of declaration. (a) Any person making a use...
174C-27 Issuance of certificate. - §174C-27 Issuance of certificate. (a) When a declaration has been...
174C-31 Hawaii water plan. - §174C-31 Hawaii water plan. (a) The Hawaii water plan shall...
174C-32 Coordination. - §174C-32 Coordination. (a) Respective portions of the water resource protection...
174C-41 Designation of water management area. - Case Notes A water management area designation may not be...
174C-42 Notice; public hearing required. - §174C-42 Notice; public hearing required. When a recommendation for designation...
174C-43 Investigations required. - §174C-43 Investigations required. Before any proposed water management area is...
174C-44 Ground water criteria for designation. - §174C-44 Ground water criteria for designation. In designating an area...
174C-45 Surface water criteria for designation. - §174C-45 Surface water criteria for designation. In designating an area...
174C-46 Findings of fact; decision of commission. - §174C-46 Findings of fact; decision of commission. After public hearing...
174C-47 Modifying and rescinding designated areas. - §174C-47 Modifying and rescinding designated areas. The modification of the...
174C-48 Permits required. - §174C-48 Permits required. (a) No person shall make any withdrawal,...
174C-49 Conditions for a permit. - §174C-49 Conditions for a permit. (a) To obtain a permit...
174C-50 Existing uses. - §174C-50 Existing uses. (a) All existing uses of water in...
174C-51 Application for a permit. - §174C-51 Application for a permit. All permit applications filed under...
174C-51.5 Dual line water supply systems; installation in new industrial and commercial developments located in designated water management areas. - §174C-51.5 Dual line water supply systems; installation in new industrial...
174C-52 Notice. - §174C-52 Notice. (a) Upon receipt of the application, the commission...
174C-53 Permit issuance. - §174C-53 Permit issuance. (a) The commission shall determine, after a...
174C-54 Competing applications. - §174C-54 Competing applications. If two or more applications which otherwise...
174C-55 Duration of permits. - §174C-55 Duration of permits. Each permit for water use in...
174C-56 Review of permits. - §174C-56 Review of permits. At least once every twenty years,...
174C-57 Modification of permit terms. - §174C-57 Modification of permit terms. (a) A permittee may seek...
174C-58 Revocation of permits. - §174C-58 Revocation of permits. After a hearing, the commission may...
174C-59 Transfer of permit. - §174C-59 Transfer of permit. A permit may be transferred, in...
174C-60 Contested cases. - §174C-60 Contested cases. Chapter 91 shall apply except where it...
174C-61 Fees. - §174C-61 Fees. The commission shall promulgate a schedule of application...
174C-62 Declaration of water shortage. - §174C-62 Declaration of water shortage. (a) The commission shall formulate...
174C-63 Appurtenant rights. - §174C-63 Appurtenant rights. Appurtenant rights are preserved. Nothing in this...
174C-66 Jurisdiction over water quality. - §174C-66 Jurisdiction over water quality. The department of health shall...
174C-67 Exchange of information. - §174C-67 Exchange of information. (a) The department of health shall...
174C-68 Water quality plan. - §174C-68 Water quality plan. (a) The department of health shall...
174C-71 Protection of instream uses. - §174C-71 Protection of instream uses. The commission shall establish and...
174C-81 Definitions. - §174C-81 Definitions. As used in this part, unless the context...
174C-82 Powers and duties of the commission. - §174C-82 Powers and duties of the commission. In addition to...
174C-83 Registration of all existing wells. - §174C-83 Registration of all existing wells. Any person owning or...
174C-84 Permits for well construction and pump installation. - §174C-84 Permits for well construction and pump installation. (a) No...
174C-85 Well completion report. - §174C-85 Well completion report. Within thirty days after the completion...
174C-86 Well construction and pump installation standards. - §174C-86 Well construction and pump installation standards. (a) The commission...
174C-87 Abandonment of wells. - §174C-87 Abandonment of wells. When a well is abandoned, the...
174C-91 Definition. - §174C-91 Definition. In this part: "Stream diversion works" means any...
174C-92 Registration of existing stream diversion works. - §174C-92 Registration of existing stream diversion works. Any person owning...
174C-93 Permits for construction or alteration. - §174C-93 Permits for construction or alteration. No person shall construct...
174C-94 Completion report. - §174C-94 Completion report. Within thirty days after the completion of...
174C-95 Abandonment. - §174C-95 Abandonment. Any owner of any stream diversion work wishing...
174C-101 Native Hawaiian water rights. - §174C-101 Native Hawaiian water rights. (a) Provisions of this chapter...