Hawaii Revised Statutes
134. Firearms, Ammunition and Dangerous Weapons
134-86 Ownership or possession prohibited.

§134-86 Ownership or possession prohibited. (a) No person who is a fugitive from justice shall own, possess, or control an electric gun.
(b) No person who is under indictment for, has waived indictment for, has been bound over to the circuit court for, or has been convicted in this State or elsewhere of having committed a felony, any crime of violence, or any illegal sale of any drug shall own, possess, or control an electric gun.
(c) No person who:
(1) Is or has been under treatment or counseling for addiction to, abuse of, or dependence upon any dangerous, harmful, or detrimental drug; intoxicating compound as defined in section 712-1240; or intoxicating liquor;
(2) Has been acquitted of a crime on the grounds of mental disease, disorder, or defect pursuant to section 704-411;
(3) Is or has been diagnosed as having a significant behavioral, emotional, or mental disorder as defined by the most current diagnostic manual of the American Psychiatric Association; or
(4) Is under treatment for an organic brain syndrome;
shall own, possess, or control an electric gun, unless the person has been medically documented to be no longer adversely affected by the addiction, abuse, dependence, syndrome, or mental disease, disorder, or defect.
(d) No person who is less than twenty-five years of age and has been adjudicated by the family court to have committed a felony, two or more crimes of violence, or an illegal sale of any drug shall own, possess, or control an electric gun.
(e) No person who is less than twenty-one years of age shall own, possess, or control an electric gun.
(f) No person shall possess an electric gun that is owned by another, regardless of whether the owner has consented to possession of the electric gun.
(g) No person who has been restrained pursuant to an order of any court, including an ex parte order as provided in this subsection, from contacting, threatening, or physically abusing any person or from possessing or owning a firearm, shall possess, control, or transfer ownership of an electric gun, so long as the protective order, restraining order, or any extension is in effect, unless the order, for good cause shown, specifically permits the possession of an electric gun. The restraining order or order of protection shall specifically include a statement that possession, control, or transfer of an electric gun by the person named in the order is prohibited. Such person shall relinquish possession and control of any electric gun owned by that person to the police department of the appropriate county for safekeeping for the duration of the order or extension thereof.
In the case of an ex parte order that includes a restriction on the possession, control, or transfer of an electric gun, the affidavit or statement under oath that forms the basis for the order shall contain a statement of the facts that support a finding that the person to be restrained owns, intends to obtain or transfer, or possesses an electric gun, and that the electric gun may be used to threaten, injure, or abuse any person. The ex parte order shall be effective upon service pursuant to section 586-6.
At the time of service of a restraining order involving electric guns issued by any court, the police officer may take custody of any and all electric guns in plain sight, those discovered pursuant to a consensual search, and those electric guns surrendered by the person restrained.
For the purposes of this subsection, "good cause" shall not be based solely upon the consideration that the person subject to restraint pursuant to an order of any court, including an ex parte order as provided for in this subsection, is required to possess or carry an electric gun during the course of the person's employment. "Good cause" includes but is not limited to the protection and safety of the person to whom a restraining order is granted.
(h) Any person disqualified from ownership, possession, control, or the right to transfer ownership of an electric gun under this section shall surrender or dispose of all electric guns in compliance with section 134-85.
(i) For the purposes of enforcing this section, and notwithstanding section 571-84 or any other law to the contrary, any agency within the State shall make its records relating to family court adjudications available to law enforcement officials.
(j) Any person violating subsection (a) or (b) shall be guilty of a class C felony. Any person violating subsection (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), or (h) shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [L 2021, c 183, pt of §2]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 10. Public Safety and Internal Security

134. Firearms, Ammunition and Dangerous Weapons

134-1 to 18 OLD REPEALED. §134-1 Definitions.

134-2 Permits to acquire.

134-2.5 Permits for motion picture films or television program production.

134-3 Registration, mandatory, exceptions.

134-3.5 Disclosure for firearm permit and registration purposes.

134-4 Transfer, possession of firearms.

134-5 Possession by licensed hunters and minors; target shooting; game hunting.


134-6.5 Relief from federal firearms mental health prohibitor.

134-7 Ownership or possession prohibited, when; penalty.

134-7.2 Prohibition against seizure of firearms or ammunition during emergency or disaster; suspension of permit or license.

134-7.3 Seizure of firearms upon disqualification.

134-7.5 Seizure of firearms in domestic abuse situations; requirements; return of.

134-8 Ownership, etc., of automatic firearms, silencers, etc., prohibited; penalties.

134-8.5 Bump fire stock, multiburst trigger activator, or trigger crank; prohibition.

134-9 Licenses to carry.

134-10 Alteration of identification marks prohibited.

134-10.2 Manufacturing, purchasing, or obtaining firearm parts to assemble a firearm having no serial number; penalty.

134-10.5 Storage of firearm; responsibility with respect to minors. No person shall store or keep any firearm on any premises under the person's control if the person knows or reasonably should know that a minor is likely to gain access to the firear...

134-11 Exemptions.

134-12 REPEALED.

134-12.5 Forfeiture of firearms, ammunition, deadly or dangerous weapons, and switchblade knives; when. All firearms, ammunition, deadly or dangerous weapons, and switchblade knives possessed, used in violation of this chapter or the Hawaii Penal Cod...

134-13 Revocation of permits.

134-14 Report.

134-15 Restriction of materials for manufacture of pistols or revolvers.

134-16 REPEALED.

134-17 Penalties.

134-18 Qualified immunity for physicians, psychologists, or psychiatrists who provide information on permit applicants.

134-21 Carrying or use of firearm in the commission of a separate felony; penalty.

134-22 Possession of a firearm with intent to facilitate the commission of a felony drug offense; penalty.

134-23 Place to keep loaded firearms other than pistols and revolvers; penalty.

134-24 Place to keep unloaded firearms other than pistols and revolvers; penalty.

134-25 Place to keep pistol or revolver; penalty.

134-26 Carrying or possessing a loaded firearm on a public highway; penalty.

134-27 Place to keep ammunition; penalty.

134-28 Explosive devices; prohibitions; penalty.

134-29 Reporting lost, stolen, or destroyed firearms; penalties.

134-31 License to sell and manufacture firearms; fee.

134-32 License to sell and manufacture firearms; conditions.

134-33 Punishment for violations of section 134-32.

134-34 National emergency, when.

134-51 Deadly weapons; prohibitions; penalty.

134-52 Switchblade knives; prohibitions; penalty.

134-53 Butterfly knives; prohibitions; penalty.

134-61 Definitions.

134-62 Court jurisdiction.

134-63 Commencement of action; forms.

134-64 Ex parte gun violence protective order.

134-65 One-year gun violence protective order issued after notice and hearing.

134-66 Termination and renewal.

134-67 Relinquishment of firearms and ammunition.

134-68 Return and disposal of firearms or ammunition.

134-69 Reporting of order to Hawaii criminal justice data center.

134-70 Penalties.

134-71 Law enforcement to retain other authority.

134-72 Lack of liability for failure to seek order.

134-81 Definitions.

134-82 Restrictions on use, sale, offer for sale, distribution, and transfer of electric guns and cartridges.

134-83 License to sell, offer to sell, distribute, or otherwise transfer electric guns or cartridges; fee.

134-84 Sale, offer for sale, distribution, or transfer of electric guns or cartridges.

134-85 Disposal of electric gun or cartridge.

134-86 Ownership or possession prohibited.

134-87 Exemptions.

134-88 Storage of electric gun; responsibility with respect to minors.

134-89 Carrying or use of electric gun in the commission of a separate misdemeanor.

134-90 Carrying or use of electric gun in the commission of a separate felony.