Hawaii Revised Statutes
134. Firearms, Ammunition and Dangerous Weapons
134-84 Sale, offer for sale, distribution, or transfer of electric guns or cartridges.

§134-84 Sale, offer for sale, distribution, or transfer of electric guns or cartridges. (a) A licensee shall post the license to sell, offer to sell, distribute, or otherwise transfer electric guns or cartridges, or a certified copy thereof, in a location readily visible to customers at each designated place of business. For internet sales by a licensee, the license number shall be prominently displayed and an electronic copy of the license shall be readily accessible to the customer.
(b) An individual licensee shall complete at least once every three years an electric gun safety or training course offered or approved by the county that focuses on:
(1) The safe use and handling of electric guns;
(2) Current information about the effects, dangers, risks, and limitations of electric guns; and
(3) Education on the existing state laws on electric guns.
A licensee shall keep copies of the certificates of completion of these training courses in the licensee's business records.
(c) A licensee shall not allow any employee to participate in the sale or transfer of electric guns or cartridges unless the employee completes at least once every three years the training courses described in subsection (b). The licensee shall keep copies of the certificates of completion of the training courses for each employee in the licensee's business records.
(d) If there is no manufacturer serial number on an electric gun or cartridge received into inventory by a licensee, then the licensee shall engrave on the electric gun or cartridge a legible unique serial number that begins with the licensee's license number, followed by a hyphen and a unique identifying number.
(e) A licensee shall keep records for all electric guns and cartridges received into inventory within the State, including:
(1) Information identifying the seller, distributor, or transferor of the electric gun or cartridge; and
(2) The transaction record for the electric gun or cartridge, including the date of receipt, a description of the electric gun or cartridge, the manufacturer's serial number or the unique identifying serial number engraved by the licensee, and, if available, the manufacturer and the model number.
(f) Before completing a sale, distribution, or other transfer of an electric gun, the licensee or an employee of the licensee shall conduct a criminal history background check of the recipient. At minimum, the criminal history background check shall be a name-based search of the adult criminal conviction records maintained by the Hawaii criminal justice data center. The licensee or employee of the licensee shall require the recipient to review a printed copy of the results of the background check. After the review, the recipient shall sign and date a declaration. The declaration shall be in the following form: "I, (name of recipient), declare under penalty of law that the attached document accurately reflects my adult criminal conviction history in Hawaii. I further declare that I do not have any convictions or charges pending against me that disqualify me from owning an electric gun. I further declare under penalty of law that I am not disqualified from owning an electric gun." The licensee or employee of the licensee shall witness the recipient sign the declaration and sign the declaration as a witness. If the recipient is disqualified from owning an electric gun, or refuses or is unable to sign or make the declaration, the licensee shall immediately terminate the sale, distribution, or transfer.
(g) Before completing a sale, distribution, or other transfer of an electric gun, the licensee or an employee of the licensee shall provide an informational briefing to the recipient that includes but is not limited to the following:
(1) The safe use and handling of electric guns;
(2) Current information about the effects, dangers, risks, and limitations of electric guns;
(3) Education on the existing state laws on electric guns; and
(4) The proper disposal of electric guns.
(h) Upon completion of the informational briefing, the licensee shall provide a certification of informational briefing that is signed and dated by the recipient and the person who provided the informational briefing acknowledging that the briefing was completed and that the recipient understood the briefing. The certification shall include the names of the recipient and the person who provided the informational briefing and the date of the briefing. The form of the certification shall be as provided by the county office that issued the license to the licensee.
(i) A licensee shall keep a record of the information provided to recipients during the informational briefing.
(j) A licensee shall keep records of all sales, distributions, and other transactions of electric guns and cartridges sold in the State or to a recipient in the State, including:
(1) The recipient's name, date of birth, address, and telephone number;
(2) A copy of the recipient's government-issued identification card or document;
(3) The transaction record for the electric gun or cartridge, including the date of the transaction; a description of the electric gun or cartridge; if available, the name of the manufacturer and serial and model numbers; and, if necessary, the unique serial number engraved by the licensee;
(4) The criminal history background check and declaration signed by the recipient and the licensee or licensee's employee as a witness; and
(5) A copy of the certification of informational briefing signed and dated by the recipient and the person who provided the briefing.
(k) A licensee shall keep a record of the licensee's current inventory of electric guns and cartridges.
(l) During normal business hours, a licensee shall allow the chief of police of the appropriate county or designee to inspect the licensee's books and records for all records required to be kept by the licensee for electric guns and cartridges. At the discretion of the chief of police of the appropriate county or designee, the inspection of the records may be conducted via facsimile transmittal of the records.
(m) A licensee shall keep records required by this section for a minimum of ten years. If a licensee, as a result of death or dissolution, cannot maintain the records, the records shall be turned over to the chief of police of the appropriate county or designee.
(n) When displaying or storing electric guns or cartridges at a designated place of business, a licensee shall display or store the electric guns and cartridges in a locked cabinet or area not accessible to the general public.
(o) During normal business hours, a licensee shall allow the chief of police of the appropriate county or designee to physically inspect all electric guns and cartridges in the possession and control of the licensee wherever they may be located within the State.
(p) Any person, including any licensee, violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(q) A license may be suspended or revoked for a violation of any of the requirements of this section. [L 2021, c 183, pt of §2]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 10. Public Safety and Internal Security

134. Firearms, Ammunition and Dangerous Weapons

134-1 to 18 OLD REPEALED. §134-1 Definitions.

134-2 Permits to acquire.

134-2.5 Permits for motion picture films or television program production.

134-3 Registration, mandatory, exceptions.

134-3.5 Disclosure for firearm permit and registration purposes.

134-4 Transfer, possession of firearms.

134-5 Possession by licensed hunters and minors; target shooting; game hunting.


134-6.5 Relief from federal firearms mental health prohibitor.

134-7 Ownership or possession prohibited, when; penalty.

134-7.2 Prohibition against seizure of firearms or ammunition during emergency or disaster; suspension of permit or license.

134-7.3 Seizure of firearms upon disqualification.

134-7.5 Seizure of firearms in domestic abuse situations; requirements; return of.

134-8 Ownership, etc., of automatic firearms, silencers, etc., prohibited; penalties.

134-8.5 Bump fire stock, multiburst trigger activator, or trigger crank; prohibition.

134-9 Licenses to carry.

134-10 Alteration of identification marks prohibited.

134-10.2 Manufacturing, purchasing, or obtaining firearm parts to assemble a firearm having no serial number; penalty.

134-10.5 Storage of firearm; responsibility with respect to minors. No person shall store or keep any firearm on any premises under the person's control if the person knows or reasonably should know that a minor is likely to gain access to the firear...

134-11 Exemptions.

134-12 REPEALED.

134-12.5 Forfeiture of firearms, ammunition, deadly or dangerous weapons, and switchblade knives; when. All firearms, ammunition, deadly or dangerous weapons, and switchblade knives possessed, used in violation of this chapter or the Hawaii Penal Cod...

134-13 Revocation of permits.

134-14 Report.

134-15 Restriction of materials for manufacture of pistols or revolvers.

134-16 REPEALED.

134-17 Penalties.

134-18 Qualified immunity for physicians, psychologists, or psychiatrists who provide information on permit applicants.

134-21 Carrying or use of firearm in the commission of a separate felony; penalty.

134-22 Possession of a firearm with intent to facilitate the commission of a felony drug offense; penalty.

134-23 Place to keep loaded firearms other than pistols and revolvers; penalty.

134-24 Place to keep unloaded firearms other than pistols and revolvers; penalty.

134-25 Place to keep pistol or revolver; penalty.

134-26 Carrying or possessing a loaded firearm on a public highway; penalty.

134-27 Place to keep ammunition; penalty.

134-28 Explosive devices; prohibitions; penalty.

134-29 Reporting lost, stolen, or destroyed firearms; penalties.

134-31 License to sell and manufacture firearms; fee.

134-32 License to sell and manufacture firearms; conditions.

134-33 Punishment for violations of section 134-32.

134-34 National emergency, when.

134-51 Deadly weapons; prohibitions; penalty.

134-52 Switchblade knives; prohibitions; penalty.

134-53 Butterfly knives; prohibitions; penalty.

134-61 Definitions.

134-62 Court jurisdiction.

134-63 Commencement of action; forms.

134-64 Ex parte gun violence protective order.

134-65 One-year gun violence protective order issued after notice and hearing.

134-66 Termination and renewal.

134-67 Relinquishment of firearms and ammunition.

134-68 Return and disposal of firearms or ammunition.

134-69 Reporting of order to Hawaii criminal justice data center.

134-70 Penalties.

134-71 Law enforcement to retain other authority.

134-72 Lack of liability for failure to seek order.

134-81 Definitions.

134-82 Restrictions on use, sale, offer for sale, distribution, and transfer of electric guns and cartridges.

134-83 License to sell, offer to sell, distribute, or otherwise transfer electric guns or cartridges; fee.

134-84 Sale, offer for sale, distribution, or transfer of electric guns or cartridges.

134-85 Disposal of electric gun or cartridge.

134-86 Ownership or possession prohibited.

134-87 Exemptions.

134-88 Storage of electric gun; responsibility with respect to minors.

134-89 Carrying or use of electric gun in the commission of a separate misdemeanor.

134-90 Carrying or use of electric gun in the commission of a separate felony.