Hawaii Revised Statutes
101. Eminent Domain
101-20 Notice.

§101-20 Notice. When the owner or claimant of the land sought to be condemned is known, the summons shall be served by delivering to the owner or claimant, or to an agent authorized by appointment or by law to receive service of process, a certified copy thereof, together with a copy of the plaintiff's complaint. If the owner or claimant, although known, was never a resident of the State or has removed therefrom or cannot for any reason be served with process within the State, or if the owner or claimant is unknown, then the service of the summons upon the owner or claimant may be made in the manner provided by sections 634-23, 634-24, and 634-26. If the defendants are joined in the complaint by describing them as a class, then the service of the summons upon the defendants may be made by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the property is situated, in the manner provided by sections 634-23(3) and 634-26, and by giving such further notice as the court may order. The service of summons, as provided for in this section, shall be sufficient to give the court jurisdiction to proceed with and finally determine the case. [L 1896, c 45, §9; RL 1925, §818; RL 1935, §60; am L 1937, c 184, §2; am L 1941, c 38, §2; RL 1945, §311; RL 1955, §8-18; am L 1959, c 19, §1; HRS §101-20; am L 1973, c 30, §1; gen ch 1985]
Case Notes
Owner of a recorded title is known. 32 H. 745.
Cited: 3 U.S.D.C. Haw. 649, 656.

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 9. Public Property, Purchasing and Contracting

101. Eminent Domain

101-1 Definitions.

101-2 Taking private property for public use; disposal of excess property.

101-3 Entry upon private property by agreement.

101-3.5 Priority for lessees dislocated by condemnation proceedings. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, any lessee engaged in commercial or industrial uses who has been or will be displaced from private property which is acquired by the State o...

101-4 Right of eminent domain granted to public utilities and others.

101-5 Fee simple or lesser estate may be acquired.

101-6 What property may be taken.

101-7 Superior public use.

101-8 Entering and surveying land.

101-9 Actions; priority.

101-10 Circuit courts have jurisdiction.

101-11 Procedure as in civil actions.

101-12 Evidence.

101-13 Exercise of power by county.

101-14 Plaintiff.

101-15 Complaint; defendants.

101-16 Complaint; additional contents; map.

101-17 Different properties in one action.

101-18 Joint or consolidated actions by governmental agencies.

101-19 Amendments of complaints, citations.

101-20 Notice.

101-21 Intervenors.

101-22 Decision.

101-23 Damages assessed, how.

101-24 Assessed as of day of summons.

101-25 Payment of judgment, penalties.

101-26 Final order of condemnation.

101-27 Defendant allowed damages upon abandonment or dismissal of proceedings.

101-28 Possession pending action; immediate occupation by plaintiff.

101-29 Possession pending action; alternative procedure.

101-30 Order of possession.

101-31 Payment of estimated compensation; effect thereof.

101-32 Possession pending appeal.

101-33 Allowance of interest, etc.

101-34 Issue as to use may be set for immediate trial.

101-35 Tax official as party; certificates, etc.

101-36 Certificate of deposit of moneys in court; notice of lien.

101-37 Payment of taxes out of deposit.

101-38 Further certificate of possession.

101-39 Effect of abandonment of eminent domain proceedings.

101-41 Special power of eminent domain.

101-42 Rights-of-way.

101-43 Requirements prior to exercise of power.

101-44 Right-of-way lapses when.

101-51 Definitions.

101-52 Proceedings authorized.

101-53 Property already appropriated to a public purpose.

101-54 Part I provisions adopted; consolidation of proceedings.

101-71 Taking private personal property for public use.

101-72 Negotiated purchase of private personal property under threat of condemnation.