Georgia Code
Article 2 - Pilots Generally
§ 52-6-31. Number of Pilots

The number of licensed pilots shall not exceed 21 for the port of Savannah, three for the port of Doboy and Darien, eight for the port of Brunswick, two for the Great Satilla River, and two for the port of St. Marys.
History. Ga. L. 1886, p. 38, § 1; Civil Code 1895, § 1653; Ga. L. 1896, p. 85, § 1; Ga. L. 1901, p. 30, § 1; Civil Code 1910, § 1899; Ga. L. 1921, p. 103, § 1; Code 1933, § 80-104; Ga. L. 1945, p. 279, § 4; Ga. L. 1980, p. 1355, § 1; Ga. L. 1995, p. 846, § 3; Ga. L. 1997, p. 143, § 52; Ga. L. 2007, p. 105, § 1/HB 132.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 52 - Waters of the State, Ports, and Watercraft

Chapter 6 - Pilots and Pilotage

Article 2 - Pilots Generally

§ 52-6-30. Qualifications for Pilot’s License

§ 52-6-31. Number of Pilots

§ 52-6-32. Restrictions as to Persons Who May Receive Fees, Gratuities, or Rewards for Conducting or Piloting Vessels

§ 52-6-33. Form of License; Oath of Pilot

§ 52-6-34. Pilots’ Bonds — Generally

§ 52-6-35. Pilots’ Bonds — Continuation of Existing Bonds; Venue of Actions on Bonds; Parties to Actions

§ 52-6-36. Revocation of License for Conducting or Piloting Vessel Arrested Under Court Process

§ 52-6-37. Authority of Commissioners to Suspend Pilots, to Revoke Licenses, and to Assess Fines and Penalties; Grounds for Suspension, Revocation, Fines, or Other Penalties

§ 52-6-38. Hearings Before Commissioners; Enforcement of Decrees and Orders by Execution or Warrant of Distress

§ 52-6-39. Issuance of Subpoenas

§ 52-6-40. Failure of Witness to Answer Subpoena

§ 52-6-41. Taking of Interrogatories and Depositions From Nonresidents and Seamen

§ 52-6-42. Appeal to Superior Court — Generally

§ 52-6-43. Appeal to Superior Court — Use of Interrogatories and Depositions

§ 52-6-44. Fees Relating to Hearings Before Commissioners

§ 52-6-45. Vessels to Be Under Direction and Control of Licensed Pilots; Exemptions; Use of Docking Pilots

§ 52-6-46. Pilotage Fees — Fees for Coastwise Vessels

§ 52-6-47. Pilotage Fees — Time of Payment; Security for Payment

§ 52-6-48. Pilotage Fees — Requests or Demands by Pilots of Fees Different Than Those Fixed by Commissioners

§ 52-6-49. Liabilities and Penalties for Failure to Take Pilot or Pay Pilotage Fees

§ 52-6-50. Fees of Pilots Aiding Vessel in Distress

§ 52-6-51. Right of Pilot Boat to One-Third of Inward and Outward Pilotage Fee

§ 52-6-52. Liability for Detaining Pilots on Vessels

§ 52-6-53. Compulsory Retirement of Pilots

§ 52-6-54. Acting as Pilot Without License; Interfering With or Disturbing Licensed Pilot