Georgia Code
Article 1 - General Provisions
§ 17-6-3. Acceptance of Recognizance Bonds for Military Personnel

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In consideration of the release of (name of person charged) charged with (name or description of offense) it is agreed that the aforementioned prisoner will be restrained at the (appropriate military installation) in whatever degree considered to be appro- priate by his commanding officer. This restraint will be for a minimum of 12 hours in all cases involving consumption of alco holic beverages. It is further agreed that he will not be transferred, granted leave, or discharged from the (appro- priate service) without notice to the sheriff or his deputy and will be delivered to the sheriff or his deputy upon demand. These terms and conditions will be withdrawn only upon his posting of the required personal bond or upon the release by the sheriff, his deputy, or the appropriate court. Signed Official title
History. Ga. L. 1921, p. 241, § 1; Code 1933, § 27-902; Ga. L. 1966, p. 428, § 1; Ga. L. 1982, p. 3, § 17; Ga. L. 1983, p. 884, § 3-18; Ga. L. 1984, p. 22, § 17.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 17 - Criminal Procedure

Chapter 6 - Bonds and Recognizances

Article 1 - General Provisions

§ 17-6-1. [Effective Until July 1, 2023. See note.] When Offenses Bailable; Procedure; Schedule of Bails; Appeal Bonds

§ 17-6-1. [Effective July 1, 2023. See note.] When Offenses Bailable; Procedure; Schedule of Bails; Appeal Bonds

§ 17-6-1.1. Electronic Pretrial Release and Monitoring Program for Defendants; Requirements; Procedures; Fees

§ 17-6-2. Acceptance of Bail in Misdemeanor Cases; Posting Driver’s License as Collateral for Bail

§ 17-6-3. Acceptance of Recognizance Bonds for Military Personnel

§ 17-6-4. Authorization of Posting of Cash Bonds Generally; Furnishing of Receipt to Person Posting Bond; Recordation of Receipt of Bond on Docket; Disposal of Unclaimed Bonds

§ 17-6-5. Acceptance of Cash Bonds for Certain Offenses; Authorization

§ 17-6-6. Clerk of Court or Judge to Provide Cash Receipt Book; Furnishing of Copies of Receipt; Disposition of Original Receipt and Bond

§ 17-6-7. Liability of Arresting Officer for Failure to Account for Cash Receipts and Bonds

§ 17-6-8. Proceedings Upon Failure of Person Arrested to Appear; Forfeiture of Bond Not a Bar to Subsequent Prosecution

§ 17-6-9. Acceptance of Cash Bonds in Lieu of Statutory Bond or Recognizance by Officers or Officials Authorized to Enforce “Comprehensive Litter Prevention and Abatement Act of 2006.”

§ 17-6-10. Acceptance of Cash Bonds for Violations of Ordinances or Other Offenses Against Municipalities; Issuance of Receipt; Designated Officials; Effect of Failure to Appear in Court; Applicability to Municipalities Having Similar Provisions

§ 17-6-11. Display of Driver’s License for Violation of Certain Traffic Related Laws; Notice of Failure to Appear; Suspension of License; Arrest; Seizure of License

§ 17-6-12. Unsecured Judicial Release; Requirement; Effect of Failure of Person Charged to Appear for Trial

§ 17-6-13. First Bail for Offense Permitted as Matter of Right; Subsequent Bails to Be in Discretion of Court

§ 17-6-14. Use of Bail Bond Posted for Preliminary Hearing for Trial Appearance; Applicability to Federal Proceedings; Proceedings in County Other Than Where Commitment Hearing Held; Effect Where Bail Bond Required Is Less Than Bond Originally Posted

§ 17-6-15. Necessity for Commitment Where Bail Tendered and Accepted; Opportunity for Bail; Receipt of Bail After Commitment and Imprisonment; Imprisonment of Person Who Offers Bond for Amount of Bail Set; Effect Upon Common-Law Authority of Court

§ 17-6-16. Entry of Memorandum on Warrant After Waiver of Commitment Hearing and Tender of Bail

§ 17-6-17. Bond or Recognizance to Be Conditioned on Appearance of Person Accused of Crime at Arraignment; Proceedings Upon Failure of Accused to Appear

§ 17-6-18. Amendment of Bonds and Giving of New Security