Georgia Code
Chapter 3 - Laws and Statutes
§ 1-3-11. Local Referenda on Abolishing Offices or Shortening or Lengthening Term

No office to which a person has been elected shall be abolished nor the term of the office shortened or lengthened by local or special Act during the term for which such person was elected unless the same shall be approved by the people of the jurisdiction affected in a referendum on the question.
History. Code 1981, § 1-3-11 , enacted by Ga. L. 1983, p. 685, § 1.
Editor’s notes.
This Code section continues in effect a similar provision which was contained in Art. III, Sec. VII, Para. IX of the Constitution of Georgia of 1976.
Law reviews.
For annual survey of local government law, see 58 Mercer L. Rev. 267 (2006).