Florida Statutes
Chapter 960 - Victim Assistance
960.07 - Filing of Claims for Compensation.

(1) A claim for compensation may be filed by a person eligible for compensation as provided in s. 960.065 or, if such person is a minor, by his or her parent or guardian or, if the person entitled to make a claim is mentally incompetent, by the person’s guardian or such other individual authorized to administer his or her estate.
(2) Except as provided in subsections (3) and (4), a claim must be filed in accordance with this subsection.

(a)1. A claim arising from a crime occurring before October 1, 2019, must be filed within 1 year after:
a. The occurrence of the crime upon which the claim is based.
b. The death of the victim or intervenor.
c. The death of the victim or intervenor is determined to be the result of a crime, and the crime occurred after June 30, 1994.

2. For good cause the department may extend the time for filing a claim under subparagraph 1. for a period not exceeding 2 years after such occurrence.

(b)1. A claim arising from a crime occurring on or after October 1, 2019, must be filed within 3 years after the later of:
a. The occurrence of the crime upon which the claim is based;
b. The death of the victim or intervenor; or
c. The death of the victim or intervenor is determined to be the result of the crime.

2. For good cause the department may extend the time for filing a claim under subparagraph 1. for a period not to exceed 5 years after such occurrence.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (2), if the victim or intervenor was under the age of 18 at the time the crime upon which the claim is based occurred, a claim may be filed in accordance with this subsection.
(a) The victim’s or intervenor’s parent or guardian may file a claim on behalf of the victim or intervenor while the victim or intervenor is less than 18 years of age;
(b) For a claim arising from a crime that occurred before October 1, 2019, when a victim or intervenor who was under the age of 18 at the time the crime occurred reaches the age of 18, the victim or intervenor has 1 year to file a claim; or
(c) For a claim arising from a crime occurring on or after October 1, 2019, when a victim or intervenor who was under the age of 18 at the time the crime occurred reaches the age of 18, the victim or intervenor has 3 years to file a claim.
For good cause, the department may extend the time period allowed for filing a claim under paragraph (b) for an additional period not to exceed 1 year or under paragraph (c) for an additional period not to exceed 2 years.

(4) The provisions of subsection (2) notwithstanding, a victim of a sexually violent offense as defined in s. 394.912, may file a claim for compensation for counseling or other mental health services within:
(a) One year after the filing of a petition under s. 394.914, to involuntarily civilly commit the individual who perpetrated the sexually violent offense, if the claim arises from a crime committed before October 1, 2019; or
(b) Three years after the filing of a petition under s. 394.914, to involuntarily civilly commit the individual who perpetrated the sexually violent offense, if the claim arises from a crime committed on or after October 1, 2019.

(5) Claims may be filed in the Tallahassee office of the department in person or by mail. Any employee of the department receiving a claim for compensation shall, immediately upon receipt of such claim, mail the claim to the department at its office in Tallahassee. In no event and under no circumstances shall the rights of a claimant under this chapter be prejudiced or lost by the failure or delay of the employees of the department in mailing claims to the department in Tallahassee.
(6) Upon filing of a claim pursuant to this chapter, in which there is an identified offender, the department shall promptly notify the state attorney of the circuit wherein the crime is alleged to have occurred. If within 10 days after such notification such state attorney advises the department that a criminal prosecution or delinquency petition is pending upon the same alleged crime and requests that action by the department be deferred, the department shall defer all proceedings under this chapter until such time as a trial verdict or delinquency adjudication has been rendered, and shall so notify such state attorney and claimant. When a trial verdict or delinquency adjudication has been rendered, such state attorney shall promptly notify the department. Nothing in this subsection shall limit the authority of the department to grant emergency awards pursuant to s. 960.12.
(7) The state attorney’s office shall aid claimants in the filing and processing of claims, as may be required.
History.—s. 1, ch. 77-452; s. 7, ch. 80-146; s. 14, ch. 90-211; s. 5, ch. 91-23; s. 8, ch. 92-107; s. 21, ch. 92-287; s. 1, ch. 93-9; s. 10, ch. 94-342; s. 1712, ch. 97-102; s. 80, ch. 2000-139; s. 68, ch. 2019-167; s. 171, ch. 2020-2.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XLVII - Criminal Procedure and Corrections

Chapter 960 - Victim Assistance

960.001 - Guidelines for Fair Treatment of Victims and Witnesses in the Criminal Justice and Juvenile Justice Systems.

960.0015 - Victim’s Right to a Speedy Trial; Speedy Trial Demand by the State Attorney.

960.0021 - Legislative Intent; Advisement to Victims.

960.003 - Hepatitis and HIV Testing for Persons Charged With or Alleged by Petition for Delinquency to Have Committed Certain Offenses; Disclosure of Results to Victims.

960.01 - Short Title.

960.02 - Declaration of Policy and Legislative Intent.

960.03 - Definitions; Ss. 960.01-960.28.

960.045 - Department of Legal Affairs; Powers and Duties.

960.05 - Crime Victims’ Services Office.

960.065 - Eligibility for Awards.

960.07 - Filing of Claims for Compensation.

960.09 - Determination of Claims.

960.12 - Emergency Awards.

960.13 - Awards.

960.14 - Manner of Payment; Execution or Attachment.

960.15 - Records.

960.16 - Subrogation.

960.17 - Award Constitutes Debt Owed to State.

960.18 - Penalty for Fraud.

960.194 - Emergency Responder Death Benefits.

960.195 - Awards to Elderly Persons or Disabled Adults for Property Loss.

960.196 - Relocation Assistance for Victims of Human Trafficking.

960.197 - Assistance to Victims of Online Sexual Exploitation and Child Pornography.

960.198 - Relocation Assistance for Victims of Domestic Violence.

960.199 - Relocation Assistance for Victims of Sexual Battery.

960.21 - Crimes Compensation Trust Fund.

960.22 - Application for Federal Funds.

960.23 - Notice of Provisions of This Chapter.

960.28 - Payment for Victims’ Initial Forensic Physical Examinations.

960.29 - Legislative Findings and Intent.

960.291 - Definitions.

960.292 - Enforcement of the Civil Restitution Lien Through Civil Restitution Lien Order.

960.293 - Determination of Damages and Losses.

960.294 - Effect of Civil Restitution Liens.

960.295 - Civil Restitution Lien Supplemental to Other Forms of Restitution Available to Lienholder.

960.296 - Construction and Severability.

960.297 - Authorization for Governmental Right of Restitution for Costs of Incarceration.

960.298 - Priority of Liens.