History.—s. 1, ch. 77-452; s. 2, ch. 80-146; s. 1, ch. 91-23; s. 19, ch. 92-287.
Structure Florida Statutes
Title XLVII - Criminal Procedure and Corrections
Chapter 960 - Victim Assistance
960.0015 - Victim’s Right to a Speedy Trial; Speedy Trial Demand by the State Attorney.
960.0021 - Legislative Intent; Advisement to Victims.
960.02 - Declaration of Policy and Legislative Intent.
960.03 - Definitions; Ss. 960.01-960.28.
960.045 - Department of Legal Affairs; Powers and Duties.
960.05 - Crime Victims’ Services Office.
960.065 - Eligibility for Awards.
960.07 - Filing of Claims for Compensation.
960.09 - Determination of Claims.
960.14 - Manner of Payment; Execution or Attachment.
960.17 - Award Constitutes Debt Owed to State.
960.194 - Emergency Responder Death Benefits.
960.195 - Awards to Elderly Persons or Disabled Adults for Property Loss.
960.196 - Relocation Assistance for Victims of Human Trafficking.
960.197 - Assistance to Victims of Online Sexual Exploitation and Child Pornography.
960.198 - Relocation Assistance for Victims of Domestic Violence.
960.199 - Relocation Assistance for Victims of Sexual Battery.
960.21 - Crimes Compensation Trust Fund.
960.22 - Application for Federal Funds.
960.23 - Notice of Provisions of This Chapter.
960.28 - Payment for Victims’ Initial Forensic Physical Examinations.
960.29 - Legislative Findings and Intent.
960.292 - Enforcement of the Civil Restitution Lien Through Civil Restitution Lien Order.
960.293 - Determination of Damages and Losses.
960.294 - Effect of Civil Restitution Liens.
960.295 - Civil Restitution Lien Supplemental to Other Forms of Restitution Available to Lienholder.
960.296 - Construction and Severability.
960.297 - Authorization for Governmental Right of Restitution for Costs of Incarceration.