Florida Statutes
Chapter 561 - Beverage Law: Administration
561.65 - Mortgagee’s Interest in License.

(1) Any person holding a bona fide mortgage or lien or security interest in a spirituous alcoholic beverage license in this state shall have the right to enforcement of a lien against that license within 180 days after any order of revocation or suspension by an administrative officer or department of the government for a cause or causes of which the lienholder did not have knowledge or in which he or she did not participate. The division is required to notify any lienholder properly filing pursuant to subsection (4) of a pending revocation or suspension. No revoked quota beverage license encumbered by a lien or security interest perfected in accordance with this section shall be issued in accordance with s. 561.19(2) until the 180-day period has elapsed or until such enforcement proceeding is final. Liens or security interests in spirituous alcoholic beverage licenses existing prior to July 1, 1981, shall not be affected by the provisions of this section.
(2) The purchaser at a foreclosure sale shall have the right to operate under such license, if otherwise lawfully qualified and authorized by the division to do so, or to have a reasonable time within which to transfer the license to some person qualified under the laws of this state to operate under such license. If the purchaser is a distributor licensed under the Beverage Law, the license becomes inoperative immediately and remains in such status until transferred, in accordance with the Beverage Law, to a person qualified to operate under such license; however, the distributor shall transfer such license within 245 days after the date of purchase.
(3) If any such bona fide mortgagee or lienholder serves notice in writing on the division of the extension of such lien and accompanies that notice with the payment of the fee set forth in subsection (4) to the division, which money shall be used by the division to defray the costs of providing this service, then such lienholder shall be notified in writing of the filing of an order to show cause as to why the license should not be suspended and revoked; and also the lienholder shall be furnished a copy of any order of suspension or revocation. In this event, the 180 days within which to file for the enforcement of the lien by the lienholder shall commence running from the date of the mailing of the copy of the order of revocation or suspension.
(4) In order to perfect a lien or security interest in a spirituous alcoholic beverage license which may be enforceable against the license, the party which holds the lien or security interest, within 90 days of the date of creation of the lien or security interest, shall record the same with the division on or with forms authorized by the division, which forms shall require the names of the parties and the terms of the obligation. The division, upon the request of any person or entity, shall conduct a lien search and shall provide to the requester copies of all recorded liens and security interests in the division’s records under the name searched, all for the fee set forth in this subsection. The fee for recording a lien or security interest shall be $10; the fee for recording an assignment of a recorded lien or security interest shall be $10; the fee for recording a satisfaction of a lien or security interest shall be $10; and the fee for a lien search shall be $20. The division shall promulgate forms to be used under this subsection. All liens and security interests filed on or after July 1, 1995, shall expire 5 years after recordation unless renewed by the lienholder within 6 months prior to its expiration date. All liens and security interests filed prior to July 1, 1995, shall expire on July 1, 2000, unless renewed by the lienholder within 6 months prior to that date. Renewals of liens and security interests shall be subject to a $10 renewal fee.
(5) Any foreclosure of a perfected lien in a beverage license shall be in the circuit court in the county in which the beverage license is issued, and the division shall be joined as an indispensable party. All holders of liens senior to the lien being foreclosed shall be joined and deemed necessary parties to the foreclosure.
(6) Upon a judgment of foreclosure and after written notice to each distributor of alcoholic beverages who has filed a claim in the foreclosure, the clerk of the circuit court shall sell the license at public auction, pursuant to chapter 45, to the highest and best bidder, who shall pay the amount bid by a cashier’s check within 24 hours of the time of sale. The proceeds from the sale of such license, after deducting the expenses of the sale, shall be paid, first, to the lienholder or lienholders in the order of date of filing and, second, to creditors who have paid or by law are obligated to pay federal or state excise taxes on purchases by the licensee; and the balance shall be paid as directed in the judgment of foreclosure.
(7) The institution of foreclosure procedures or the judicial transfer of a license shall not prevent the division from suspending or imposing a civil penalty against the licensee of record at the time of the alleged violation. However, should the division obtain a revocation of the license against the previous licensee of record, the revocation shall be effective only to impair the qualifications of the officers, directors, or stockholders of that licensee.
History.—s. 1, ch. 69-115; ss. 16, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 1, ch. 72-230; s. 18, ch. 79-11; s. 21, ch. 81-158; s. 6, ch. 84-262; s. 11, ch. 95-346; s. 852, ch. 97-103; s. 3, ch. 2003-20.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XXXIV - Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco

Chapter 561 - Beverage Law: Administration

561.01 - Definitions.

561.02 - Creation and Duties of Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco.

561.025 - Alcoholic Beverage and Tobacco Trust Fund.

561.027 - Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund.

561.051 - Reporting Requirements of Director.

561.08 - Enforcement of Beverage Law; Division to Prescribe Forms.

561.11 - Power and Authority of Division.

561.1105 - Inspection of Licensed Premises; Coin-Operated Amusement Machines.

561.111 - Payment of Taxes by Electronic Funds Transfer.

561.121 - Deposit of Revenue.

561.1211 - Credit for Contributions to Eligible Nonprofit Scholarship-Funding Organizations.

561.1212 - Credit for Contributions to the New Worlds Reading Initiative.

561.1213 - Credit for Contributions to Eligible Charitable Organizations.

561.14 - License and Registration Classification.

561.15 - Licenses; Qualifications Required.

561.17 - License and Registration Applications; Approved Person.

561.18 - License Investigation.

561.181 - Temporary Initial Licenses.

561.19 - License Issuance Upon Approval of Division.

561.20 - Limitation Upon Number of Licenses Issued.

561.22 - Licensing Manufacturers, Distributors, and Registered Exporters as Vendors Prohibited.

561.221 - Licensing of Manufacturers and Distributors as Vendors and of Vendors as Manufacturers; Conditions and Limitations.

561.23 - License Display.

561.24 - Licensing Manufacturers as Distributors or Registered Exporters Prohibited; Procedure for Issuance and Renewal of Distributors’ Licenses and Exporters’ Registrations.

561.25 - Officers and Employees Prohibited From Being Employed by or Engaging in Beverage Business; Penalties; Exceptions.

561.26 - Term of License.

561.27 - Renewal of License.

561.29 - Revocation and Suspension of License; Power to Subpoena.

561.32 - Transfer of Licenses; Change of Officers or Directors; Transfer of Interest.

561.33 - Licensee Moving to New Location; Changing Name of Business.

561.331 - Temporary License Upon Application for Transfer, Change of Location, or Change of Type or Series.

561.342 - County and Municipal License Tax.

561.351 - Manufacturers, Brokers, Sales Agents, Importers, and Passenger Common Carriers; Term of License.

561.37 - Bond for Payment of Taxes.

561.371 - Bond for Payment of Taxes by Spirituous Liquor Distributors.

561.38 - Issuance of License Prohibited Until Bond Approved; Cancellation or Expiration of Bond.

561.41 - Maintenance and Designation of Principal Office by Manufacturers, Distributors, Importers, and Exporters.

561.411 - Qualifications for Distributors.

561.42 - Tied House Evil; Financial Aid and Assistance to Vendor by Manufacturer, Distributor, Importer, Primary American Source of Supply, Brand Owner or Registrant, or Any Broker, Sales Agent, or Sales Person Thereof, Prohibited; Procedure for Enfo...

561.4205 - Keg Deposits; Limited Alternative Inventory and Reconciliation Process.

561.421 - Temporary Convention Permits.

561.422 - Nonprofit Civic Organizations, Charitable Organizations, Municipalities, and Counties; Temporary Permits.

561.423 - Beer and Malt Beverages; In-Store Servicing Authorized.

561.424 - Vinous Beverages; In-Store Servicing Authorized.

561.43 - Dry Counties; Manufacturers’ or Distributors’ Licenses; Exporters’ Registrations; Exemptions.

561.49 - No Tax on Out-of-State Sales.

561.495 - Legislative Findings; Cost of Regulating Imported Beverages.

561.50 - One State Tax Payment; Reports.

561.5101 - Come-to-Rest Requirement; Exceptions; Penalties.

561.54 - Certain Deliveries of Beverages Prohibited.

561.545 - Certain Shipments of Beverages Prohibited; Penalties; Exceptions.

561.55 - Manufacturers’, Distributors’, Brokers’, Sales Agents’, Importers’, Vendors’, and Exporters’ Records and Reports.

561.56 - Transportation of Beverages by Manufacturers, Distributors, and Exporters.

561.57 - Deliveries by Licensees.

561.58 - Issuance of License for a Prior License Revoked.

561.65 - Mortgagee’s Interest in License.

561.66 - Legislative Intent.

561.665 - Division to Restrict Licensees From Permitting Certain Activities.

561.67 - Reclamation by Distributor of Beverages Not Paid for by Licensed Vendors.

561.68 - Licensure; Distributor’s Salespersons.

561.695 - Stand-Alone Bar Enforcement; Qualification; Penalties.

561.701 - Short Title.

561.702 - Legislative Intent.

561.703 - Definitions Relating to Florida Responsible Vendor Act.

561.705 - Responsible Vendor Qualification.

561.706 - Exemption From License Suspension or Revocation; Mitigation for Certain Beverage Law Violations; Records of Arrests.