History.—s. 3, ch. 96-216.
Structure Florida Statutes
Title XI - County Organization and Intergovernmental Relations
Chapter 125 - County Government
Part I - County Commissioners: Powers and Duties (Ss. 125.001-125.59)
125.001 - Board meetings; notice.
125.0101 - County may contract to provide services to municipalities and special districts.
125.0103 - Ordinances and rules imposing price controls; findings required; procedures.
125.0104 - Tourist development tax; procedure for levying; authorized uses; referendum; enforcement.
125.01045 - Prohibition of fees for first responder services.
125.01047 - Rules and ordinances relating to towing services.
125.0105 - Service fee for dishonored check.
125.01055 - Affordable housing.
125.0107 - Ordinances relating to possession or sale of ammunition.
125.0108 - Areas of critical state concern; tourist impact tax.
125.0109 - Family day care homes; local zoning regulation.
125.012 - Project facilities; general powers and duties.
125.013 - General obligation bonds; revenue bonds.
125.014 - Title designation of authority.
125.015 - Acquisition of facilities from municipalities.
125.0167 - Discretionary surtax on documents; adoption; application of revenue.
125.0168 - Special assessments levied on recreational vehicle parks regulated under chapter 513.
125.017 - Administrative agents.
125.018 - Rules and regulations.
125.019 - Exemption from taxation; immunity.
125.022 - Development permits and orders.
125.025 - County-municipality consolidated governments; additional powers.
125.029 - County park entrance fee discounts.
125.031 - Lease or lease-purchases of property for public purposes.
125.045 - County economic development powers.
125.15 - To sue and be sued in the name of county.
125.221 - Holding of court and meeting of grand jury; place other than courthouse.
125.222 - Auxiliary county offices, court proceedings.
125.271 - Emergency medical services; county emergency medical service assessments.
125.325 - Loans to public agencies authorized.
125.3401 - Purchase, sale, or privatization of water, sewer, or wastewater reuse utility by county.
125.35 - County authorized to sell real and personal property and to lease real property.
125.355 - Proposed purchase of real property by county; confidentiality of records; procedure.
125.37 - Exchange of county property.
125.379 - Disposition of county property for affordable housing.
125.38 - Sale of county property to United States, or state.
125.39 - Nonapplicability to county lands acquired for specific purposes.
125.411 - Conveyance of land by county.
125.421 - Telecommunications services.
125.488 - Ordinances, regulations, and policies concerning temporary underground power panels.
125.561 - Amateur radio antennas; construction in conformance with federal requirements.
125.563 - Abatement of water pollution and shore erosion of inland lakes.
125.568 - Conservation of water; Florida-friendly landscaping.
125.569 - Sanitary sewer lateral inspection programs for counties.
125.571 - Permit may not be required for owner to paint residence.
125.5801 - Criminal history record checks for certain county employees and appointees.
125.581 - Certain local employment registration prohibited.
125.585 - Employee assistance programs; public records exemption.