Florida Statutes
Part I - County Commissioners: Powers and Duties (Ss. 125.001-125.59)
125.27 - Countywide forest fire protection; authority of the Florida Forest Service; state funding; county fire control assessments; disposition; equipment donations.

(1) The Florida Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the board of county commissioners of each county in this state shall enter into agreements for the establishment and maintenance of countywide fire protection of all forest and wild lands within said county, with the total cost of such fire protection being funded by state and federal funds. Each county shall, under the terms of such agreements, be assessed each fiscal year, as its share of the cost of providing such fire protection, a sum in dollars equal to the total forest and wild land acreage of the county, as determined by the Florida Forest Service, multiplied by 7 cents. The forest and wild lands acreage included in such agreements shall be reviewed each year by the contracting parties and the number of forest and wild land acres and the annual fire control assessment adjusted so as to reflect the current forest acreage of the county. In the event the Florida Forest Service and the county commissioners do not agree, the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund shall make such acreage determination. All fire control assessments received by the Florida Forest Service from the several counties under agreements made pursuant to this section shall be deposited as follows:
(a) An amount equal to the total forest land and wild land acreage of the counties, multiplied by 4 cents, shall be distributed to the Incidental Trust Fund of the Florida Forest Service; and
(b) An amount equal to the total forest land and wild land acreage of the counties, multiplied by 3 cents, shall be distributed to the General Revenue Fund.

(2) The Florida Forest Service may include provisions in the agreements authorized in this section, or execute separate or supplemental agreements with the several counties, county agencies, or municipalities, to provide communication services and other services directly related to fire protection within the county, other than forest fire control, on a cost reimbursable basis only, provided the rendering of such services does not hinder or impede in any way the Florida Forest Service’s ability to accomplish its primary function with respect to forest fire control.
(3) The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services may lease, loan, or otherwise make available, without charge, to state, county, and local governmental entities that have fire/rescue responsibilities, new or used fire protection equipment, vehicles, or supplies, which shall include all such items received from public or private entities. The department, and those private or public entities providing at no cost, or de minimis cost, such items for loan or lease through the department, shall not be held liable for civil damages resulting from use or possession of such items. Private or public entities that donate fire/rescue equipment, vehicles, or supplies directly to state, county, or local governmental entities having fire/rescue responsibilities shall not be held liable for civil damages resulting from use or possession of such items.
History.—s. 5, ch. 17024, 1935; CGL 1936 Supp. 2181(23); ss. 14, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 1, ch. 72-305, s. 1, ch. 73-248; s. 3, ch. 2001-279; s. 2, ch. 2008-107; s. 2, ch. 2012-7.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XI - County Organization and Intergovernmental Relations

Chapter 125 - County Government

Part I - County Commissioners: Powers and Duties (Ss. 125.001-125.59)

125.001 - Board meetings; notice.

125.01 - Powers and duties.

125.0101 - County may contract to provide services to municipalities and special districts.

125.0102 - Sign ordinances.

125.0103 - Ordinances and rules imposing price controls; findings required; procedures.

125.0104 - Tourist development tax; procedure for levying; authorized uses; referendum; enforcement.

125.01045 - Prohibition of fees for first responder services.

125.01047 - Rules and ordinances relating to towing services.

125.0105 - Service fee for dishonored check.

125.01055 - Affordable housing.

125.0107 - Ordinances relating to possession or sale of ammunition.

125.0108 - Areas of critical state concern; tourist impact tax.

125.0109 - Family day care homes; local zoning regulation.

125.011 - Definitions.

125.012 - Project facilities; general powers and duties.

125.013 - General obligation bonds; revenue bonds.

125.014 - Title designation of authority.

125.015 - Acquisition of facilities from municipalities.

125.016 - Ad valorem tax.

125.0167 - Discretionary surtax on documents; adoption; application of revenue.

125.0168 - Special assessments levied on recreational vehicle parks regulated under chapter 513.

125.017 - Administrative agents.

125.018 - Rules and regulations.

125.019 - Exemption from taxation; immunity.

125.022 - Development permits and orders.

125.025 - County-municipality consolidated governments; additional powers.

125.029 - County park entrance fee discounts.

125.031 - Lease or lease-purchases of property for public purposes.

125.045 - County economic development powers.

125.15 - To sue and be sued in the name of county.

125.17 - Clerk.

125.221 - Holding of court and meeting of grand jury; place other than courthouse.

125.222 - Auxiliary county offices, court proceedings.

125.27 - Countywide forest fire protection; authority of the Florida Forest Service; state funding; county fire control assessments; disposition; equipment donations.

125.271 - Emergency medical services; county emergency medical service assessments.

125.275 - Countywide air quality protection; authority of counties designated as nonattainment areas; preemption of municipal ordinances.

125.325 - Loans to public agencies authorized.

125.3401 - Purchase, sale, or privatization of water, sewer, or wastewater reuse utility by county.

125.35 - County authorized to sell real and personal property and to lease real property.

125.355 - Proposed purchase of real property by county; confidentiality of records; procedure.

125.37 - Exchange of county property.

125.379 - Disposition of county property for affordable housing.

125.38 - Sale of county property to United States, or state.

125.39 - Nonapplicability to county lands acquired for specific purposes.

125.411 - Conveyance of land by county.

125.42 - Water, sewage, gas, power, telephone, other utility, and television lines within the right-of-way limits of county roads and highways.

125.421 - Telecommunications services.

125.485 - Utility services; nonpayment of charges by former occupant of rental unit; county action limited.

125.488 - Ordinances, regulations, and policies concerning temporary underground power panels.

125.56 - Enforcement and amendment of the Florida Building Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code; inspection fees; inspectors; etc.

125.561 - Amateur radio antennas; construction in conformance with federal requirements.

125.563 - Abatement of water pollution and shore erosion of inland lakes.

125.568 - Conservation of water; Florida-friendly landscaping.

125.569 - Sanitary sewer lateral inspection programs for counties.

125.571 - Permit may not be required for owner to paint residence.

125.5801 - Criminal history record checks for certain county employees and appointees.

125.581 - Certain local employment registration prohibited.

125.585 - Employee assistance programs; public records exemption.

125.59 - Special grand jury fund.