Delaware Code
Subchapter I. General Regulatory Provisions
§ 4122. Parent's failure to attend school conference with superintendent; subpoena to compel attendance.

(a) “Parent” as used in this section means natural parent, adoptive parent, any person legally charged with the care or custody of a student under 18 years of age, or any person who has assumed responsibility for the care of a student under 18 years of age including any person acting as a caregiver pursuant to the provisions of § 202(f) of this title.
(b) When a parent fails to attend, participate or respond to a public school or charter school superintendent's request for a conference to discuss matters involving alleged violations of school rules or regulations by the parent's child, the public school or charter school superintendent or the superintendent's designee may request that the Justice of the Peace Court issue a subpoena to compel the presence of the parent at a conference with the superintendent.
(c) Prior to the issuance of a subpoena to compel the presence of a parent, the superintendent or a designee must provide evidence that the superintendent or a designee has:

(1) Made a reasonable attempt to schedule the conference at a time that does not conflict with the employment hours of the parent; and
(2) Sent written notice of the conference by regular United States mail to the address of record of the parent, which notice shall include the reason for the conference and a statement that failure to schedule or attend the conference may result in the issuance of a subpoena.
(d) After verifying that the superintendent or a designee has sent the required notice, the Justice of the Peace Court may, in its discretion, issue a subpoena pursuant to Justice of the Peace Civil Rule 18 which shall compel the presence of the parent at a conference with the superintendent.
(e) If a parent fails to obey a subpoena properly served under this section, the superintendent may file a motion for an order holding the parent in contempt of court. The Justice of the Peace Court shall have jurisdiction over this matter. A parent found guilty of contempt for failure to appear at a conference after receiving a subpoena may be ordered by the Court to attend school with the student, attend family counseling, and/or comply with such other conditions as the Court may order.
(f) Proceedings against a parent of a suspended or expelled child may also be filed pursuant to subchapter II of Chapter 27 of this title for each day that the child is absent beyond the period of suspension or expulsion without a valid excuse as a result of the parent's failure to attend or schedule a conference after having received notification of the suspension or expulsion.

Structure Delaware Code

Delaware Code

Title 14 - Education


Subchapter I. General Regulatory Provisions

§ 4101. Reading of First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

§ 4101A. Use of schools for First Amendment purposes.

§ 4102. Penalties for violation of § 4101 of this title.

§ 4103. Teaching Constitution of the United States, Constitution and government of Delaware and the free enterprise system.

§ 4104. Display of American flag.

§ 4105. Salute to flag and pledge of allegiance.

§ 4106. Failure to require salute and pledge; penalty.

§ 4107. General election day; closing of schools.

§ 4107A. Primary election day; in-service day.

§ 4108. American Education Week.

§ 4109. School property; health and safety requirements.

§ 4110. Disturbing schools or destroying school property; penalty.

§ 4111. Disclosure of pupils' school records.

§ 4112. Reporting school crimes.

§ 4112A. Office of School Criminal Offense and Bullying Ombudsperson.

§ 4112B. Ombudsperson access.

§ 4112C. Good faith immunity.

§ 4112D. School bullying prevention.

§ 4112E. School Teen Dating Violence and Sexual Assault Act.

§ 4112F. Limitations on use of seclusion and restraint.

§ 4113. Authority of school crossing guards to ensure safety of pupils.

§ 4114. Right of State to transcribe and reproduce instructional material in braille and other media for handicapped minors.

§ 4115. Choice of transportation.

§ 4116. Drug/alcohol educational programs.

§ 4116A. Mental health educational programs.

§ 4117. Substance abuse.

§ 4118. Parents as Teachers Program.

§ 4119. Metal detectors.

§ 4120. School dress codes and uniforms.

§ 4121. Video cameras on public school property.

§ 4122. Parent's failure to attend school conference with superintendent; subpoena to compel attendance.

§ 4123B. Posting child abuse and neglect telephone report line.

§ 4123C. Personal body safety and child sexual abuse awareness and prevention.

§ 4124. Suicide prevention.

§ 4125. Driver education certification.

§ 4126. School-based health centers.

§ 4130. Expulsion of students; re-enrollment.

§ 4131. Notification of provisions pertaining to school crimes.

§ 4132. Student grades; teacher evaluation restriction.

§ 4133. Physical Education/Physical Activity Pilot Program.

§ 4134. Mandatory reporting of Delaware Healthy Children Program [CHIP] and Medicaid information.

§ 4135. American Sign Language.

§ 4136. Limitation of trans fats in food and beverage available or served to students in public schools [See 78 Del. Laws, c. 48, § 2, for applicability to certain contracts].

§ 4137. Alternative service models for school breakfast.

§ 4138. Cursive writing.

§ 4139. Computer science.

§ 4140. Delaware School Safety and Security Fund.

§ 4141. Holocaust instruction.

§ 4142. Free feminine hygiene products in schools.

§ 4143. Black history instruction.

§ 4144. Pupil identification cards; publication of safety hotline numbers [See 83 Del. Laws, c. 404, § 3 for application of this section].

§ 4145. Evidence-based reading curricula [Effective until Jan. 1, 2023].

§ 4145. Evidence-based reading curricula [Effective Jan. 1, 2023].

§ 4146. Media literacy [For application of this section, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 417, § 2].