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§ 4101. Reading of First Amendment of the United States Constitution. - At the commencement of the first period of study on...
§ 4101A. Use of schools for First Amendment purposes. - (a) As used in this section: (1) “Student-delivered” refers to...
§ 4102. Penalties for violation of § 4101 of this title. - Any teacher or principal who refuses to comply with §...
§ 4103. Teaching Constitution of the United States, Constitution and government of Delaware and the free enterprise system. - (a) In all public and private schools located within this...
§ 4104. Display of American flag. - (a) Every board of education in this State shall procure...
§ 4105. Salute to flag and pledge of allegiance. - In the opening exercises of every free public school each...
§ 4106. Failure to require salute and pledge; penalty. - When the Department of Education has procured and distributed American...
§ 4107. General election day; closing of schools. - (a) Every day on which a general election is held...
§ 4107A. Primary election day; in-service day. - (a) School districts shall allow public school buildings to be...
§ 4108. American Education Week. - The Governor may issue a proclamation calling upon all teachers...
§ 4109. School property; health and safety requirements. - (a) Every public school shall be equipped with an adequate...
§ 4110. Disturbing schools or destroying school property; penalty. - Whoever disturbs a public school in session or wilfully destroys...
§ 4111. Disclosure of pupils' school records. - (a) Educational records of students in all public and private...
§ 4112. Reporting school crimes. - (a) Definitions. — The following words, terms and phrases, when...
§ 4112A. Office of School Criminal Offense and Bullying Ombudsperson. - (a) There is hereby established within the State Department of...
§ 4112B. Ombudsperson access. - (a) The Ombudsperson shall have access to any school record...
§ 4112C. Good faith immunity. - Persons and agencies participating in an investigation of the Ombudsperson...
§ 4112D. School bullying prevention. - [Transferred to § 4164 of this title by 81 Del....
§ 4112E. School Teen Dating Violence and Sexual Assault Act. - [Transferred to § 4166 of this title by 81 Del....
§ 4112F. Limitations on use of seclusion and restraint. - (a) Definitions. — The following words, terms, and phrases when...
§ 4113. Authority of school crossing guards to ensure safety of pupils. - Where school crossing guards are employed by a school district,...
§ 4114. Right of State to transcribe and reproduce instructional material in braille and other media for handicapped minors. - Each contract executed for the procurement of instructional materials shall...
§ 4115. Choice of transportation. - The school board of each school district shall offer, to...
§ 4116. Drug/alcohol educational programs. - (a) The Department of Education with approval of the State...
§ 4116A. Mental health educational programs. - (a) For purposes of this section: (1) “Charter school” means...
§ 4117. Substance abuse. - (a) Each school district shall designate an administrator in every...
§ 4118. Parents as Teachers Program. - (a) The General Assembly finds and declares as follows: (1)...
§ 4119. Metal detectors. - The school board of each school district shall have authority...
§ 4120. School dress codes and uniforms. - (a) The school board of each public school district shall...
§ 4121. Video cameras on public school property. - The school board of each school district shall have authority...
§ 4122. Parent's failure to attend school conference with superintendent; subpoena to compel attendance. - (a) “Parent” as used in this section means natural parent,...
§ 4123B. Posting child abuse and neglect telephone report line. - [Transferred to § 4163(g)(1), (2) of this title by 81...
§ 4123C. Personal body safety and child sexual abuse awareness and prevention. - [Transferred to § 4163 of this title by 81 Del....
§ 4124. Suicide prevention. - [Transferred to § 4165 of this title by 81 Del....
§ 4125. Driver education certification. - (a) A driver education teacher may not certify that a...
§ 4126. School-based health centers. - (a) All public high schools, including vocational-technical schools, but not...
§ 4130. Expulsion of students; re-enrollment. - (a) In any case where a public school student is...
§ 4131. Notification of provisions pertaining to school crimes. - At the commencement of each school year, the school board...
§ 4132. Student grades; teacher evaluation restriction. - (a) When a teacher assigns an alphabetical symbol or numerical...
§ 4133. Physical Education/Physical Activity Pilot Program. - (a) For the 2006-07 school year there is established a...
§ 4134. Mandatory reporting of Delaware Healthy Children Program [CHIP] and Medicaid information. - (a) Each school district shall be required to report to...
§ 4135. American Sign Language. - American Sign Language shall be recognized as and considered a...
§ 4136. Limitation of trans fats in food and beverage available or served to students in public schools [See 78 Del. Laws, c. 48, § 2, for applicability to certain contracts]. - (a) Public schools, including charter schools, and school districts, through...
§ 4137. Alternative service models for school breakfast. - (a) Purpose. — The purpose of allowing for alternative service...
§ 4138. Cursive writing. - (a) Beginning in the 2018-2019 school year, every public elementary...
§ 4139. Computer science. - (a) By the 2020-2021 school year, all public high schools,...
§ 4140. Delaware School Safety and Security Fund. - (a) There is hereby created the Delaware School Safety and...
§ 4141. Holocaust instruction. - (a) (1) Each school district and charter school serving students...
§ 4142. Free feminine hygiene products in schools. - (a) For the purposes of this section, “feminine hygiene products”...
§ 4143. Black history instruction. - (a) (1) Each school district and charter school serving students...
§ 4144. Pupil identification cards; publication of safety hotline numbers [See 83 Del. Laws, c. 404, § 3 for application of this section]. - (a) All public schools serving pupils in grades 7 to...
§ 4145. Evidence-based reading curricula [Effective until Jan. 1, 2023]. - (a) (1) The Department of Education (Department) shall maintain a...
§ 4145. Evidence-based reading curricula [Effective Jan. 1, 2023]. - (a) (1) The Department of Education (Department) shall maintain a...
§ 4146. Media literacy [For application of this section, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 417, § 2]. - (a) For purposes of this section: (1) “Media literacy” means...