(a) For purposes of this section:
(1) “Charter school” means as defined under § 4161 of this title.
(2) “Contracted school year” means the period defined under § 1305(e) of this title.
(3) “Grade” means kindergarten through grade 12.
(4) “School district” means as defined under § 4161 of this title.
(b) The Department of Education, with the approval of the State Board of Education, shall establish and implement statewide mental health educational programs for each grade in each school district and charter school in this State.
(c) The statewide mental health education programs established and implemented under this section must meet all of the following:
(1) Recognize the multiple dimensions of health by including instruction in mental health and the relationship between physical and mental health to enhance student understanding, attitudes, and behaviors that promote health, well-being, and human dignity.
(2) Taught by appropriately certified teachers or appropriately certified community mental health providers.
(3) Be comprehensive, developmentally appropriate, and sequential in nature.
(d) In establishing and implementing statewide mental health programs under this section, the Department of Education shall consult with mental health experts, including individuals with the Department of Health and Social Services, Department of Services for Children, Youth, and Their Families, Mental Health Association of Delaware, Delaware Guidance Services, National Alliance of Mental Illness Delaware, and National Council for Behavioral Health.
(e) A school district or charter school shall provide in-service training required under this section within the contracted school year.
(f) The Department of Education may, with the approval of the State Board of Education, adopt regulations to implement and enforce this section.
(g) The Department of Education shall submit a written report to the Governor, the members of the General Assembly, the Director and the Librarian of the Division of Research of Legislative Council, and the Public Archives no later than January 15 of each year. The report must include a description of the educational programing provided under subsection (b) of this section, how the programming complies with subsection (c) of this section, and how the programming has been implemented by each school district and charter school.
Structure Delaware Code
Subchapter I. General Regulatory Provisions
§ 4101. Reading of First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
§ 4101A. Use of schools for First Amendment purposes.
§ 4102. Penalties for violation of § 4101 of this title.
§ 4104. Display of American flag.
§ 4105. Salute to flag and pledge of allegiance.
§ 4106. Failure to require salute and pledge; penalty.
§ 4107. General election day; closing of schools.
§ 4107A. Primary election day; in-service day.
§ 4108. American Education Week.
§ 4109. School property; health and safety requirements.
§ 4110. Disturbing schools or destroying school property; penalty.
§ 4111. Disclosure of pupils' school records.
§ 4112. Reporting school crimes.
§ 4112A. Office of School Criminal Offense and Bullying Ombudsperson.
§ 4112D. School bullying prevention.
§ 4112E. School Teen Dating Violence and Sexual Assault Act.
§ 4112F. Limitations on use of seclusion and restraint.
§ 4113. Authority of school crossing guards to ensure safety of pupils.
§ 4115. Choice of transportation.
§ 4116. Drug/alcohol educational programs.
§ 4116A. Mental health educational programs.
§ 4118. Parents as Teachers Program.
§ 4120. School dress codes and uniforms.
§ 4121. Video cameras on public school property.
§ 4123B. Posting child abuse and neglect telephone report line.
§ 4123C. Personal body safety and child sexual abuse awareness and prevention.
§ 4125. Driver education certification.
§ 4126. School-based health centers.
§ 4130. Expulsion of students; re-enrollment.
§ 4131. Notification of provisions pertaining to school crimes.
§ 4132. Student grades; teacher evaluation restriction.
§ 4133. Physical Education/Physical Activity Pilot Program.
§ 4134. Mandatory reporting of Delaware Healthy Children Program [CHIP] and Medicaid information.
§ 4135. American Sign Language.
§ 4137. Alternative service models for school breakfast.
§ 4140. Delaware School Safety and Security Fund.
§ 4141. Holocaust instruction.
§ 4142. Free feminine hygiene products in schools.
§ 4143. Black history instruction.
§ 4145. Evidence-based reading curricula [Effective until Jan. 1, 2023].
§ 4145. Evidence-based reading curricula [Effective Jan. 1, 2023].
§ 4146. Media literacy [For application of this section, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 417, § 2].