Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 47 - State Property and Funds
Section 4-28m. - Cigarette manufacturers: Directory. Violations of law. Review.

(a)(1) Not later than July 1, 2005, the commissioner shall develop and make available for public inspection, on the Department of Revenue Services' web site and in such other forms as the commissioner deems appropriate, a directory listing of all tobacco product manufacturers that have provided current and accurate certifications conforming to the requirements of section 4-28l and all brand families that are listed in such certifications. The commissioner shall update the directory as necessary in order to correct mistakes and to add or remove a tobacco product manufacturer or brand family to keep the directory current and in conformity with the requirements of sections 4-28k to 4-28r, inclusive.

(2) The commissioner shall not include or retain in such directory the name or brand families of any manufacturer that has failed to provide the required certification or whose certification the commissioner determines is not in compliance with the provisions of section 4-28l, unless such violation has been remedied to the satisfaction of the commissioner.
(3) The commissioner shall not include or retain in the directory any brand family of a nonparticipating manufacturer if the commissioner concludes: (A) All escrow payments required pursuant to the provisions of sections 4-28h to 4-28j, inclusive, for any period for any brand family, whether or not listed by such nonparticipating manufacturer, have not been fully paid into a qualified escrow fund governed by a qualified escrow agreement that has been approved by the Attorney General; (B) any outstanding final judgment, including interest thereon, for a violation of sections 4-28h to 4-28j, inclusive, has not been fully satisfied for such brand family and such manufacturer; or (C) a nonparticipating manufacturer's total nation-wide reported sales of cigarettes on which federal excise tax is paid exceeds the sum of (i) its total interstate sales, as reported under 15 USC 375 et seq., as from time to time amended, or those made by its importer, and (ii) its total intrastate sales, by more than two and one-half per cent of its total nation-wide sales during any calendar year, unless the nonparticipating manufacturer cures or satisfactorily explains the discrepancy not later than ten days after receiving notice of the discrepancy.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person:
(1) To affix a tax stamp to a package or other container of cigarettes of a tobacco product manufacturer or brand family not included in the directory; and
(2) To sell, offer, possess for sale or distribute in this state, cigarettes of a tobacco product manufacturer or brand family not included in the directory.
(c) A violation of subsection (b) of this section shall be a class A misdemeanor.
(d) Any person who violates subsection (b) of this section engages in an unfair and deceptive trade practice in violation of section 42-110b.
(e) A determination by the commissioner not to include a brand family or tobacco product manufacturer in the directory maintained pursuant to this section or to remove such brand family or manufacturer from the directory shall be subject to review in the manner prescribed by section 12-311.
(P.A. 04-218, S. 3; P.A. 10-32, S. 7; P.A. 14-155, S. 8; P.A. 17-105, S. 2.)
History: P.A. 10-32 made a technical change in Subsec. (a)(1), effective May 10, 2010; P.A. 14-155 amended Subsec. (a)(3) by adding Subpara. (C) re exclusion from directory for discrepancies in reported sales, effective January 1, 2015; P.A. 17-105 amended Subsec. (a)(3)(C) by replacing “nation-wide reports” with “total interstate sales, as reported” in clause (i) and replacing provision re intrastate sales reports under 15 USC 357 with “its total intrastate sales”, replacing “five per cent” with “two and one-half per cent” and deleting “or one million cigarettes, whichever is less,” in clause (ii).

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 4 - Management of State Agencies

Chapter 47 - State Property and Funds

Section 4-24a and 4-24b. - Capitol Center Commission. Director and staff; contracts; federal aid.

Section 4-28. - Federal funds; Governor's responsibilities. Copy of applications and notice of awards to be submitted to committee having cognizance of appropriations and budgets of state agencies. Waste treatment management planning areas.

Section 4-28a. - Advisory commission.

Section 4-28b. - Federal block grant funds. Hearing. Approval or modification of Governor's recommended allocations. Transfer of allocations. Reduction of federal reimbursements.

Section 4-28c. - Federal oil pricing and allocation settlement funds. Approval or modification of Governor's recommended allocations.

Section 4-28e. - Tobacco Settlement Fund. Disbursements.

Section 4-28f. - Tobacco and Health Trust Fund. Transfers from Tobacco Settlement Fund. Board of trustees. Disbursements.

Section 4-28g. - Receipt of funds for tobacco education, reduction or prevention of use. Department of Public Health approval.

Section 4-28h. - Regulation of certain cigarette manufacturers under tobacco settlement agreements: Definitions.

Section 4-28i. - Regulation of certain cigarette manufacturers under tobacco settlement agreements: Escrow funds.

Section 4-28j. - Cigarette manufacturers: Compliance with escrow requirements. Penalties.

Section 4-28k. - Cigarette manufacturers: Enforcement. Definitions.

Section 4-28l. - Cigarette manufacturers: Enforcement. Certification.

Section 4-28m. - Cigarette manufacturers: Directory. Violations of law. Review.

Section 4-28n. - Cigarette manufacturers: Agents for service of process. Bonds or other security.

Section 4-28o. - Cigarette manufacturers: Information submission requirements. Information disclosures by commissioner and Attorney General. Reports by manufacturer and importer.

Section 4-28p. - Cigarette manufacturers: Violations by stampers. Penalties. Seizure of contraband. Injunctions.

Section 4-28q. - Cigarette manufacturers: State to recover enforcement costs. Certification of stampers.

Section 4-28r. - Cigarette manufacturers: Severability of provisions.

Section 4-29. - Use of appropriations in conjunction with federal funds.

Section 4-29a. - Revenue sharing funds.

Section 4-29b. - Use of indirect cost recoveries.

Section 4-29c. - Certain securities-related funds.

Section 4-30. - Borrowing money for the Transportation Department.

Section 4-30a. - Transfer of surplus to Budget Reserve Fund, State Employees Retirement Fund and Teachers' Retirement Fund. Reduction of outstanding state indebtedness. Transfer of funds from Budget Reserve Fund.

Section 4-30b and 4-30c. - Use of unappropriated surplus in fiscal years ending June 30, 2010, to June 30, 2017. Use of unappropriated surplus for unreserved negative General Fund balance in fiscal years ending June 30, 2012, and June 30, 2013; use o...

Section 4-31. - Disposition of insurance funds.

Section 4-31a. - Disposition of gifts, contributions, trust income or other aid from private source or federal government.

Section 4-31b. - Annual statement re internal service fund operations.

Section 4-31c. - Grants and Restricted Accounts Fund.

Section 4-31d. - System to track federal and alternative grant funding. Liaisons. Report.

Section 4-32. - State revenue accounting.

Section 4-33. - Deposit of public money and trust funds.

Section 4-33a. - Illegal, irregular or unsafe handling of state or quasi-public agency funds. Breakdown in safekeeping of agency resources. Breach of security. Notification.

Section 4-35. - Fiscal year.

Section 4-36. - Inventory and list of state property.

Section 4-37. - Payment to persons entitled to refund of money paid to state.

Section 4-37d. - Financial management task force.

Section 4-37e. - Definitions.

Section 4-37f. - Requirements for foundations established for principal purpose of supporting or improving state agencies or for coordinated emergency recovery purposes.

Section 4-37g. - Review of foundation audit reports. Audit by Auditors of Public Accounts.

Section 4-37h. - Procedures for foundation solicitations.

Section 4-37i. - Prohibition on compensation or funds from foundation to state officer or employee without approval.

Section 4-37j. - Foundation policy for investigation of certain matters. Whistle-blower protection for foundation employees.

Section 4-37k. - Agreements between state agencies and foundations not deemed contracts for performance of governmental functions.

Section 4-37l. - State agency consideration of smart growth principles re certain grant applications.

Section 4-37r. - Coordinated emergency recovery. Definitions.

Section 4-37s. - Coordinated emergency recovery. CT CARE foundation. Governing board. Distribution committee.

Section 4-37t. - Coordinated emergency recovery. Fund. Disbursements to CT CARE.

Section 4-37u. - Coordinated emergency recovery. Victims' relief and assistance to eligible recipients.

Section 4-37v. - Limit on aggregate principal amount of energy consumption and environmental impact lease financings.