Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 700c - Health Insurance
Section 38a-591g. - External reviews and expedited external reviews.

(a)(1) A covered person or a covered person's authorized representative may file a request for an external review or an expedited external review of an adverse determination or a final adverse determination in accordance with the provisions of this section. All requests for external review or expedited external review shall be made in writing to the commissioner. The commissioner may prescribe the form and content of such requests.

(2) The health carrier that issued the adverse determination or the final adverse determination that is the subject of the external review request or the expedited external review request shall pay the independent review organization for the cost of conducting the review.
(3) An external review decision, whether such review is a standard external review or an expedited external review, shall be binding on the health carrier or a self-insured governmental plan and the covered person, except to the extent such health carrier or covered person has other remedies available under federal or state law. A covered person or a covered person's authorized representative shall not file a subsequent request for an external review or an expedited external review that involves the same adverse determination or final adverse determination for which the covered person or the covered person's authorized representative already received an external review decision or an expedited external review decision.
(4) Each health carrier shall maintain written records of external reviews as set forth in section 38a-591h.
(5) Each independent review organization shall maintain written records as set forth in subsection (e) of section 38a-591m.
(b) (1) Except as otherwise provided under subdivision (2) of this subsection or subsection (d) of this section, a covered person or a covered person's authorized representative shall not file a request for an external review or an expedited external review until the covered person or the covered person's authorized representative has exhausted the health carrier's internal grievance process.
(2) A health carrier may waive its internal grievance process and the requirement for a covered person to exhaust such process prior to filing a request for an external review or an expedited external review.
(c) (1) At the same time a health carrier sends to a covered person or a covered person's authorized representative a written notice of an adverse determination or a final adverse determination issued by the health carrier, the health carrier shall include a written disclosure to the covered person and, if applicable, the covered person's authorized representative of the covered person's right to request an external review.
(2) The written notice shall include:
(A) The following statement or a statement in substantially similar language: “We have denied your request for benefit approval for a health care service or course of treatment. You may have the right to have our decision reviewed by health care professionals who have no association with us by submitting a request for external review to the office of the Insurance Commissioner, if our decision involved making a judgment as to the medical necessity, appropriateness, health care setting, level of care or effectiveness of the health care service or treatment you requested.”;
(B) For a notice related to an adverse determination, a statement informing the covered person that:
(i) If the covered person has a medical condition for which the time period for completion of an expedited internal review of a grievance involving an adverse determination would seriously jeopardize the life or health of the covered person or would jeopardize the covered person's ability to regain maximum function, the covered person or the covered person's authorized representative may (I) file a request for an expedited external review, or (II) file a request for an expedited external review if the adverse determination involves a denial of coverage based on a determination that the recommended or requested health care service or treatment is experimental or investigational and the covered person's treating health care professional certifies in writing that such recommended or requested health care service or treatment would be significantly less effective if not promptly initiated; and
(ii) Such request for expedited external review may be filed at the same time the covered person or the covered person's authorized representative files a request for an expedited internal review of a grievance involving an adverse determination, except that the independent review organization assigned to conduct the expedited external review shall determine whether the covered person shall be required to complete the expedited internal review of the grievance prior to conducting the expedited external review;
(C) For a notice related to a final adverse determination, a statement informing the covered person that:
(i) If the covered person has a medical condition for which the time period for completion of an external review would seriously jeopardize the life or health of the covered person or would jeopardize the covered person's ability to regain maximum function, the covered person or the covered person's authorized representative may file a request for an expedited external review; or
(ii) If the final adverse determination concerns (I) an admission, availability of care, continued stay or health care service for which the covered person received emergency services but has not been discharged from a facility, the covered person or the covered person's authorized representative may file a request for an expedited external review, or (II) a denial of coverage based on a determination that the recommended or requested health care service or treatment is experimental or investigational and the covered person's treating health care professional certifies in writing that such recommended or requested health care service or treatment would be significantly less effective if not promptly initiated, the covered person or the covered person's authorized representative may file a request for an expedited external review;
(D) (i) A copy of the description of both the standard and expedited external review procedures the health carrier is required to provide, highlighting the provisions in the external review procedures that give the covered person or the covered person's authorized representative the opportunity to submit additional information and including any forms used to process an external review or an expedited external review;
(ii) As part of any forms provided under subparagraph (D)(i) of this subdivision, an authorization form or other document approved by the commissioner that complies with the requirements of 45 CFR 164.508, as amended from time to time, by which the covered person shall authorize the health carrier and the covered person's treating health care professional to release, transfer or otherwise divulge, in accordance with sections 38a-975 to 38a-999a, inclusive, the covered person's protected health information including medical records for purposes of conducting an external review or an expedited external review;
(E) A statement that the covered person or the covered person's authorized representative may request, free of charge, copies of all documents, communications, information and evidence regarding the adverse determination or the final adverse determination that were not previously provided to the covered person or the covered person's authorized representative.
(3) Upon request pursuant to subparagraph (E) of subdivision (2) of this subsection, the health carrier shall provide such copies in accordance with subsection (b) of section 38a-591n.
(d) (1) A covered person or a covered person's authorized representative may file a request for an expedited external review of an adverse determination or a final adverse determination with the commissioner, except that an expedited external review shall not be provided for a retrospective review request of an adverse determination or a final adverse determination.
(2) Such request may be filed at the time the covered person receives:
(A) An adverse determination, if:
(i) (I) The covered person has a medical condition for which the time period for completion of an expedited internal review of the adverse determination would seriously jeopardize the life or health of the covered person or would jeopardize the covered person's ability to regain maximum function; or
(II) The denial of coverage is based on a determination that the recommended or requested health care service or treatment is experimental or investigational and the covered person's treating health care professional certifies in writing that such recommended or requested health care service or treatment would be significantly less effective if not promptly initiated; and
(ii) The covered person or the covered person's authorized representative has filed a request for an expedited internal review of the adverse determination; or
(B) A final adverse determination if:
(i) The covered person has a medical condition where the time period for completion of a standard external review would seriously jeopardize the life or health of the covered person or would jeopardize the covered person's ability to regain maximum function;
(ii) The final adverse determination concerns an admission, availability of care, continued stay or health care service for which the covered person received emergency services but has not been discharged from a facility; or
(iii) The denial of coverage is based on a determination that the recommended or requested health care service or treatment is experimental or investigational and the covered person's treating health care professional certifies in writing that such recommended or requested health care service or treatment would be significantly less effective if not promptly initiated.
(3) Such covered person or covered person's authorized representative shall not be required to file a request for an external review prior to, or at the same time as, the filing of a request for an expedited external review and shall not be precluded from filing a request for an external review, within the time periods set forth in subsection (e) of this section, if the request for an expedited external review is determined to be ineligible for such review.
(e) (1) Not later than one hundred twenty calendar days after a covered person or a covered person's authorized representative receives a notice of an adverse determination or a final adverse determination, the covered person or the covered person's authorized representative may file a request for an external review or an expedited external review with the commissioner in accordance with this section.
(2) Not later than one business day after the commissioner receives a request that is complete, the commissioner shall:
(i) Send a copy of such request to the health carrier that issued the adverse determination or the final adverse determination that is the subject of the request; and
(ii) Assign an independent review organization from the list of approved independent review organizations compiled and maintained by the commissioner pursuant to section 38a-591l to conduct the review and notify the health carrier of the name of the assigned independent review organization. Such assignment shall be done on a random basis among those approved independent review organizations qualified to conduct the particular review based on the nature of the health care service that is the subject of the adverse determination or the final adverse determination and other circumstances, including conflict of interest concerns as set forth in section 38a-591m.
(3) Not later than five business days after the health carrier receives the copy of an external review request or one calendar day after the health carrier receives the copy of an expedited external review request, from the commissioner, the health carrier shall complete a preliminary review of the request to determine whether:
(A) The individual is or was a covered person under the health benefit plan at the time the health care service was requested or, in the case of an external review of a retrospective review request, was a covered person in the health benefit plan at the time the health care service was provided;
(B) The health care service that is the subject of the adverse determination or the final adverse determination is a covered service under the covered person's health benefit plan but for the health carrier's determination that the health care service is not covered because the health care service does not meet the health carrier's requirements for medical necessity, appropriateness, health care setting, level of care or effectiveness;
(C) If the health care service or treatment is experimental or investigational:
(i) Is a covered benefit under the covered person's health benefit plan but for the health carrier's determination that the service or treatment is experimental or investigational for a particular medical condition;
(ii) Is not explicitly listed as an excluded benefit under the covered person's health benefit plan;
(iii) The covered person's treating health care professional has certified that one of the following situations is applicable:
(I) Standard health care services or treatments have not been effective in improving the medical condition of the covered person;
(II) Standard health care services or treatments are not medically appropriate for the covered person; or
(III) There is no available standard health care service or treatment covered by the health carrier that is more beneficial than the recommended or requested health care service or treatment; and
(iv) The covered person's treating health care professional:
(I) Has recommended a health care service or treatment that the health care professional certifies, in writing, is likely to be more beneficial to the covered person, in the health care professional's opinion, than any available standard health care services or treatments; or
(II) Is a licensed, board certified or board eligible health care professional qualified to practice in the area of medicine appropriate to treat the covered person's condition and has certified in writing that scientifically valid studies using accepted protocols demonstrate that the health care service or treatment requested by the covered person that is the subject of the adverse determination or the final adverse determination is likely to be more beneficial to the covered person than any available standard health care services or treatments;
(D) The covered person has exhausted the health carrier's internal grievance process or the covered person or the covered person's authorized representative has filed a request for an expedited external review as provided under subsection (d) of this section; and
(E) The covered person has provided all the information and forms required to process an external review or an expedited external review, including an authorization form as set forth in subparagraph (D)(ii) of subdivision (2) of subsection (c) of this section.
(4) (A) Not later than one business day after the preliminary review of an external review request or the day the preliminary review of an expedited external review request is completed, the health carrier shall notify the commissioner, the covered person and, if applicable, the covered person's authorized representative in writing whether the request for an external review or an expedited external review is complete and eligible for such review. The commissioner may specify the form for the health carrier's notice of initial determination under this subdivision and any supporting information required to be included in the notice.
(B) If the external review or the expedited external review is accepted, the health carrier shall notify the commissioner, the covered person and, if applicable, the covered person's authorized representative in writing of the request's eligibility and acceptance for external review or expedited external review. For an external review, the health carrier shall include in such notice (i) a statement that the covered person or the covered person's authorized representative may submit, not later than five business days after the covered person or the covered person's authorized representative, as applicable, received such notice, additional information in writing to the assigned independent review organization that such organization shall consider when conducting the external review, and (ii) where and how such additional information is to be submitted. If additional information is submitted later than five business days after the covered person or the covered person's authorized representative, as applicable, received such notice, the independent review organization may, but shall not be required to, accept and consider such additional information.
(C) If the request:
(i) Is not complete, the health carrier shall notify the commissioner and the covered person and, if applicable, the covered person's authorized representative in writing and include in the notice what information or materials are needed to perfect the request; or
(ii) Is not eligible for external review or expedited external review, the health carrier shall notify the commissioner, the covered person and, if applicable, the covered person's authorized representative in writing and include in the notice the reasons for its ineligibility.
(D) The notice of initial determination shall include a statement informing the covered person and, if applicable, the covered person's authorized representative that a health carrier's initial determination that the request for an external review or an expedited external review is ineligible for review may be appealed to the commissioner.
(E) Notwithstanding a health carrier's initial determination that a request for an external review or an expedited external review is ineligible for review, the commissioner may determine, pursuant to the terms of the covered person's health benefit plan, that such request is eligible for such review and assign an independent review organization to conduct such review. Any such review shall be conducted in accordance with this section.
(f) (1) Not later than five business days for an external review or one calendar day for an expedited external review, after the health carrier accepts the external review or expedited external review, the health carrier or its designee utilization review company shall provide to the assigned independent review organization the documents and any information such health carrier or utilization review company considered in making the adverse determination or the final adverse determination.
(2) The failure of the health carrier or its designee utilization review company to provide the documents and information within the time specified in subdivision (1) of this subsection shall not delay the conducting of the review.
(3) (A) If the health carrier or its designee utilization review company fails to provide the documents and information within the time period specified in subdivision (1) of this subsection, the independent review organization may terminate the review and make a decision to reverse the adverse determination or the final adverse determination.
(B) Not later than one business day after terminating the review and making the decision to reverse the adverse determination or the final adverse determination, the independent review organization shall notify the commissioner, the health carrier, the covered person and, if applicable, the covered person's authorized representative in writing of such decision.
(g) (1) The assigned independent review organization shall review all the information and documents received pursuant to subsection (f) of this section. In reaching a decision, the independent review organization shall not be bound by any decisions or conclusions reached during the health carrier's utilization review process.
(2) Not later than one business day after receiving any information submitted by the covered person or the covered person's authorized representative pursuant to subparagraph (B) of subdivision (4) of subsection (e) of this section, the independent review organization shall forward such information to the health carrier.
(3) (A) Upon the receipt of any information forwarded pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subsection, the health carrier may reconsider its adverse determination or the final adverse determination that is the subject of the review. Such reconsideration shall not delay or terminate the review.
(B) The independent review organization shall terminate the review if the health carrier decides, upon completion of its reconsideration and notice to such organization as provided in subparagraph (C) of this subdivision, to reverse its adverse determination or its final adverse determination and provide coverage or payment for the health care service or treatment that is the subject of the adverse determination or the final adverse determination.
(C) Not later than one business day after making the decision to reverse its adverse determination or its final adverse determination, the health carrier shall notify the commissioner, the assigned independent review organization, the covered person and, if applicable, the covered person's authorized representative in writing of such decision.
(h) In addition to the documents and information received pursuant to subsection (f) of this section, the independent review organization shall consider, to the extent the documents or information are available and the independent review organization considers them appropriate, the following in reaching a decision:
(1) The covered person's medical records;
(2) The attending health care professional's recommendation;
(3) Consulting reports from appropriate health care professionals and other documents submitted by the health carrier, the covered person, the covered person's authorized representative or the covered person's treating health care professional;
(4) The terms of coverage under the covered person's health benefit plan to ensure that the independent review organization's decision is not contrary to the terms of coverage under such health benefit plan;
(5) The most appropriate practice guidelines, which shall include applicable evidence-based standards and may include any other practice guidelines developed by the federal government, national or professional medical societies, medical boards or medical associations;
(6) Any applicable clinical review criteria developed and used by the health carrier or its designee utilization review company; and
(7) The opinion or opinions of the independent review organization's clinical peer or peers who conducted the review after considering subdivisions (1) to (6), inclusive, of this subsection.
(i) (1) The independent review organization shall notify the commissioner, the health carrier, the covered person and, if applicable, the covered person's authorized representative in writing of its decision to uphold, reverse or revise the adverse determination or the final adverse determination, not later than:
(A) For external reviews, forty-five calendar days after such organization receives the assignment from the commissioner to conduct such review;
(B) For external reviews involving a determination that the recommended or requested health care service or treatment is experimental or investigational, twenty calendar days after such organization receives the assignment from the commissioner to conduct such review;
(C) For expedited external reviews, except as specified under subparagraph (D) of this subdivision, as expeditiously as the covered person's medical condition requires, but not later than forty-eight hours after such organization receives the assignment from the commissioner to conduct such review or seventy-two hours after such organization receives such assignment if any portion of such forty-eight-hour period falls on a weekend;
(D) For expedited external reviews involving a health care service or course of treatment specified under subparagraph (B) or (C) of subdivision (38) of section 38a-591a, as expeditiously as the covered person's medical condition requires, but not later than twenty-four hours after such organization receives the assignment from the commissioner to conduct such review; and
(E) For expedited external reviews involving a determination that the recommended or requested health care service or treatment is experimental or investigational, as expeditiously as the covered person's medical condition requires, but not later than five calendar days after such organization receives the assignment from the commissioner to conduct such review.
(2) Such notice shall include:
(A) A general description of the reason for the request for the review;
(B) The date the independent review organization received the assignment from the commissioner to conduct the review;
(C) The date the review was conducted;
(D) The date the organization made its decision;
(E) The principal reason or reasons for its decision, including what applicable evidence-based standards, if any, were used as a basis for its decision;
(F) The rationale for the organization's decision;
(G) Reference to the evidence or documentation, including any evidence-based standards, considered by the organization in reaching its decision; and
(H) For a review involving a determination that the recommended or requested health care service or treatment is experimental or investigational:
(i) A description of the covered person's medical condition;
(ii) A description of the indicators relevant to determining whether there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate that (I) the recommended or requested health care service or treatment is likely to be more beneficial to the covered person than any available standard health care services or treatments, and (II) the adverse risks of the recommended or requested health care service or treatment would not be substantially increased over those of available standard health care services or treatments;
(iii) A description and analysis of any medical or scientific evidence considered in reaching the opinion;
(iv) A description and analysis of any evidence-based standard; and
(v) Information on whether the clinical peer's rationale for the opinion is based on the documents and information set forth in subsection (f) of this section.
(3) Upon the receipt of a notice of the independent review organization's decision to reverse or revise an adverse determination or a final adverse determination, the health carrier shall immediately approve the coverage that was the subject of the adverse determination or the final adverse determination.
(P.A. 11-58, S. 60; P.A. 12-102, S. 4; 12-145, S. 24; P.A. 13-3, S. 76; P.A. 19-117, S. 243; P.A. 21-157, S. 5.)
History: P.A. 11-58 effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 12-102 amended Subsec. (c) to add Subdiv. (2)(E) re statement that copies of documents, communications, information and evidence not previously provided to covered person may be requested and add Subdiv. (3) re health carrier obligation to provide copies in accordance with Sec. 38a-591n(b), and made technical changes in Subsecs. (e) and (f); P.A. 12-145 made technical changes in Subsec. (e)(3), effective June 15, 2012; P.A. 13-3 amended Subsec. (i)(1) by adding new Subpara. (D) re 24-hour notification period for expedited external reviews for substance use or mental disorder treatment, redesignating existing Subpara. (D) as Subpara. (E), and making a conforming change in Subpara. (C); P.A. 19-117 amended Subsec. (i)(1)(C) by substituting “forty-eight hours” for “seventy-two hours” and adding “or seventy-two hours after such organization receives such assignment if any portion of such forty-eight-hour period falls on a weekend”, effective January 1, 2020; P.A. 21-157 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting former Subdiv. (2) re filing fees and redesignating existing provisions re provision of copy of external review or expedited external review request to health carrier as Subdiv. (2)(i) and adding Subdiv. (2)(ii) re assignment of and notice re independent review organization, adding new Subdiv. (4)(B) re notice to covered person and covered person's authorized representative re request's eligibility and acceptance for external review or expedited external review and submission and consideration of additional information and redesignating former Subdivs. (4)(B) to (4)(D) as Subdivs. (4)(C) to (4)(E), amended Subsec. (f) by deleting former Subdiv. (1) re duties of commissioner after notification of eligible request and redesignating existing Subdiv. (2) as Subdiv. (1) and amended same by substituting “accepts the external review or expedited external review” for “receives notice of the name of the assigned independent review organization from the commissioner” and redesignating existing Subdivs. (3) and (4) as Subdivs. (2) and (3) and made technical and conforming changes.

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 38a - Insurance

Chapter 700c - Health Insurance

Section 38a-469. - Definitions.

Section 38a-470. (Formerly Sec. 38-174n). - Lien on workers' compensation awards for insurers. Notice of lien.

Section 38a-471. (Formerly Sec. 38-174o). - Third party prescription programs. Notice of cancellation. Applicability of section.

Section 38a-472. (Formerly Sec. 38-174a). - Assignment of insurance proceeds to doctor, hospital or state agency. Lien for state care. Notice of lien.

Section 38a-472a. - Medical provider indemnification agreements prohibited.

Section 38a-472b. - Medical provider indemnification contracts. Professional actions and related liability.

Section 38a-472c. - Dental policies. Estimate of reimbursement. Material adjustments to fee schedules for in-network providers. Notice.

Section 38a-472d. - Public education outreach program re health insurance availability and eligibility requirements.

Section 38a-472e. - Health insurer. Requirements re offer to contract with a school-based health center.

Section 38a-472f. - Network adequacy. Health carrier duties and responsibilities. Access plan filing.

Section 38a-472g. - Restrictions applicable to prior authorization or precertification.

Section 38a-472h. - Fees charged by dentists, optometrists and ophthalmologists for noncovered benefits. Notice and posting required.

Section 38a-472i. - Payment amount of professional services component of covered colonoscopy or endoscopic services.

Section 38a-472j. - Restrictions applicable to cost-sharing for covered benefits. Regulations.

Section 38a-472k. - Disability income policies. Discretionary clauses prohibited. Regulations.

Section 38a-472l. - Participating dental provider contracts. Third-party access. Restrictions. Exceptions.

Section 38a-473. - Medicare supplement expense factors. Age, gender, previous claim or medical history rating prohibited.

Section 38a-474. - Medicare supplement policy rate increases: Procedure. Age, gender, previous claim or medical history rating prohibited.

Section 38a-475. - Precertification of long-term care policies under the Connecticut Partnership for Long-Term Care. Regulations.

Section 38a-475a. - Minimum set of affordable benefit options for long-term care policies. Regulations.

Section 38a-476. - Preexisting condition coverage.

Section 38a-476a. - Compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Guaranteed renewability. Discrimination based on health status, newborns' and mothers' health prohibited. Parity of mental health benefits. Disclosure of inf...

Section 38a-476b. - Standards re psychotropic drug availability in health plans.

Section 38a-476c. - Policies and contracts with variable network and enrollee cost-sharing. Approval. Limitations.

Section 38a-477. - Standardized claim forms. Information necessary for filing a claim. Regulations.

Section 38a-477a. - Notification by Insurance Commissioner of required benefits and policy forms.

Section 38a-477aa. - Cost-sharing and health care provider reimbursements for emergency services, urgent crisis center services and surprise bills.

Section 38a-477b. - Postclaims underwriting prohibited unless approval granted. Application for approval of rescission, cancellation or limitation. Decision. Appeals. Regulations.

Section 38a-477bb. - Cost-sharing re facility fees.

Section 38a-477c. - Disclosure of state and federal medical loss ratio with each health insurance application.

Section 38a-477cc. - Contracts for pharmacy services with health carriers or pharmacy benefits managers.

Section 38a-477d. - *(See end of section for amended version and effective date.) Information to be made available to consumers.

Section 38a-477dd. - Contracts with health carriers. Certain provisions concerning disclosures to covered persons prohibited.

Section 38a-477e. - Health carriers to maintain Internet web site and toll-free telephone number. Available information. Exception.

Section 38a-477ee. - Mental health and substance use disorder benefits. Nonquantitative treatment limitations. Reports. Public hearings. Regulations.

Section 38a-477f. - Contract provision prohibiting certain disclosures prohibited.

Section 38a-477ff. - Third-party discounts and payments for covered benefits. Credit required.

Section 38a-477g. - Contracts between health carriers and participating providers.

Section 38a-477gg. - Contracts between health carriers and pharmacy benefits managers. Credit required for third-party discounts and payments for covered prescription drug benefits.

Section 38a-477h. - Participating provider directories.

Section 38a-477hh. - Denial of coverage for otherwise covered benefits based on measurement of blood oxygen level by pulse oximeter prohibited.

Section 38a-477ii. - Pulse oximeter accuracy. Educational materials. Distribution and posting required.

Section 38a-477jj. - Prescription drug formularies and lists of covered drugs. Removal or movement to higher cost-sharing tier during plan year prohibited. Exceptions. Study and report.

Section 38a-477kk. - Proof of coverage to disclose whether coverage is fully insured or self-insured. Regulations.

Section 38a-477ll. - Coverage for health enhancement programs.

Section 38a-478. - Definitions.

Section 38a-478a. - Commissioner's report to the Governor and the General Assembly.

Section 38a-478b. - Penalty for managed care organization's failure to file data and reports. Commissioner's report to the Governor and the General Assembly on organizations that fail to file data and reports.

Section 38a-478c. - Managed care organization's report to the commissioner: Data, reports and information required.

Section 38a-478d. - Provider directory. Notification to enrollee of termination or withdrawal of enrollee's primary care provider.

Section 38a-478e. - Medical protocols. Procedure prior to change. Physician input. Notification of change.

Section 38a-478f. - Provider profile development requirements.

Section 38a-478g. - Managed care contract requirements. Plan description requirements.

Section 38a-478h. - Contract requirements and notice for removal or departure of provider. Retaliatory action prohibited.

Section 38a-478i. - Limitation on enrollee rights prohibited.

Section 38a-478j. - Coinsurance and deductible payments based on negotiated discounts.

Section 38a-478k. - Gag clauses prohibited.

Section 38a-478l. - Consumer report card required. Content. Data analysis by commissioner.

Section 38a-478m and 38a-478n. - Internal grievance procedure; notice re procedure and final resolution; penalties; fines allocated to Office of the Healthcare Advocate. Exhaustion of internal appeal mechanisms; external appeal to commissioner; appli...

Section 38a-478o. - Confidentiality and antidiscrimination procedures required.

Section 38a-478p. - Expedited utilization review. Standardized process required.

Section 38a-478q. - Use of laboratories covered by plan required.

Section 38a-478r. - Emergency rooms. Prudent layperson standard. Presenting symptoms or final diagnosis as basis for coverage. Mandatory coverage for medically necessary health care services for emergency medical conditions.

Section 38a-478s. - Nonapplicability to self-insured employee welfare benefit plans and workers' compensation plans.

Section 38a-478t. - Commissioner of Public Health to receive data.

Section 38a-478u. - Regulations.

Section 38a-478v. - Applicability of Unfair and Prohibited Insurance Practices Act. Examination by Insurance Commissioner. Regulations.

Section 38a-478w. - Managed care organization's calculation of enrollee liability for covered benefits. Credit required for third-party discounts and payments.

Section 38a-479. - Definitions. Access to fee schedules. Fee information to be confidential.

Section 38a-479a. - Physicians and managed care organizations to discuss issues relative to contracting between such parties.

Section 38a-479b. - Material changes to fee schedules. Return of payment by provider. Appeals. Filing of claim by provider under other applicable insurance coverage. Certain clauses, covenants and agreements prohibited. Exception.

Section 38a-479aa. - Preferred provider networks. Definitions. Licensing. Fees. Requirements. Exception.

Section 38a-479bb. - Requirements for managed care organizations that contract with preferred provider networks. Requirements for preferred provider networks.

Section 38a-479cc. - Duties of a preferred provider network when providing services pursuant to a contract with a managed care organization.

Section 38a-479dd. - Preferred provider network examination of outstanding amounts. Notice. Commissioner's duties.

Section 38a-479ee. - Violations. Penalties. Investigations and staffing. Grievances. Referrals from Healthcare Advocate.

Section 38a-479ff. - Adverse action or threat of adverse action against complainant prohibited. Exception. Civil actions by aggrieved persons.

Section 38a-479gg. - Regulations.

Section 38a-479aaa. - Pharmacy benefits managers. Definitions.

Section 38a-479bbb. - Registration of pharmacy benefits managers required. Application for registration. Fee. Surety bond. Exemption from registration.

Section 38a-479ccc. - Certificate of registration; when issued or refused. Suspension, revocation or refusal to issue or renew registration; grounds.

Section 38a-479ddd. - Hearing on denial of certificate. Subsequent application.

Section 38a-479eee. - Claims payment to be made by electronic funds transfer upon written request.

Section 38a-479fff. - Expiration of certificates of registration. Renewal. Fees.

Section 38a-479ggg. - Regulations.

Section 38a-479hhh. - Investigations and hearings. Powers of commissioner. Appeals.

Section 38a-479iii. - Pharmacy audits.

Section 38a-479ooo. - Definitions.

Section 38a-479ppp. - Annual report by pharmacy benefits managers. Standardized form. Confidentiality of information. Penalty. Regulations. Commissioner's report to the General Assembly.

Section 38a-479qqq. - Annual report by health carriers. Regulations.

Section 38a-479rrr. - Annual certification by health carriers.

Section 38a-479sss. - Annual report by commissioner to the General Assembly re outpatient prescription drug costs.

Section 38a-479ttt. - Annual report by commissioner to the General Assembly re prescription drug rebates.

Section 38a-479qq. - Medical discount plans: Definitions, prohibited sales practices, penalties.

Section 38a-479rr. - Medical discount plan organizations: Licensure. List of authorized marketers. Provider agreements. Minimum net worth. Suspension of authority and revocation or nonrenewal of license. Reinstatement of license. Maintenance of infor...

Section 38a-480. (Formerly Sec. 38-174). - Applicability of statutes to certain policies and contracts.

Section 38a-481. (Formerly Sec. 38-165). - Filing of policy form, application, classification of risks and rates. Approval of rates. Prescription drug rebates. Medicare supplement policies: Age, gender, previous claim or medical history rating prohib...

Section 38a-482. (Formerly Sec. 38-166). - Form of policy.

Section 38a-482a. - Individual health insurance policy to contain definition of “medically necessary” or “medical necessity”.

Section 38a-482b. - Individual health insurance policy providing limited coverage to include disclosure. Limited coverage defined.

Section 38a-482c. - Annual and lifetime limits.

Section 38a-483. (Formerly Sec. 38-167). - Standard provisions of individual health policy.

Section 38a-483a. - Exclusionary riders for individual health insurance policies. Regulations.

Section 38a-483b. - Time limits for coverage determinations. Notice requirements.

Section 38a-483c. - Coverage and notice re experimental treatments. Appeals.

Section 38a-484. (Formerly Sec. 38-168). - Policy provisions not to be less favorable than standard. Validity of policy issued in violation of law.

Section 38a-485. (Formerly Sec. 38-169). - Copy of application to be part of new policy or to be furnished with renewal. Alteration of application.

Section 38a-486. (Formerly Sec. 38-170). - Certain acts not to operate as waiver of rights.

Section 38a-487. (Formerly Sec. 38-171). - Coverage after termination date of policy.

Section 38a-488. (Formerly Sec. 38-172). - Discrimination.

Section 38a-488a. - Mandatory coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of mental or nervous conditions. Exceptions. Benefits payable re type of provider or facility. State's claim against proceeds. Direct reimbursement for certain covered services re...

Section 38a-488b. - Coverage for autism spectrum disorder therapies.

Section 38a-488c. - Mental health and substance use disorder benefits. Nonquantitative treatment limitations.

Section 38a-488d. - Coverage for substance abuse services provided pursuant to court order.

Section 38a-488e. - Coverage for mental health wellness examinations.

Section 38a-488f. - Coverage for services provided under the Collaborative Care Model.

Section 38a-488g. - Acute inpatient psychiatric coverage. Prior authorization not required.

Section 38a-489. (Formerly Sec. 38-174e). - Continuation of coverage of mentally or physically handicapped children.

Section 38a-490. (Formerly Sec. 38-174g). - Coverage for newly born children. Notification to insurer.

Section 38a-490a. - Coverage for birth-to-three program.

Section 38a-490b. - Coverage for hearing aids.

Section 38a-490c. - Coverage for craniofacial disorders.

Section 38a-490d. - Mandatory coverage for blood lead screening and risk assessment.

Section 38a-491. (Formerly Sec. 38-174h). - Coverage for services performed by dentists in certain instances.

Section 38a-491a. - Coverage for in-patient, outpatient or one-day dental services in certain instances.

Section 38a-491b. - Assignment of benefits to a dentist or oral surgeon.

Section 38a-492. (Formerly Sec. 38-174i). - Coverage for accidental ingestion or consumption of controlled drugs. Benefits prescribed.

Section 38a-492a. - Mandatory coverage for hypodermic needles and syringes.

Section 38a-492b. - Coverage for certain off-label drug prescriptions.

Section 38a-492c. - Coverage for low protein modified food products, amino acid modified preparations and specialized formulas.

Section 38a-492d. - Mandatory coverage for diabetes screening, testing and treatment.

Section 38a-492e. - Mandatory coverage for diabetes outpatient self-management training.

Section 38a-492f. - Mandatory coverage for certain prescription drugs removed from formulary.

Section 38a-492g. - Mandatory coverage for prostate cancer screening and treatment.

Section 38a-492h. - Mandatory coverage for certain Lyme disease treatments.

Section 38a-492i. - Mandatory coverage for pain management.

Section 38a-492j. - Mandatory coverage for ostomy-related supplies.

Section 38a-492k. - Mandatory coverage for colorectal cancer screening.

Section 38a-492l. - Mandatory coverage for neuropsychological testing for children diagnosed with cancer.

Section 38a-492m. - Mandatory coverage for certain renewals of prescription eye drops.

Section 38a-492n. - Mandatory coverage for certain wound-care supplies.

Section 38a-492o. - Mandatory coverage for bone marrow testing.

Section 38a-492p. - Mandatory coverage for medically monitored inpatient detoxification.

Section 38a-492q. - Mandatory coverage for essential health benefits.

Section 38a-492r. - Mandatory coverage for certain immunizations and consultation with health care provider.

Section 38a-492s. - Mandatory coverage for certain preventive care and screenings for individuals who are twenty-one years of age or younger.

Section 38a-492t. - Mandatory coverage for prosthetic devices.

Section 38a-492u. - Coverage for psychotropic drugs. Standards re availability.

Section 38a-493. (Formerly Sec. 38-174k). - Mandatory coverage for home health care. Deductibles. Exception from deductible limits for medical savings accounts, Archer MSAs and health savings accounts.

Section 38a-494. (Formerly Sec. 38-174l). - Home health care by recognized nonmedical systems.

Section 38a-495. (Formerly Sec. 38-174m). - Medicare supplement policies. Coverage of home health aide services and mammography. Prescription drug riders.

Section 38a-495a. - Medicare supplement policies and certificates. Minimum required policy benefits and standards. Regulations.

Section 38a-495b. - Medicare supplement policies and certificates. Definitions.

Section 38a-495c. - Medicare supplement premium rates charged on a community rate basis. Age, gender, previous claim or medical history rating prohibited. Preexisting conditions. Coverage for the disabled and qualified Medicare beneficiaries. Excepti...

Section 38a-495d. - Refund of prepaid premium for Medicare supplement policies.

Section 38a-496. (Formerly Sec. 38-174q). - Coverage for occupational therapy.

Section 38a-497. (Formerly Sec. 38-174r). - Termination of coverage of child, stepchild, or other dependent child in individual policies. Dental or vision coverage.

Section 38a-497a. - Group coverage and benefits of a noncustodial parent. National Medical Support Notice. Notification of new employer by IV-D agency. Notification to parent. Enrollment of child.

Section 38a-498. (Formerly Sec. 38-174t). - Mandatory coverage for medically necessary ambulance services. Direct payment to ambulance provider.

Section 38a-498a. - Prior authorization prohibited for certain 9-1-1 emergency calls.

Section 38a-498b. - Mandatory coverage for mobile field hospital.

Section 38a-498c. - Denial of coverage prohibited for health care services rendered to persons with an elevated blood alcohol content.

Section 38a-499. (Formerly Sec. 38-174v). - Coverage for services of physician assistants and certain nurses.

Section 38a-499a. - *(See end of section for amended version and effective date.) Coverage for telehealth services.

Section 38a-500. (Formerly Sec. 38-174w). - Mandatory coverage for partners, sole proprietors and corporate officers for work-related injuries. Subrogation rights.

Section 38a-501. (Formerly Sec. 38-174x). - Individual long-term care policies. Insurers authorized. Disclosures. Premium rate increases of twenty per cent or more. Disclosure of premium rate increase and minimum set of affordable benefit options.

Section 38a-501a. - Individual short-term care policies. Approval of rates and forms. Disclosures. Regulations.

Section 38a-502. (Formerly Sec. 38-174ff). - Mandatory coverage for services provided by the Healthcare Center maintained by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Section 38a-503. (Formerly Sec. 38-174gg). - Mandatory coverage for mammography, breast ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. Breast density information included in mammography report.

Section 38a-503a. - Mandatory coverage for breast cancer survivors.

Section 38a-503b. - Carriers to permit direct access to obstetrician-gynecologist.

Section 38a-503c. - Mandatory coverage for maternity care. Interhospital transfer of newborn infant and mother.

Section 38a-503d. - Mandatory coverage for mastectomy care. Termination of provider contract prohibited.

Section 38a-503e. - Mandatory coverage for contraceptives and sterilization.

Section 38a-503f. - Mandatory coverage for certain health benefits and services for women, infants, children and adolescents.

Section 38a-503g. - Mandatory coverage for ovarian cancer screening and monitoring.

Section 38a-504. (Formerly Sec. 38-262i). - Mandatory coverage for treatment of tumors and leukemia. Mandatory coverage for reconstructive surgery, prosthesis, chemotherapy and wigs. Orally administered anticancer medications.

Section 38a-504a. - Coverage for routine patient care costs associated with certain clinical trials.

Section 38a-504b. - Clinical trial criteria.

Section 38a-504c. - Evidence and information re eligibility for clinical trial. No coverage required for otherwise reimbursable costs.

Section 38a-504d. - Clinical trials: Routine patient care costs.

Section 38a-504e. - Clinical trials: Billing. Payments.

Section 38a-504f. - Clinical trials: Standardized forms. Time frame for coverage determinations. Appeals. Regulations.

Section 38a-504g. - Clinical trials: Submission and certification of policy forms.

Section 38a-505. (Formerly Sec. 38-378). - Insurance Commissioner's powers concerning comprehensive health care plans. Disclosures.

Section 38a-506. (Formerly Sec. 38-173). - Penalty.

Section 38a-507. - Coverage for services performed by chiropractors.

Section 38a-508. - Coverage for adopted children.

Section 38a-509. - Mandatory coverage for infertility diagnosis and treatment. Limitations.

Section 38a-510. - Prescription drug coverage. Mail order pharmacies. Step therapy use.

Section 38a-510a. - Prescription drug coverage. Synchronized refills.

Section 38a-510b. - Prescription drug coverage. Prior authorization for naloxone hydrochloride or similar drug not required.

Section 38a-510c. - Coverage for investigational drug, biological product or device for insureds with terminal illnesses. Liability of health carrier.

Section 38a-511. - Copayments re in-network imaging services.

Section 38a-511a. - Copayments re in-network physical therapy services and in-network occupational therapy services.

Section 38a-512. - Applicability of statutes to certain major medical expense policies.

Section 38a-512a. - Continuation of coverage.

Section 38a-512b. - Termination of coverage of child, stepchild or other dependent child in group policies. Dental or vision coverage.

Section 38a-512c. - Annual and lifetime limits.

Section 38a-513. - Approval of policy forms and small employer rates. Prescription drug rebates. Medicare supplement policies. Age, gender, previous claim or medical history rating prohibited. Optional life insurance rider. Group specified disease po...

Section 38a-513a. - Time limits for coverage determinations. Notice requirements.

Section 38a-513b. - Coverage and notice re experimental treatments. Appeals.

Section 38a-513c. - Group health insurance policy to contain definition of “medically necessary” or “medical necessity”.

Section 38a-513d. - Insurers prohibited from issuing policy with limited coverage to employer as replacement for a comprehensive health insurance plan. Disclosure required in policy providing limited coverage. Limited coverage defined.

Section 38a-513e. - Premium payment by employer following employee termination. Exceptions. Right to continuation of coverage following relocation or closing of covered establishment not affected.

Section 38a-513f. - Claims information to be provided to certain employers. Restrictions. Subpoenas.

Section 38a-513g. - Employer submission of plan cost information to Comptroller.

Section 38a-514. (Formerly Sec. 38-174d). - Mandatory coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of mental or nervous conditions. Exceptions. Benefits payable re type of provider or facility. State's claims against proceeds. Direct reimbursement for ce...

Section 38a-514a. - Biologically-based mental illness. Coverage required.

Section 38a-514b. - Coverage for autism spectrum disorder.

Section 38a-514c. - Mental health and substance use disorder benefits. Nonquantitative treatment limitations.

Section 38a-514d. - Coverage for substance abuse services provided pursuant to court order.

Section 38a-514e. - Coverage for mental health wellness exams.

Section 38a-514f. - Coverage for services provided under the Collaborative Care Model.

Section 38a-514g. - Acute patient psychiatric coverage. Prior authorization not required.

Section 38a-515. - Continuation of coverage of mentally or physically handicapped children.

Section 38a-516. - Coverage for newly born children. Notification to insurer.

Section 38a-516a. - Coverage for birth-to-three program.

Section 38a-516b. - Coverage for hearing aids.

Section 38a-516c. - Coverage for craniofacial disorders.

Section 38a-516d. - Coverage for neuropsychological testing for children diagnosed with cancer.

Section 38a-517. - Coverage for services performed by dentist in certain instances.

Section 38a-517a. - Coverage for in-patient, outpatient or one-day dental services in certain instances.

Section 38a-517b. - Assignment of benefits to a dentist or oral surgeon.

Section 38a-518. - Coverage for accidental ingestion or consumption of controlled drugs. Benefits prescribed.

Section 38a-518a. - Mandatory coverage for hypodermic needles and syringes.

Section 38a-518b. - Coverage for certain off-label drug prescriptions.

Section 38a-518c. - Coverage for low protein modified food products, amino acid modified preparations and specialized formulas.

Section 38a-518d. - Mandatory coverage for diabetes screening, testing and treatment.

Section 38a-518e. - Mandatory coverage for diabetes outpatient self-management training.

Section 38a-518f. - Mandatory coverage for certain prescription drugs removed from formulary.

Section 38a-518g. - Mandatory coverage for prostate cancer screening and treatment.

Section 38a-518h. - Mandatory coverage for certain Lyme disease treatments.

Section 38a-518i. - Mandatory coverage for pain management.

Section 38a-518j. - Mandatory coverage for ostomy-related supplies.

Section 38a-518k. - Mandatory coverage for colorectal cancer screening.

Section 38a-518l. - Mandatory coverage for certain renewals of prescription eye drops.

Section 38a-518m. - Mandatory coverage for certain wound-care supplies.

Section 38a-518o. - Mandatory coverage for bone marrow testing.

Section 38a-518p. - Mandating coverage for medically monitored inpatient detoxification.

Section 38a-518q. - Mandatory coverage for essential health benefits.

Section 38a-518r. - Mandatory coverage for certain immunizations and consultation with health care provider.

Section 38a-518s. - Mandatory coverage for certain preventive care and screenings for individuals who are twenty-one years of age or younger.

Section 38a-518t. - Mandatory coverage for prosthetic devices.

Section 38a-518u. - Coverage for psychotropic drugs. Standards re availability.

Section 38a-519. (Formerly Sec. 38-174j). - Offset proviso prohibited in certain policies. Required disclosures for group long-term disability policies.

Section 38a-520. - Mandatory coverage for home health care. Deductibles. Exception from deductible limits for medical savings accounts. Archer MSAs and health savings accounts.

Section 38a-521. - Home health care by recognized nonmedical systems.

Section 38a-522. - Medicare supplement policies. Coverage of home health aide service.

Section 38a-523. (Formerly Sec. 38-174p). - Group hospital or medical insurance coverage for comprehensive rehabilitation services.

Section 38a-524. - Coverage for occupational therapy.

Section 38a-525. - Mandatory coverage for medically necessary ambulance services. Direct payment to ambulance provider.

Section 38a-525a. - Prior authorization prohibited for certain 9-1-1 emergency calls.

Section 38a-525b. - Mandatory coverage for mobile field hospital.

Section 38a-525c. - Denial of coverage prohibited for health care services rendered to persons with an elevated blood alcohol content.

Section 38a-526. - Coverage for services of physician assistants and certain nurses.

Section 38a-526a. - *(See end of section for amended version and effective date.) Coverage for telehealth services.

Section 38a-527. - Mandatory coverage for partners, sole proprietors and corporate officers for work-related injuries.

Section 38a-528. - Group long-term care policies. Insurers authorized. Disclosures. Premium rate increases of twenty per cent or more. Disclosure of premium rate increase and minimum set of affordable benefit options.

Section 38a-528a. - Group short-term care policies. Approval of rates and forms. Disclosures. Regulations.

Section 38a-529. - Mandatory coverage for services provided by the Healthcare Center maintained by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Section 38a-530. - Mandatory coverage for mammography, breast ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. Breast density information included in mammography report.

Section 38a-530a. - Mandatory coverage for breast cancer survivors.

Section 38a-530b. - Carriers to permit direct access to obstetrician-gynecologist.

Section 38a-530c. - Mandatory coverage for maternity care. Interhospital transfer of newborn infant and mother.

Section 38a-530d. - Mandatory coverage for mastectomy care. Termination of provider contract prohibited.

Section 38a-530e. - Mandatory coverage for contraceptives and sterilization.

Section 38a-530f. - Mandatory coverage for certain health benefits and services for women, infants, children and adolescents.

Section 38a-530g. - Mandatory coverage for ovarian cancer screening and monitoring.

Section 38a-531. (Formerly Sec. 38-174hh). - Mandatory coverage for employees of certain employers. Approval of policy forms.

Section 38a-532. (Formerly Sec. 38-262a). - Assignment of incidents of ownership under group life, health or accident policy.

Section 38a-533. (Formerly Sec. 38-262b). - Mandatory coverage for the treatment of medical complications of alcoholism.

Section 38a-534. - Coverage for services performed by chiropractors.

Section 38a-535. - Mandatory coverage for preventive pediatric care and blood lead screening and risk assessment.

Section 38a-535a. - Notification of individual coverage and benefits of a noncustodial parent to a custodial parent, when. Regulations.

Section 38a-536. - Mandatory coverage for infertility diagnosis and treatment. Limitations.

Section 38a-537. (Formerly Sec. 38-262c). - Notice of cancellation or discontinuation to covered employees. Fine. Notice of transfer of coverage. Failure to procure coverage.

Section 38a-538. (Formerly Sec. 38-262d). - Continuation of benefits under group employee health plans.

Section 38a-539. (Formerly Sec. 38-262f). - Group hospital or medical expense insurance policy coverage for treatment of alcoholism on an outpatient basis.

Section 38a-540. (Formerly Sec. 38-262g). - Duplication of coverage under group health insurance policies.

Section 38a-541. (Formerly Sec. 38-262h). - Group health policy to allow spouse coverage as both employee and dependent, when. Effect of collective bargaining agreements.

Section 38a-542. - Mandatory coverage for treatment of tumors and leukemia. Mandatory coverage for reconstructive surgery, prosthesis, chemotherapy and wigs. Orally administered anticancer medications.

Section 38a-542a. - Coverage for routine patient care costs associated with certain clinical trials.

Section 38a-542b. - Clinical trial criteria.

Section 38a-542c. - Evidence and information re eligibility for clinical trial. No coverage required for otherwise reimbursable costs.

Section 38a-542d. - Clinical trials: Routine patient care costs.

Section 38a-542e. - Clinical trials: Billing. Payments.

Section 38a-542f. - Clinical trials: Standardized forms. Time frame for coverage determinations. Appeals. Regulations.

Section 38a-542g. - Clinical trials: Submission and certification of policy forms.

Section 38a-543. (Formerly Sec. 38-262j). - Reduction of payments on basis of Medicare eligibility.

Section 38a-544. - Prescription drug coverage. Mail order pharmacies. Step therapy use.

Section 38a-544a. - Prescription drug coverage. Synchronized refills.

Section 38a-544b. - Prescription drug coverage. Prior authorization for naloxone hydrochloride or similar drug not required.

Section 38a-545. (Formerly Sec. 38-262k). - Group dental health insurance plans. Alternative coverage option.

Section 38a-546. (Formerly Sec. 38-379). - Discontinuation and replacement of group health insurance policy. Regulations.

Section 38a-547. - Termination of policy or contract due to insurer ceasing to offer health insurance in this state; maternity benefits to continue for six weeks following termination of the pregnancy, when.

Section 38a-548. - Penalty.

Section 38a-549. - Coverage for adopted children.

Section 38a-550. - Copayments re in-network imaging services.

Section 38a-550a. - Copayments re in-network physical therapy services and in-network occupational therapy services.

Section 38a-551. (Formerly Sec. 38-371). - Definitions.

Section 38a-552. (Formerly Sec. 38-372). - Provision of service to certain low-income individuals.

Section 38a-553 to 38a-555. (Formerly Secs. 38-373 to 38-375). - Minimum standard benefits of comprehensive health care plans; optional and excludable benefits; preexisting conditions; use of managed care plans. Additional requirements and eligibilit...

Section 38a-556. (Formerly Sec. 38-376). - Health Reinsurance Association. Board of directors. Powers and authority. Rates. Net loss assessment. Immunity from liability.

Section 38a-556a. - Connecticut Clearinghouse.

Section 38a-557. (Formerly Sec. 38-377). - Hospital service corporations and medical service corporations. Residual market mechanism. Insurance Commissioner's powers concerning such mechanisms.

Section 38a-558. (Formerly Sec. 38-380). - Office of Health Care Access.

Section 38a-559. (Formerly Sec. 38-381). - Commissioner of Social Services. Contract authority concerning Medicaid programs.

Section 38a-560. - Small employer grouping for health insurance coverage.

Section 38a-564. - Definitions.

Section 38a-565. - Special health care plans.

Section 38a-566. - Health insurance plans or insurance arrangements covering employees of a small employer. Trusts. Trade associations.

Section 38a-567. - Provisions of small employer plans and arrangements.

Section 38a-568. - Coverage under small employer health care plans and arrangements. Approval by commissioner.

Section 38a-569. - Connecticut Small Employer Health Reinsurance Pool.

Section 38a-570 to 38a-572. - Issuance of special health care plans by the Health Reinsurance Association to small employers. Issuance of individual special health care plans by the Health Reinsurance Association. Requirement to provide service to ce...

Section 38a-573. - Validity of separate provisions.

Section 38a-574. - Standard family health statement.

Section 38a-577. (Formerly Sec. 38-174ii). - Consumer dental health plans. Definitions.

Section 38a-578. (Formerly Sec. 38-174jj). - Certificate of authority. Application requirements.

Section 38a-579. (Formerly Sec. 38-174kk). - Certificate of authority. Standards for issuance and renewal.

Section 38a-580. (Formerly Sec. 38-174ll). - General surplus required.

Section 38a-581. (Formerly Sec. 38-174mm). - Evidence of coverage to be provided to enrollees. Approval by commissioner.

Section 38a-582. (Formerly Sec. 38-174nn). - Schedule of charges. Approval by commissioner. Appeal of disapproval.

Section 38a-583. (Formerly Sec. 38-174oo). - Records. Commissioner's power to examine; maintenance; preservation.

Section 38a-584. (Formerly Sec. 38-174pp). - Complaint system.

Section 38a-585. (Formerly Sec. 38-174qq). - Requirements re filing of annual reports with commissioner.

Section 38a-586. (Formerly Sec. 38-174rr). - False or misleading advertising or solicitation and deceptive evidence of coverage prohibited.

Section 38a-587. (Formerly Sec. 38-174ss). - Suspension or revocation of certificate of authority. Hearing. Appeal.

Section 38a-588. (Formerly Sec. 38-174tt). - Penalty. Insolvency.

Section 38a-589. (Formerly Sec. 38-174uu). - Confidentiality.

Section 38a-590. (Formerly Sec. 38-174vv). - Commissioner's power to adopt regulations.

Section 38a-591. - Compliance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Regulations.

Section 38a-591a. - Definitions.

Section 38a-591b. - Health carrier responsibilities re utilization review.

Section 38a-591c. - Utilization review criteria and procedures.

Section 38a-591d. - Utilization review and benefit determinations. Urgent care requests. Information provided in notice of adverse determination.

Section 38a-591e. - Internal grievance process of adverse determinations based on medical necessity. Expedited review of adverse determinations of urgent care requests.

Section 38a-591f. - Internal grievance process of adverse determinations not based on medical necessity.

Section 38a-591g. - External reviews and expedited external reviews.

Section 38a-591h. - Record-keeping requirements. Report to commissioner upon request.

Section 38a-591i. - Regulations.

Section 38a-591j. - Utilization review companies: Licensure. Fees. Investigation of grievances. Duties.

Section 38a-591k. - Violations. Notice and hearing. Penalties. Appeal.

Section 38a-591l. - Independent review organizations conducting external reviews and expedited external reviews.

Section 38a-591m. - Independent review organizations: Conflicts of interest. Liability. Record-keeping requirements. Report to commissioner upon request.

Section 38a-591n. - Documents, communications, information and evidence provided to covered person or covered person's authorized representative upon request.