Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 422 - Department of Agriculture
Section 22-6m. - Connecticut Farmers' Market/Women, Infants and Children Program: Responsibilities of vendors.

(a) A certified vendor may accept vouchers only for a transaction that takes place at a certified farmers' market and only in exchange for Connecticut-grown fresh produce and may accept vouchers as payment for Connecticut-grown fresh produce only if presented on or before the usage expiration date printed on the face of the voucher.

(b) A certified vendor shall (1) prominently display a certified vendor identification sign as outlined in the certified vendor handbook, (2) provide Connecticut-grown fresh produce to participants upon receipt of a valid and properly completed voucher, which is signed by the WIC client, (3) handle transactions with WIC participants in the same manner as transactions with all other customers, (4) not collect state or local taxes on purchases involving vouchers, (5) charge participants a price for Connecticut-grown fresh produce that is equal to or less than the current price charged to nonparticipant customers, (6) not levy a surcharge based on the use of vouchers by participants, (7) return no cash or issue credit in any form to participants during sales transactions that involve vouchers only and in the event of a single transaction in which a participant presents a combination of cash and vouchers for the purchase of Connecticut-grown fresh produce, cash or credit up to the value of the cash portion of the payment shall be given to the participant, (8) participate in training as the department deems necessary to carry out the intent of CFM/WIC, (9) cooperate with the department in the evaluation of each season by completely and accurately responding to a survey, with resubmission to the department in a specified and timely manner, (10) immediately inform the department in the event of loss, destruction, or theft of either the certified vendor endorsement stamp or certified vendor identification sign so that a replacement may be issued, and (11) comply with all procedures and rules as herein outlined and as delineated in the department-vendor agreement, the certified vendor handbook and official written notices of clarification issued by the department to the vendor.
(P.A. 94-187, S. 7, 12.)
History: P.A. 94-187 effective July 1, 1994.

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 22 - Agriculture. Domestic Animals

Chapter 422 - Department of Agriculture

Section 22-1. - Department of Agriculture.

Section 22-1a and 22-1b. - Commissioner, department and council, general terminology change.

Section 22-1c. - Terminology change.

Section 22-2. - Board of Agriculture.

Section 22-3. - Duties of commissioner. Preservation of Connecticut agricultural lands. Definitions.

Section 22-4. - Appointment of commissioner.

Section 22-4a. - Delegation of commissioner's authority.

Section 22-4b. - Designation of agents by commissioner. Designation of hearing officers by commissioner.

Section 22-4c. - Powers of commissioner. Recording and transcription of hearings. Payment of related costs or expenses.

Section 22-4d. - Cease and desist orders.

Section 22-5. - Deputy commissioner.

Section 22-6. - Powers and duties of commissioner.

Section 22-6a. - Receipt of federal funds and gifts by commissioner.

Section 22-6b. - Refunds of sums paid Department of Agriculture.

Section 22-6c. - Reimbursement of comprehensive farm nutrient management plan, farmland restoration and climate resiliency plan or farm resources management plan.

Section 22-6d. - Definitions.

Section 22-6e. - Use of vacant public land for gardening, agricultural purposes or agricultural restoration purposes.

Section 22-6f. - Participation in farmers' market coupon programs. Regulations.

Section 22-6g. - Connecticut Farmers' Market/Women, Infants and Children Program: Definitions.

Section 22-6h. - Connecticut Farmers' Market/Women, Infants and Children Program: Purposes. Administration.

Section 22-6i. - Connecticut Farmers' Market/Women, Infants and Children Program: Eligibility requirements.

Section 22-6j. - Connecticut Farmers' Market/Women, Infants and Children Program: Responsibilities of participants.

Section 22-6k. - Connecticut Farmers' Market/Women, Infants and Children Program: Records. Authorization of markets.

Section 22-6l. - Connecticut Farmers' Market/Women, Infants and Children Program: Vendor certification.

Section 22-6m. - Connecticut Farmers' Market/Women, Infants and Children Program: Responsibilities of vendors.

Section 22-6n. - Connecticut Farmers' Market/Women, Infants and Children Program: Penalties for violations.

Section 22-6o. - Connecticut Farmers' Market/Women, Infants and Children Program: Citation of noncompliance of vendor.

Section 22-6p. - Connecticut Farmers' Market/Women, Infants and Children Program: Assurances. Vouchers.

Section 22-6q. - Connecticut Farmers' Market/Senior Nutrition Program.

Section 22-6r. - Certified farmers' markets. Definitions. Sale of farm products at farmers' kiosks and food establishments. Listing of farmers' market on web site and in promotional materials.

Section 22-6s. - Operation of food establishment by a farmer at a certified farmers' market.

Section 22-6t. - Voucher value.

Section 22-7. - Administrative civil penalties.

Section 22-7p. - Bonds.

Section 22-7q. - Filing of bond in administrative appeal.

Section 22-8. - Duties of commissioner re avian ecology.

Section 22-9. - Supervision of institutional farms.

Section 22-10. - Reports of moneys expended.

Section 22-11. - Promotion of agricultural interests.

Section 22-11a. - “Integrated pest management” defined.

Section 22-11b. - Duties of The University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension Service re integrated pest management.

Section 22-11c. - Aquaculture development: Definitions.

Section 22-11d. - Aquaculture development: Lead agency.

Section 22-11e. - Interagency Aquaculture Coordinating Committee.

Section 22-11f. - Licensing of aquaculture operation. Regulations. Control of importation and cultivation of nonnative plants or animals.

Section 22-11g. - Releases from aquaculture systems.

Section 22-11h. - Permits for aquaculture operations. Exemptions from environmental protection programs. General permits.

Section 22-11i. - Licensing of aquaculture producers. Regulations.

Section 22-11j. - Planting and cultivating seaweed. License. Requirements. Renewal. Prohibition on interference with right of fishing or shellfishing. Interference with seaweed license. Penalties. Regulations.

Section 22-11k. - Ninety-day aquaculture permit application final determinations.

Section 22-12. - Appropriations for promotion of agricultural interests.

Section 22-12a. - Use of term “Connecticut State Fair”.

Section 22-12b. (Formerly Sec. 26-41). - Licensing of fur breeders. Disease control.

Section 22-13. - Employment of minors in agriculture.

Section 22-14. - Birth certificate or agricultural work permit required.

Section 22-15. - Administration. Regulations. Inspection.

Section 22-16. - Employer of more than fifteen affected.

Section 22-17. - Penalty.

Section 22-17a. - Sanitary regulations concerning agricultural workers.

Section 22-18 to 22-26. - Farmers' loans, generally.

Section 22-26a. - Equine Advisory Council. Members.

Section 22-26b. - Agreement with landowner enrolled in federal Dairy Termination Program.

Section 22-26c. - Connecticut Farm Wine Development Council.

Section 22-26d. - Purposes.

Section 22-26e. - Governor's Council for Agricultural Development and Innovation.

Section 22-26f. - State Veterinarian.

Section 22-26g. - Noise-making devices used in agriculture to repel wildlife. Permits. Operation. Municipal resolution re undue hardship. Best practical use procedure. Violation. Warning. Revocation. Appeal. Fine.

Section 22-26h. - Agricultural technology development. Advisory board. Responsibilities of commissioner.

Section 22-26i. - Maintenance, repair and improvement account.

Section 22-26j. - Farm viability matching grant program. Eligibility. Purposes.

Section 22-26k. - Farm transition grant program. Matching grants.

Section 22-26l. - Connecticut Farm Link program.