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Part 1 - Water Rights and Works - General
§ 31-35-101. Powers - Canals - Water Rights - Diversion - Ratification of Prior Rights - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1245, § 1,...
§ 31-35-102. Ditch and Canal Management - The management of any ditch or canal acquired pursuant to...
§ 31-35-103. Trustees of Waterworks - Duties - The registered electors of any city or town may elect...
§ 31-35-104. First Election of Trustees - If, at the election provided in section 31-35-111, the majority...
§ 31-35-105. Trustees - Qualifications - No person not a resident and owner of realty within...
§ 31-35-106. Regular Election of Trustees - The regular election for electing trustees under the provisions of...
§ 31-35-107. Trustees - Quorum - Existing Boards - Secretary - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1246, § 1,...
§ 31-35-108. Acts of Board - Meetings - Vacancies - Compensation and Bond - No members of the board of trustees shall have any...
§ 31-35-109. Semiannual Statement of Condition - The board of trustees shall make, twice a year, on...
§ 31-35-110. Annual Statement of Estimate - The board of trustees shall render each year, before the...
§ 31-35-111. Election - Before the people of any city or town or part...
Part 2 - Leasing Water Rights - Cities of Over 200,000
§ 31-35-201. Leasing of Water - No Rights Vested - In the event any municipal appropriator of water, having a...
Part 3 - Water Mains and Other Improvements - Cities and Towns
§ 31-35-301. Construction of Water Mains - When any city or town is the owner of a...
§ 31-35-302. Petition - Plans - Contract - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1249, § 1,...
§ 31-35-303. Necessity Declared by Ordinance - When, in the opinion of the governing body, it is...
§ 31-35-304. Streets and Alleys - Eminent Domain - In case such proposed improvements consist of the establishment, opening,...
§ 31-35-305. Sidewalks - Assessment - Hearing - Lien - In case such proposed improvement consists of the establishment, construction,...
§ 31-35-306. Other Laws Not Affected - Nothing in this part 3 shall abridge or otherwise affect...
Part 4 - Sewer and Water Systems
§ 31-35-401. Definitions - As used in this part 4, unless the context otherwise...
§ 31-35-402. Powers - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1251, § 1,...
§ 31-35-403. Authorization of Facilities and Bonds - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1253, § 1,...
§ 31-35-404. Bond Provisions - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1253, § 1,...
§ 31-35-405. Signatures on Bonds - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1255, § 1,...
§ 31-35-406. Tax Exemption - The bonds and the income therefrom are exempt from taxation,...
§ 31-35-407. Covenants in Bond Ordinance - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1256, § 1,...
§ 31-35-408. No Municipal Liability on Bonds - Revenue bonds issued under this part 4 shall not constitute...
§ 31-35-409. Remedies of Bondholders - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1257, § 1,...
§ 31-35-410. Construction of Part 4 - The powers conferred by this part 4 are in addition...
§ 31-35-411. Pledge of Other Utility Revenues - Any municipality having surplus and unpledged revenues of any municipal...
§ 31-35-412. Refunding Bonds - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1258, § 1,...
§ 31-35-413. Incontestable Recital in Bonds - Any ordinance or resolution authorizing or any trust indenture or...
§ 31-35-414. Application of Bond Proceeds - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1259, § 1,...
§ 31-35-415. Continuing Rights of Bondholders - The failure of any holder of any bond or coupon...
§ 31-35-416. Validation - All revenue bonds and any coupons appertaining thereto relating to...
§ 31-35-417. Effect of and Limitations Upon Validation - This part 4 shall operate to supply such legislative authority...
Part 5 - Municipal Water and Sewer Boards
§ 31-35-501. Creation of Board - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1261, § 1,...
§ 31-35-502. Board - Appointments - Removal - Bonds - Meetings - The municipality shall by ordinance prescribe the number of commissioners,...
§ 31-35-503. Oath - Officers - Each commissioner, before assuming the duties of his office, shall...
§ 31-35-504. Board's Administrative Powers - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1261, § 1,...
§ 31-35-505. Meetings of Board - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1262, § 1,...
§ 31-35-506. Additional Administrative Powers - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1262, § 1,...
§ 31-35-507. Budgets, Accounts, and Audits - The board, in connection with the facilities or joint system...
§ 31-35-508. Records of Board - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1263, § 1,...
§ 31-35-509. Conflicts in Interest Prohibited - No commissioner nor officer, employee, or agent of the municipality...
§ 31-35-510. Authorization of Facilities - The municipality, acting by and through the board, may acquire,...
§ 31-35-511. Implementing Powers - The board, in connection with the facilities or joint system...
§ 31-35-512. Additional Powers of Municipality - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1263, § 1,...
§ 31-35-513. Financial Powers of Municipality - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1264, § 1,...
§ 31-35-514. Other Powers of Board - The delineation of powers in this part 5 which may...
Part 6 - Sewer Connections - Compulsory
§ 31-35-601. Owner to Be Notified - In addition to the powers already had by municipalities, they...
§ 31-35-602. Resolution Adopted - The plans or specifications shall be filed in the clerk's...
§ 31-35-603. Cost of Connection Ascertained - The entire costs of all sewerage and water connections, closets,...
§ 31-35-604. Work Accepted - Assessment - Certified Copy Filed - Lien - Upon the final completion of the work, the governing body...
§ 31-35-605. Appropriation From General Fund - The governing body may make adequate appropriations from the general...
§ 31-35-606. Assessments Payable - Proviso - The assessment shall be due and payable within thirty days...
§ 31-35-607. Payment in Installments Optional - Failure to pay the whole assessment within said thirty days...
§ 31-35-608. Installment Payments - Due Date - Interest - In case of such election to pay in such installments,...
§ 31-35-609. Default in Payment - Penalty - Failure to pay any installment, whether of principal or interest,...
§ 31-35-610. Discount for Cash Payment - Payments may be made to the municipal treasurer at any...
§ 31-35-611. Payment of Assessments - Default - Sale - The county treasurer shall receive payment of all assessments on...
§ 31-35-612. Owner of Interest May Pay His Share - The owner of any divided or undivided interest in the...
§ 31-35-613. When Collections Paid to Municipality - All collections made by the county treasurer upon such assessment...
§ 31-35-614. Construction of Part 6 - Nothing in this part 6 shall be considered as amending...
§ 31-35-615. Governing Body to Fix Rates and Charges - The governing body of any municipality or incorporated sewer or...
§ 31-35-616. Revenue Kept in Separate Fund - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1267, § 1,...
§ 31-35-617. Failure to Pay Rates and Charges - Lien - In the event any user of said sewerage system neglects,...
§ 31-35-618. Prior Rates and Charges Declared Valid - Any such rates and charges for the connections with and...
§ 31-35-619. Surplus Revenue Diverted to General Fund - The municipality may by ordinance divert to the general fund...
Part 7 - Sewer Rates - Area Outside Cities or Towns
§ 31-35-701. Cities or Towns May Provide Service Outside Boundaries - Any city or town owning an established sewerage system may,...
§ 31-35-702. Governing Body Agency of State - The governing body of such city or town is declared...
§ 31-35-703. Publication of Ordinance - Notice of such rates shall be given by publication of...
§ 31-35-704. Contents of Ordinance - Such ordinance and notice shall be published in conformity to...
§ 31-35-705. Protest - Board of Adjustment - Any owner of property affected by the terms of said...
§ 31-35-706. Continuing Annual Charges - The rates and charges so established shall be annual charges...
§ 31-35-707. Date and Place of Payment - Such ordinance shall provide, among other things, that the rates...
§ 31-35-708. Nonpayment - Penalty - Lien - In the event any person using said sewerage system neglects,...
§ 31-35-709. Voluntary Discontinuance by Owner - Nothing in this part 7 shall deny any property owner...
§ 31-35-710. Duty to Maintain System - Nothing in this part 7 shall impose upon any such...
§ 31-35-711. Rates May Be Collected by Action - Rates imposed upon property which by reason of its ownership,...
§ 31-35-712. Owner to Obtain Permit - Penalty - [ Editor's note: This version of this section is effective...