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§ 31-35-601. Owner to Be Notified - In addition to the powers already had by municipalities, they...
§ 31-35-602. Resolution Adopted - The plans or specifications shall be filed in the clerk's...
§ 31-35-603. Cost of Connection Ascertained - The entire costs of all sewerage and water connections, closets,...
§ 31-35-604. Work Accepted - Assessment - Certified Copy Filed - Lien - Upon the final completion of the work, the governing body...
§ 31-35-605. Appropriation From General Fund - The governing body may make adequate appropriations from the general...
§ 31-35-606. Assessments Payable - Proviso - The assessment shall be due and payable within thirty days...
§ 31-35-607. Payment in Installments Optional - Failure to pay the whole assessment within said thirty days...
§ 31-35-608. Installment Payments - Due Date - Interest - In case of such election to pay in such installments,...
§ 31-35-609. Default in Payment - Penalty - Failure to pay any installment, whether of principal or interest,...
§ 31-35-610. Discount for Cash Payment - Payments may be made to the municipal treasurer at any...
§ 31-35-611. Payment of Assessments - Default - Sale - The county treasurer shall receive payment of all assessments on...
§ 31-35-612. Owner of Interest May Pay His Share - The owner of any divided or undivided interest in the...
§ 31-35-613. When Collections Paid to Municipality - All collections made by the county treasurer upon such assessment...
§ 31-35-614. Construction of Part 6 - Nothing in this part 6 shall be considered as amending...
§ 31-35-615. Governing Body to Fix Rates and Charges - The governing body of any municipality or incorporated sewer or...
§ 31-35-616. Revenue Kept in Separate Fund - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1267, § 1,...
§ 31-35-617. Failure to Pay Rates and Charges - Lien - In the event any user of said sewerage system neglects,...
§ 31-35-618. Prior Rates and Charges Declared Valid - Any such rates and charges for the connections with and...
§ 31-35-619. Surplus Revenue Diverted to General Fund - The municipality may by ordinance divert to the general fund...