The plans or specifications shall be filed in the clerk's or engineer's office, and a resolution shall be adopted by the governing body ordering or prescribing in general terms the contemplated sewerage connections, giving location of the premises and the name of the owner, and authorizing the clerk to advertise for bids. The advertisement for bids shall be the same as is now provided for in other cases in which municipalities receive bids. The governing body shall let the contract to the lowest responsible bidder who furnishes satisfactory security, but it has the right to reject all bids.
Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1264, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 31-35-502 as it existed prior to 1975.
Structure Colorado Code
Title 31 - Government - Municipal
Part 6 - Sewer Connections - Compulsory
§ 31-35-601. Owner to Be Notified
§ 31-35-602. Resolution Adopted
§ 31-35-603. Cost of Connection Ascertained
§ 31-35-604. Work Accepted - Assessment - Certified Copy Filed - Lien
§ 31-35-605. Appropriation From General Fund
§ 31-35-606. Assessments Payable - Proviso
§ 31-35-607. Payment in Installments Optional
§ 31-35-608. Installment Payments - Due Date - Interest
§ 31-35-609. Default in Payment - Penalty
§ 31-35-610. Discount for Cash Payment
§ 31-35-611. Payment of Assessments - Default - Sale
§ 31-35-612. Owner of Interest May Pay His Share
§ 31-35-613. When Collections Paid to Municipality
§ 31-35-614. Construction of Part 6
§ 31-35-615. Governing Body to Fix Rates and Charges
§ 31-35-616. Revenue Kept in Separate Fund
§ 31-35-617. Failure to Pay Rates and Charges - Lien