The failure of any holder of any bond or coupon issued under this part 4 to proceed as provided in section 31-35-409 or in any proceedings appertaining to the issuance of such bond or coupon shall not relieve the municipality, its governing body, or any of its officers, agents, and employees of any liability for failure to perform or carry out any duty, obligation, or other commitment.
Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1260, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 31-35-415 as it existed prior to 1975.
Structure Colorado Code
Title 31 - Government - Municipal
Part 4 - Sewer and Water Systems
§ 31-35-403. Authorization of Facilities and Bonds
§ 31-35-405. Signatures on Bonds
§ 31-35-407. Covenants in Bond Ordinance
§ 31-35-408. No Municipal Liability on Bonds
§ 31-35-409. Remedies of Bondholders
§ 31-35-410. Construction of Part 4
§ 31-35-411. Pledge of Other Utility Revenues
§ 31-35-413. Incontestable Recital in Bonds
§ 31-35-414. Application of Bond Proceeds