Colorado Code
Part 3 - Transfer of Certificated and Uncertificated Securities
§ 4-8-305. Instruction

Source: L. 96: Entire article R&RE, p. 221, § 2, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 4-8-308 as it existed prior to 1996.

Functionally, presentation of an instruction is quite similar to the presentation of an indorsed certificate for reregistration. Note that instruction is defined in terms of "communicate," see Section 8-102(a)(6). Thus, the instruction may be in the form of a writing signed by the registered owner or in any other form agreed upon by the issuer and the registered owner. Allowing nonwritten forms of instructions will permit the development and employment of means of transmitting instructions electronically.
When a person who originates an instruction leaves a blank and the blank later is completed, subsection (a) gives the issuer the same rights it would have had against the originating person had that person completed the blank. This is true regardless of whether the person completing the instruction had authority to complete it. Compare Section 8-206 and its Comment, dealing with blanks left upon issue.
Definitional Cross References:
"Appropriate person". Section 8-107
"Instruction". Section 8-102(a)(12)
"Issuer". Section 8-201