Colorado Code
Part 3 - Transfer of Certificated and Uncertificated Securities
§ 4-8-301. Delivery

(1) The issuer registers the purchaser as the registered owner, upon original issue or registration of transfer; or
(2) Another person, other than a securities intermediary, either becomes the registered owner of the uncertificated security on behalf of the purchaser or, having previously become the registered owner, acknowledges that it holds for the purchaser.

Source: L. 96: Entire article R&RE, p. 220, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2001: (a)(3) amended, p. 1443, § 33, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former §§ 4-8-311 and 4-8-313 as they existed prior to 1996.

Definitional Cross References:
"Certificated security". Section 8-102(a)(4)
"Effective". Section 8-107
"Issuer". Section 8-201
"Purchaser". Sections 1-201(33) & 8-116
"Registered form". Section 8-102(a)(13)
"Securities intermediary". Section 8-102(a)(14)
"Security certificate". Section 8-102(a)(16)
"Special indorsement". Section 8-304(a)
"Uncertificated security". Section 8-102(a)(18)