Code of Virginia
Chapter 1 - Department of Criminal Justice Services
§ 9.1-168. Eligibility for funds

A. Any city, county, or town establishing a police department shall provide the Department written notice of its intent to seek state funds in accordance with the provisions of this article. Such city, county, or town shall become eligible to receive funds at the beginning of the next fiscal year which commences not sooner than twelve months after the filing of this notice.
B. No city, county, or town shall receive any funds in accordance with the terms of this article unless it notifies the Department prior to July 1 each year that its law-enforcement personnel, whether full-time or part-time and whether permanently or temporarily employed, have complied with the minimum training standards as provided in §§ 9.1-102 and 9.1-114, unless such personnel are exempt from the minimum training standards as provided in §§ 9.1-113 and 9.1-116 or that an effort will be made to have its law-enforcement personnel comply with such minimum training standards during the ensuing fiscal year. Any city, county, or town failing to make an effort to comply with the minimum training standards may be declared ineligible for funding in the succeeding fiscal year by the Department.
C. A change in the form of government from city to tier-city shall not preclude the successor tier-city which continues to provide a police department from eligibility for funds.
D. Any county consolidated under the provisions of Chapter 35 (§ 15.2-3500 et seq.) of Title 15.2 shall be eligible to receive financial assistance for law-enforcement expenditures subject to the provisions of this article. The consolidated county shall be eligible to receive, on behalf of the formerly incorporated towns that became shires, boroughs or special service tax districts within the consolidated county, law-enforcement assistance under the provisions of this article, provided that the consolidation agreement approved pursuant to Chapter 35 (§ 15.2-3500 et seq.) of Title 15.2 provides for the additional law-enforcement governmental services previously provided by the police department of such incorporated towns.
1981, c. 485, § 14.1-84.6:1; 1982, c. 600; 1983, c. 4, § 14.1-84.6:2; 1984, cc. 695, 779; 1998, c. 872, §§ 9-183.19, 9-183.20; 2001, c. 844.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 9.1 - Commonwealth Public Safety

Chapter 1 - Department of Criminal Justice Services

§ 9.1-100. Department of Criminal Justice Services

§ 9.1-101. (For contingent expiration date, see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Definitions

§ 9.1-101. (For contingent effective date, see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Definitions

§ 9.1-101.1. Certified mail; subsequent mail or notices may be sent by regular mail

§ 9.1-102. (Effective until January 1, 2023) Powers and duties of the Board and the Department

§ 9.1-102. (Effective January 1, 2023) Powers and duties of the Board and the Department

§ 9.1-102.1. Photo-identification cards

§ 9.1-103. Direct operational responsibilities in law enforcement not authorized

§ 9.1-104. Establishment of victim and witness assistance programs; purpose; guidelines

§ 9.1-105. Intensified Drug Enforcement Jurisdictions Fund

§ 9.1-106. Regional Criminal Justice Academy Training Fund; local fee

§ 9.1-107. Powers and duties of Director

§ 9.1-108. Criminal Justice Services Board membership; terms; vacancies; members not disqualified from holding other offices; designation of chairmen; meetings; compensation

§ 9.1-108.1. Executive Committee; authority; effect of certain actions

§ 9.1-109. Administration of federal programs

§ 9.1-110. School Resource Officer Grants Program and Fund

§ 9.1-111. Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Prevention; membership; terms; quorum; compensation and expenses; duties

§ 9.1-112. Committee on Training; membership

§ 9.1-112.1. Criminal justice training academies; curriculum

§ 9.1-113. Compliance with minimum training standards by certain officers; exceptions

§ 9.1-114. Compliance with minimum training standards by officers employed after July 1, 1971, by officers appointed under § 56-353 after July 1, 1982, and by part-time officers

§ 9.1-114.1. Compliance with minimum training standards by school resource officers

§ 9.1-114.2. Compliance with minimum training standards and reporting requirements for detector canine handlers and detector canines

§ 9.1-115. Forfeiture of office for failing to meet training standards; termination of salary and benefits; extension of term

§ 9.1-116. Exemptions of certain persons from certain training requirements

§ 9.1-116.1. Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Victim Fund; purpose; guidelines

§ 9.1-116.2. Advisory Committee on Sexual and Domestic Violence; membership; terms; compensation and expenses; duties

§ 9.1-116.3. Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Program Professional Standards Committee

§ 9.1-116.4. Virginia Prevention of Sex Trafficking Fund; purpose; guidelines

§ 9.1-116.5. Sex Trafficking Response Coordinator; duties; report

§ 9.1-116.6. Virginia Gun Violence Intervention and Prevention Fund; purpose; guidelines

§ 9.1-116.7. (Expires July 1, 2023) Body-Worn Camera System Fund

§ 9.1-117. Repealed

§ 9.1-126. Application and construction of article

§ 9.1-127. Repealed

§ 9.1-128. (For contingent expiration see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Dissemination of criminal history record information; Board to adopt regulations and procedures

§ 9.1-128. (For contingent effective date, see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Dissemination of criminal history record information; Board to adopt regulations and procedures

§ 9.1-129. Participation of state and local agencies in interstate system; access to system limited

§ 9.1-130. Procedures to be adopted by agencies maintaining criminal justice information systems

§ 9.1-131. Annual audits

§ 9.1-132. Individual's right of access to and review and correction of information

§ 9.1-133. Certain information not subject to review or correction

§ 9.1-134. (For contingent expiration see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Sealing of criminal history record information

§ 9.1-134. (For contingent effective date, see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Sealing of criminal history record information

§ 9.1-135. Civil remedies for violation of this chapter or Chapter 23 of Title 19.2

§ 9.1-136. Criminal penalty for violation

§ 9.1-137. Article to control over other laws; exceptions

§ 9.1-138. Definitions

§ 9.1-139. Licensing, certification, and registration required; qualifications; temporary licenses

§ 9.1-140. Exceptions from article; training requirements for out-of-state central station dispatchers

§ 9.1-140.01. Exemption from training requirements; central station dispatchers employed by central stations certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory

§ 9.1-140.1. Registration; waiver of examination; locksmiths

§ 9.1-141. Powers of Board relating to private security services business

§ 9.1-142. Powers of Department relating to private security services businesses

§ 9.1-143. Private Security Services Advisory Board; membership

§ 9.1-144. Insurance required

§ 9.1-145. Fingerprints required; penalty

§ 9.1-146. Limitation on powers of registered armed security officers

§ 9.1-147. Unlawful conduct generally; penalty

§ 9.1-148. Unlawful procurement of a license; penalty

§ 9.1-149. Unlicensed activity prohibited; penalty

§ 9.1-149.1. Unlawful advertisement for regulated services; notice; penalty

§ 9.1-150. Monetary penalty

§ 9.1-150.1. Definitions

§ 9.1-150.2. Powers of Criminal Justice Services Board relating to special conservators of the peace appointed pursuant to § 19.2-13

§ 9.1-150.3. Powers of Department of Criminal Justice Services relating to special conservators of the peace appointed pursuant to § 19.2-13

§ 9.1-150.4. Unlawful conduct; penalties

§ 9.1-151. Court-Appointed Special Advocate Program; appointment of advisory committee

§ 9.1-152. Local court-appointed special advocate programs; powers and duties

§ 9.1-153. Volunteer court-appointed special advocates; powers and duties; assignment; qualifications; training

§ 9.1-154. Immunity

§ 9.1-155. Notice of hearings and proceedings

§ 9.1-156. Inspection and copying of records by advocate; confidentiality of records

§ 9.1-157. Cooperation of state and local entities

§ 9.1-158. Repealed

§ 9.1-161. Crime prevention specialists; duties

§ 9.1-162. Eligibility for crime prevention specialists

§ 9.1-163. Repealed

§ 9.1-165. Definitions

§ 9.1-166. Local governments to receive state funds for law enforcement

§ 9.1-167. Calculation of adjusted crime index; use

§ 9.1-168. Eligibility for funds

§ 9.1-169. Total amount and method of distribution of funds to counties and cities

§ 9.1-170. Distribution of funds to towns

§ 9.1-171. Distribution of discretionary fund

§ 9.1-172. Periodic determination of weights and constants

§ 9.1-173. Purpose

§ 9.1-173.1. Procedures for treatment of veterans and active service members

§ 9.1-174. Establishment of a community-based probation services agency

§ 9.1-175. Board to prescribe standards; biennial plan

§ 9.1-176. Mandated services; optional services and facilities

§ 9.1-176.1. Duties and responsibilities of local community-based probation officers

§ 9.1-177. Form of oath of office for local community-based probation officers

§ 9.1-177.1. Confidentiality of records of and reports on adult persons under investigation by, or placed on probation supervision with a local community-based probation services agency

§ 9.1-178. Community criminal justice boards

§ 9.1-179. Withdrawal from services

§ 9.1-180. Responsibilities of community criminal justice boards

§ 9.1-181. Eligibility to participate

§ 9.1-182. Funding; failure to comply; prohibited use of funds

§ 9.1-183. City or county to act as administrator and fiscal agent

§ 9.1-184. Virginia Center for School and Campus Safety created; duties

§ 9.1-185. Definitions

§ 9.1-185.1. Inapplicability of this article

§ 9.1-185.2. Powers of the Criminal Justice Services Board relating to bail bondsmen

§ 9.1-185.3. Powers of Department of Criminal Justice Services relating to bail bondsmen

§ 9.1-185.4. Limitations on licensure

§ 9.1-185.5. Bail bondsman licensure requirements

§ 9.1-185.6. Licenses; renewal

§ 9.1-185.7. Licensure of nonresidents

§ 9.1-185.8. Professional conduct standards; grounds for disciplinary actions

§ 9.1-185.9. Solicitation of business; standards; restrictions and requirements

§ 9.1-185.10. Collateral received in the course of business; standards and requirements

§ 9.1-185.11. Firearms, training and usage; standards and requirements

§ 9.1-185.12. Uniforms and identification; standards and restrictions

§ 9.1-185.13. Documentation and recordkeeping standards and requirements

§ 9.1-185.14. Reporting standards and requirements

§ 9.1-185.15. Recovery of bailees; methods of capture; standards and requirements; limitations

§ 9.1-185.16. Department submission to the State Corporation Commission

§ 9.1-185.17. Department submissions to local and regional correctional facilities

§ 9.1-185.18. Penalties

§ 9.1-186. Definitions

§ 9.1-186.1. Inapplicability of article

§ 9.1-186.2. Powers of Department and Board relating to bail enforcement agents

§ 9.1-186.3. Powers of Department relating to bail enforcement agents

§ 9.1-186.4. Limitations on licensure

§ 9.1-186.5. Bail enforcement agent license; criminal history records check

§ 9.1-186.6. Licenses; renewal

§ 9.1-186.7. Licensure of nonresidents

§ 9.1-186.8. Professional conduct standards; grounds for disciplinary actions

§ 9.1-186.9. Firearms, training and usage; standards and requirements

§ 9.1-186.10. Uniforms and identification; standards and restrictions

§ 9.1-186.11. Reporting standards and requirements

§ 9.1-186.12. Recovery of bailees; methods of capture; standards and requirements; limitations

§ 9.1-186.13. Penalties, criminal and monetary

§ 9.1-186.14. Expired

§ 9.1-187. Establishment of crisis intervention team programs

§ 9.1-188. Crisis intervention training program

§ 9.1-189. Crisis intervention team protocol

§ 9.1-190. Crisis intervention team program assessment

§ 9.1-191. Virginia sexual assault forensic examiner coordination program

§ 9.1-192. Community Policing Reporting Database; annual report

§ 9.1-193. Mental health awareness response and community understanding services (Marcus) alert system; law-enforcement protocols